The V Programming Language

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## Key Features of V - Simplicity: the language can be learned in less than an hour - Fast compilation: ≈100k — 1.2 million loc/s - Easy to develop: V compiles itself in less than a second - Performance: within 3% of C - Safety: no null, no globals, no undefined behavior, immutability by default - C to V translation - Hot code reloading - [Cross-platform UI library]( - Built-in graphics library - Easy cross compilation - REPL - Built-in ORM - C and JavaScript backends A stable 0.2 release is planned for May 2020. Right now V is in an alpha stage. ## Installing V from source ### Linux, macOS, Windows, *BSD, Solaris, WSL, Android, Raspbian ```bash git clone cd v make ``` That's it! Now you have a V executable at `[path to V repo]/v`. `[path to V repo]` can be anywhere. (On Windows `make` means running `make.bat`, so make sure you use `cmd.exe`.) After the above, you can try doing: `./v run examples/hello_world.v` on Unix, or `.\v.exe run examples\hello_world.v` on Windows. V is being constantly updated. To update V, simply run: ``` v up ``` ### C compiler You'll need Clang or GCC or Visual Studio. If you are doing development, you most likely already have one of those installed. Otherwise, follow these instructions: - [Installing a C compiler on Linux and macOS]( - [Installing a C compiler on Windows]( ### Symlinking NB: it is *highly recommended*, that you put V on your PATH. That saves you the effort to type in the full path to your v executable everytime. V provides a convenience `v symlink` command to do that more easily. On Unix systems, it creates a `/usr/local/bin/v` symlink to your executable. To do that, run: ```bash sudo ./v symlink ``` On Windows, start a new shell with administrative privileges, for example by , then type cmd.exe, right click on its menu entry, and choose `Run as administrator`. In the new administrative shell, cd to the path, where you have compiled v.exe, then type: ```bat .\v.exe symlink ``` That will make v available everywhere, by adding it to your PATH. Please restart your shell/editor after that, so that it can pick the new PATH variable. NB: there is no need to run `v symlink` more than once - v will continue to be available, even after `v up`, restarts and so on. You only need to run it again, if you decide to move the V repo folder somewhere else. ### Docker
Expand Docker instructions ```bash git clone cd v docker build -t vlang . docker run --rm -it vlang:latest v ``` ### Docker with Alpine/musl: ```bash git clone cd v docker build -t vlang --file=Dockerfile.alpine . docker run --rm -it vlang:latest /usr/local/v/v ```
### Testing and running the examples Make sure V can compile itself: ``` v -o v2 cmd/v ``` ```bash $ v V 0.1.x Use Ctrl-C or `exit` to exit >>> println('hello world') hello world >>> ``` ```bash cd examples v hello_world.v && ./hello_world # or simply v run hello_world.v # this builds the program and runs it right away v word_counter.v && ./word_counter cinderella.txt v run news_fetcher.v v run tetris/tetris.v ``` In order to build Tetris and anything else using the graphics module, you will need to install glfw and freetype libraries. If you plan to use the http package, you also need to install OpenSSL on non-Windows systems. ``` macOS: brew install glfw freetype openssl Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev libfreetype6-dev libssl-dev Arch/Manjaro: sudo pacman -S glfw-x11 freetype2 Fedora: sudo dnf install glfw glfw-devel freetype-devel Windows: v setup-freetype ``` glfw dependency will be removed soon. ## V UI ## Troubleshooting Please see the [Troubleshooting]( section on our [wiki page]( [WorkflowBadge]: [DiscordBadge]: [PatreonBadge]: [SponsorBadge]: [TwitterBadge]: [WorkflowUrl]: [DiscordUrl]: [PatreonUrl]: [SponsorUrl]: [TwitterUrl]: