// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import time

const voptions = ' -usecache -skip-unused -show-timings -stats '

const exe = os.executable()

const fast_dir = os.dir(exe)

const vdir = @VEXEROOT

fn main() {
	os.chdir(fast_dir) ?
	if !os.exists('$vdir/v') && !os.is_dir('$vdir/vlib') {
		println('fast.html generator needs to be located in `v/cmd/tools/fast`')
	println('fast.html generator\n')
	if !os.args.contains('-noupdate') {
		println('Fetching updates...')
		ret := os.system('$vdir/v up')
		if ret != 0 {
			println('failed to update V')

	// fetch the last commit's hash
	commit := exec('git rev-parse HEAD')[..8]
	if !os.exists('table.html') {
		os.create('table.html') ?
	mut table := os.read_file('table.html') ?
	if os.exists('website/index.html') {
		uploaded_index := os.read_file('website/index.html') ?
		if uploaded_index.contains('>$commit<') {
			println('nothing to benchmark')
	message := exec('git log --pretty=format:"%s" -n1 $commit')
	println('\nBenchmarking commit $commit "$message"')

	// build an optimized V
	println('  Building vprod...')
	os.chdir(vdir) ?
	if os.args.contains('-noprod') {
		exec('./v -o vprod cmd/v') // for faster debugging
	} else {
		exec('./v -o vprod -prod -prealloc cmd/v')

	// cache vlib modules
	exec('$vdir/v wipe-cache')
	exec('$vdir/v -o v2 -prod cmd/v')

	// measure
	diff1 := measure('$vdir/vprod $voptions -o v.c cmd/v', 'v.c')
	mut tcc_path := 'tcc'
	$if freebsd {
		tcc_path = '/usr/local/bin/tcc'
		if vdir.contains('/tmp/cirrus-ci-build') {
			tcc_path = 'clang'
	if os.args.contains('-clang') {
		tcc_path = 'clang'

	diff2 := measure('$vdir/vprod $voptions -cc $tcc_path -o v2 cmd/v', 'v2')
	diff3 := 0 // measure('$vdir/vprod -native $vdir/cmd/tools/1mil.v', 'native 1mil')
	diff4 := measure('$vdir/vprod -usecache $voptions -cc clang examples/hello_world.v',
	vc_size := os.file_size('v.c') / 1000
	scan, parse, check, cgen, vlines := measure_steps(vdir)

	commit_date := exec('git log -n1 --pretty="format:%at" $commit')
	date := time.unix(commit_date.int())

	os.chdir(fast_dir) ?
	mut out := os.create('table.html') ?

	// place the new row on top
	html_message := message.replace_each(['<', '&lt;', '>', '&gt;'])
	table =
		'	<tr>
		<td><a target=_blank href="https://github.com/vlang/v/commit/$commit">$commit</a></td>
		<td>$vc_size KB</td>
		<td>${int(f64(vlines) / f64(diff1) * 1000.0)}</td>
	</tr>\n' +
	out.writeln(table) ?

	// regenerate index.html
	header := os.read_file('header.html') ?
	footer := os.read_file('footer.html') ?
	mut res := os.create('index.html') ?
	res.writeln(header) ?
	res.writeln(table) ?
	res.writeln(footer) ?

	// upload the result to github pages
	if os.args.contains('-upload') {
		os.chdir('website') ?
		os.execute_or_exit('git checkout gh-pages')
		os.cp('../index.html', 'index.html') ?
		os.rm('../index.html') ?
		os.system('git commit -am "update benchmark"')
		os.system('git push origin gh-pages')

fn exec(s string) string {
	e := os.execute_or_exit(s)
	return e.output.trim_right('\r\n')

// measure returns milliseconds
fn measure(cmd string, description string) int {
	println('  Measuring $description')
	println('  Warming up...')
	for _ in 0 .. 3 {
	println('  Building...')
	mut runs := []int{}
	for r in 0 .. 5 {
		println('  Sample ${r + 1}/5')
		sw := time.new_stopwatch()
		runs << int(sw.elapsed().milliseconds())
	// discard lowest and highest time
	runs = runs[1..4]
	mut sum := 0
	for run in runs {
		sum += run
	return int(sum / 3)

fn measure_steps(vdir string) (int, int, int, int, int) {
	resp := os.execute_or_exit('$vdir/vprod $voptions -o v.c cmd/v')

	mut scan, mut parse, mut check, mut cgen, mut vlines := 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
	lines := resp.output.split_into_lines()
	if lines.len == 3 {
		parse = lines[0].before('.').int()
		check = lines[1].before('.').int()
		cgen = lines[2].before('.').int()
	} else {
		ms_lines := lines.map(it.split('  ms '))
		for line in ms_lines {
			if line.len == 2 {
				if line[1] == 'SCAN' {
					scan = line[0].int()
				if line[1] == 'PARSE' {
					parse = line[0].int()
				if line[1] == 'CHECK' {
					check = line[0].int()
				if line[1] == 'C GEN' {
					cgen = line[0].int()
			} else {
				// fetch number of V lines
				if line[0].contains('V') && line[0].contains('source') && line[0].contains('size') {
					start := line[0].index(':') or { 0 }
					end := line[0].index('lines,') or { 0 }
					s := line[0][start + 1..end]
					vlines = s.trim_space().int()
	return scan, parse, check, cgen, vlines