// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. [has_globals] module util import os import strings import term import v.token import v.mathutil as mu // The filepath:line:col: format is the default C compiler error output format. // It allows editors and IDE's like emacs to quickly find the errors in the // output and jump to their source with a keyboard shortcut. // Note: using only the filename may lead to inability of IDE/editors // to find the source file, when the IDE has a different working folder than // v itself. // error_context_before - how many lines of source context to print before the pointer line // error_context_after - ^^^ same, but after const ( error_context_before = 2 error_context_after = 2 ) // emanager.support_color - should the error and other messages // have ANSI terminal escape color codes in them. // By default, v tries to autodetect, if the terminal supports colors. // Use -color and -nocolor options to override the detection decision. pub const ( emanager = new_error_manager() ) pub struct EManager { mut: support_color bool } pub fn new_error_manager() &EManager { return &EManager{ support_color: term.can_show_color_on_stderr() && term.can_show_color_on_stdout() } } pub fn (e &EManager) set_support_color(b bool) { unsafe { mut me := e me.support_color = b } } pub fn bold(msg string) string { if !util.emanager.support_color { return msg } return term.bold(msg) } fn color(kind string, msg string) string { if !util.emanager.support_color { return msg } if kind.contains('error') { return term.red(msg) } if kind.contains('notice') { return term.yellow(msg) } return term.magenta(msg) } const normalised_workdir = os.wd_at_startup.replace('\\', '/') + '/' // formatted_error - `kind` may be 'error' or 'warn' pub fn formatted_error(kind string, omsg string, filepath string, pos token.Pos) string { emsg := omsg.replace('main.', '') mut path := filepath verror_paths_override := os.getenv('VERROR_PATHS') if verror_paths_override == 'absolute' { path = os.real_path(path) } else { // always use `/` in the error paths, to ensure the compiler output does not vary in the tests: path = path.replace('\\', '/') if path.starts_with(util.normalised_workdir) { // Get a relative path to the compiler's workdir, when possible: path = path.replace_once(util.normalised_workdir, '') } } position := if filepath.len > 0 { '$path:${pos.line_nr + 1}:${mu.max(1, pos.col + 1)}:' } else { '' } scontext := source_file_context(kind, filepath, pos).join('\n') final_position := bold(position) final_kind := bold(color(kind, kind)) final_msg := emsg final_context := if scontext.len > 0 { '\n$scontext' } else { '' } return '$final_position $final_kind $final_msg$final_context'.trim_space() } [heap] struct LinesCache { mut: lines map[string][]string } __global lines_cache = &LinesCache{} pub fn cached_file2sourcelines(path string) []string { if res := lines_cache.lines[path] { return res } source := read_file(path) or { '' } res := set_source_for_path(path, source) return res } // set_source_for_path should be called for every file, over which you want to use util.formatted_error pub fn set_source_for_path(path string, source string) []string { lines := source.split_into_lines() lines_cache.lines[path] = lines return lines } pub fn source_file_context(kind string, filepath string, pos token.Pos) []string { mut clines := []string{} source_lines := unsafe { cached_file2sourcelines(filepath) } if source_lines.len == 0 { return clines } bline := mu.max(0, pos.line_nr - util.error_context_before) aline := mu.max(0, mu.min(source_lines.len - 1, pos.line_nr + util.error_context_after)) tab_spaces := ' ' for iline := bline; iline <= aline; iline++ { sline := source_lines[iline] start_column := mu.max(0, mu.min(pos.col, sline.len)) end_column := mu.max(0, mu.min(pos.col + mu.max(0, pos.len), sline.len)) cline := if iline == pos.line_nr { sline[..start_column] + color(kind, sline[start_column..end_column]) + sline[end_column..] } else { sline } clines << '${iline + 1:5d} | ' + cline.replace('\t', tab_spaces) // if iline == pos.line_nr { // The pointerline should have the same spaces/tabs as the offending // line, so that it prints the ^ character exactly on the *same spot* // where it is needed. That is the reason we can not just // use strings.repeat(` `, col) to form it. mut pointerline_builder := strings.new_builder(sline.len) for i := 0; i < start_column; { if sline[i].is_space() { pointerline_builder.write_u8(sline[i]) i++ } else { char_len := utf8_char_len(sline[i]) spaces := ' '.repeat(utf8_str_visible_length(sline[i..i + char_len])) pointerline_builder.write_string(spaces) i += char_len } } underline_len := utf8_str_visible_length(sline[start_column..end_column]) underline := if underline_len > 1 { '~'.repeat(underline_len) } else { '^' } pointerline_builder.write_string(bold(color(kind, underline))) clines << ' | ' + pointerline_builder.str().replace('\t', tab_spaces) } } return clines } [noreturn] pub fn verror(kind string, s string) { final_kind := bold(color(kind, kind)) eprintln('$final_kind: $s') exit(1) } pub fn vlines_escape_path(path string, ccompiler string) string { is_cc_tcc := ccompiler.contains('tcc') if is_cc_tcc { // tcc currently has a bug, causing all #line files, // to be prefixed with the *same folder as the .tmp.c file* // this ../../ escaping, is a temporary workaround for that return '../../../../../..' + cescaped_path(os.real_path(path)) } return cescaped_path(os.real_path(path)) }