// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module os

fn C.getenv(charptr) &char
// C.GetEnvironmentStringsW & C.FreeEnvironmentStringsW are defined only on windows
fn C.GetEnvironmentStringsW() &u16

fn C.FreeEnvironmentStringsW(&u16) int
// `getenv` returns the value of the environment variable named by the key.
pub fn getenv(key string) string {
	$if windows {
		s := C._wgetenv(key.to_wide())
		if s == 0 {
			return ''
		return string_from_wide(s)
	} $else {
		s := C.getenv(charptr(key.str))
		if s == voidptr(0) {
			return ''
		// NB: C.getenv *requires* that the result be copied.
		return cstring_to_vstring(byteptr(s))

// os.setenv sets the value of an environment variable with `name` to `value`.
pub fn setenv(name string, value string, overwrite bool) int {
	$if windows {
		format := '$name=$value'
		if overwrite {
			unsafe {
				return C._putenv(format.str)
		} else {
			if getenv(name).len == 0 {
				unsafe {
					return C._putenv(format.str)
		return -1
	} $else {
		unsafe {
			return C.setenv(charptr(name.str), charptr(value.str), overwrite)

// os.unsetenv clears an environment variable with `name`.
pub fn unsetenv(name string) int {
	$if windows {
		format := '${name}='
		return C._putenv(format.str)
	} $else {
		return C.unsetenv(charptr(name.str))

// See: https://linux.die.net/man/5/environ for unix platforms.
// See: https://docs.microsoft.com/bg-bg/windows/win32/api/processenv/nf-processenv-getenvironmentstrings
// os.environ returns a map of all the current environment variables
pub fn environ() map[string]string {
	mut res := map[string]string
	$if windows {
		mut estrings := C.GetEnvironmentStringsW()
		mut eline := ''
		for c := estrings; *c != 0; {
			eline = string_from_wide(c)
			eq_index := eline.index_byte(`=`)
			if eq_index > 0 {
				res[eline[0..eq_index]] = eline[eq_index + 1..]
				c = c + eline.len + 1
	} $else {
		e := &charptr(C.environ)
		for i := 0; !isnil(unsafe {e[i]}); i++ {
			eline := unsafe {cstring_to_vstring(byteptr(e[i]))}
			eq_index := eline.index_byte(`=`)
			if eq_index > 0 {
				res[eline[0..eq_index]] = eline[eq_index + 1..]
	return res