module main import markdown import net import net.urllib import os import os.cmdline import time import strings import sync import runtime import v.doc import v.scanner import v.table import v.token import v.vmod import v.pref import json import io enum HighlightTokenTyp { unone boolean builtin char comment function keyword name number operator punctuation string symbol } const ( css_js_assets = ['doc.css', 'normalize.css', 'doc.js', 'dark-mode.js'] allowed_formats = ['md', 'markdown', 'json', 'text', 'stdout', 'html', 'htm'] res_path = os.resource_abs_path('resources') favicons_path = os.join_path(res_path, 'favicons') vexe = pref.vexe_path() vroot = os.dir(vexe) html_content = ' {{ title }} | vdoc {{ head_assets }}
{{ contents }}
{{ right_content }}
{{ footer_assets }} ' tabs = ['\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'] ) enum OutputType { unset html markdown json plaintext stdout } struct DocConfig { mut: is_local bool local_filename string local_pos int pub_only bool = true show_loc bool // for plaintext serve_http bool // for html is_multi bool is_vlib bool is_verbose bool include_readme bool open_docs bool server_port int = 8046 inline_assets bool no_timestamp bool output_path string input_path string symbol_name string output_type OutputType = .unset docs []doc.Doc manifest vmod.Manifest assets map[string]string search_index []string search_data []SearchResult search_module_index []string // search results are split into a module part and the rest search_module_data []SearchModuleResult } struct SearchModuleResult { description string link string } struct SearchResult { prefix string badge string description string link string } struct ParallelDoc { d doc.Doc i int } [inline] fn slug(title string) string { return title.replace(' ', '-') } [inline] fn open_url(url string) { $if windows { os.system('start $url') } $if macos { os.system('open $url') } $if linux { os.system('xdg-open $url') } } fn (mut cfg DocConfig) serve_html() { cfg.render_static() docs := cfg.render() dkeys := docs.keys() if dkeys.len < 1 { eprintln('no documentation created, the module has no `pub` functions') exit(1) } def_name := docs.keys()[0] server_url := 'http://localhost:' + cfg.server_port.str() server := net.listen_tcp(cfg.server_port) or { panic(err) } println('Serving docs on: $server_url') if cfg.open_docs { open_url(server_url) } content_type := match cfg.output_type { .html { 'text/html' } .markdown { 'text/markdown' } .json { 'application/json' } else { 'text/plain' } } server_context := VdocHttpServerContext{ docs: docs content_type: content_type default_filename: def_name } for { mut conn := server.accept() or { server.close() or { } panic(err) } handle_http_connection(mut conn, server_context) conn.close() or { eprintln('error closing the connection: $err') } } } struct VdocHttpServerContext { docs map[string]string content_type string default_filename string } fn handle_http_connection(mut con net.TcpConn, ctx &VdocHttpServerContext) { mut reader := io.new_buffered_reader(reader: io.make_reader(con)) first_line := reader.read_line() or { send_http_response(mut con, 501, ctx.content_type, 'bad request') return } request_parts := first_line.split(' ') if request_parts.len != 3 { send_http_response(mut con, 501, ctx.content_type, 'bad request') return } urlpath := request_parts[1] filename := if urlpath == '/' { ctx.default_filename.trim_left('/') } else { urlpath.trim_left('/') } if[filename].len == 0 { send_http_response(mut con, 404, ctx.content_type, 'file not found') return } send_http_response(mut con, 200, ctx.content_type,[filename]) } fn send_http_response(mut con net.TcpConn, http_code int, content_type string, html string) { content_length := html.len.str() shttp_code := http_code.str() mut http_response := strings.new_builder(20000) http_response.write('HTTP/1.1 ') http_response.write(shttp_code) http_response.write(' OK\r\n') http_response.write('Server: VDoc\r\n') http_response.write('Content-Type: ') http_response.write(content_type) http_response.write('\r\n') http_response.write('Content-Length: ') http_response.write(content_length) http_response.write('\r\n') http_response.write('Connection: close\r\n') http_response.write('\r\n') http_response.write(html) sresponse := http_response.str() con.write_str(sresponse) or { eprintln('error sending http response: $err') } } fn get_src_link(repo_url string, file_name string, line_nr int) string { mut url := urllib.parse(repo_url) or { return '' } if url.path.len <= 1 || file_name.len == 0 { return '' } url.path = url.path.trim_right('/') + match { '' { '/blob/master/$file_name' } '' { '/-/blob/master/$file_name' } '' { '/tree/master/$file_name' } else { '' } } if url.path == '/' { return '' } url.fragment = 'L$line_nr' return url.str() } fn js_compress(str string) string { mut js := strings.new_builder(200) lines := str.split_into_lines() rules := [') {', ' = ', ', ', '{ ', ' }', ' (', '; ', ' + ', ' < ', ' - ', ' || ', ' var', ': ', ' >= ', ' && ', ' else if', ' === ', ' !== ', ' else '] clean := ['){', '=', ',', '{', '}', '(', ';', '+', '<', '-', '||', 'var', ':', '>=', '&&', 'else if', '===', '!==', 'else'] for line in lines { mut trimmed := line.trim_space() if trimmed.starts_with('//') || (trimmed.starts_with('/*') && trimmed.ends_with('*/')) { continue } for i in 0 .. rules.len - 1 { trimmed = trimmed.replace(rules[i], clean[i]) } js.write(trimmed) } js_str := js.str() return js_str } fn escape(str string) string { return str.replace_each(['"', '\\"', '\r\n', '\\n', '\n', '\\n', '\t', '\\t']) } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_json(idx int) string { dcs :=[idx] mut jw := strings.new_builder(200) jw.write('{"module_name":"$","description":"${escape(dcs.head.comment)}","contents":') jw.write(json.encode(dcs.contents.keys().map(dcs.contents[it]))) jw.write(',"generator":"vdoc","time_generated":"$dcs.time_generated.str()"}') return jw.str() } fn html_highlight(code string, tb &table.Table) string { builtin := ['bool', 'string', 'i8', 'i16', 'int', 'i64', 'i128', 'byte', 'u16', 'u32', 'u64', 'u128', 'rune', 'f32', 'f64', 'any_int', 'any_float', 'byteptr', 'voidptr', 'any'] highlight_code := fn (tok token.Token, typ HighlightTokenTyp) string { lit := if typ in [.unone, .operator, .punctuation] { tok.kind.str() } else if typ == .string { "'$tok.lit'" } else if typ == .char { '`$tok.lit`' } else { tok.lit } return if typ in [.unone, .name] { lit } else { '$lit' } } mut s := scanner.new_scanner(code, .parse_comments, &pref.Preferences{}) mut tok := s.scan() mut next_tok := s.scan() mut buf := strings.new_builder(200) mut i := 0 for i < code.len { if i == tok.pos { mut tok_typ := HighlightTokenTyp.unone match tok.kind { .name { if tok.lit in builtin || tb.known_type(tok.lit) { tok_typ = .builtin } else if next_tok.kind == .lcbr { tok_typ = .symbol } else if next_tok.kind == .lpar { tok_typ = .function } else { tok_typ = .name } } .comment { tok_typ = .comment } .chartoken { tok_typ = .char } .string { tok_typ = .string } .number { tok_typ = .number } .key_true, .key_false { tok_typ = .boolean } .lpar, .lcbr, .rpar, .rcbr, .lsbr, .rsbr, .semicolon, .colon, .comma, .dot { tok_typ = .punctuation } else { if token.is_key(tok.lit) || token.is_decl(tok.kind) { tok_typ = .keyword } else if tok.kind == .decl_assign || tok.kind.is_assign() || tok.is_unary() || tok.kind.is_relational() || tok.kind.is_infix() { tok_typ = .operator } } } buf.write(highlight_code(tok, tok_typ)) if next_tok.kind != .eof { i = tok.pos + tok.len tok = next_tok next_tok = s.scan() } else { break } } else { buf.write_b(code[i]) i++ } } return buf.str() } fn doc_node_html(dd doc.DocNode, link string, head bool, tb &table.Table) string { mut dnw := strings.new_builder(200) link_svg := '' head_tag := if head { 'h1' } else { 'h2' } md_content := markdown.to_html(dd.comment) hlighted_code := html_highlight(dd.content, tb) node_class := if dd.kind == .const_group { ' const' } else { '' } sym_name := get_sym_name(dd) node_id := get_node_id(dd) hash_link := if !head { ' #' } else { '' } dnw.writeln('${tabs[1]}
') if > 0 { if dd.kind == .const_group { dnw.write('${tabs[2]}
<$head_tag>$sym_name$hash_link') } else { dnw.write('${tabs[2]}
<$head_tag>$dd.kind $sym_name$hash_link') } if link.len != 0 { dnw.write('$link_svg') } dnw.write('
') } if !head && dd.content.len > 0 { dnw.writeln('
') } // do not mess with md_content further, its formatting is important, just output it 1:1 ! dnw.writeln('$md_content\n
') dnw_str := dnw.str() defer { } return dnw_str } fn get_sym_name(dn doc.DocNode) string { sym_name := if dn.parent_name.len > 0 && dn.parent_name != 'void' { '($dn.parent_name) $' } else { } return sym_name } fn get_node_id(dn doc.DocNode) string { tag := if dn.parent_name.len > 0 && dn.parent_name != 'void' { '${dn.parent_name}.$' } else { } return slug(tag) } fn (cfg DocConfig) readme_idx() int { for i, dc in { if != 'README' { continue } return i } return -1 } fn write_toc(dn doc.DocNode, nodes []doc.DocNode, mut toc strings.Builder) { mut toc_slug := if == 0 || dn.content.len == 0 { '' } else { slug( } if toc_slug == '' && dn.children.len > 0 { if dn.children[0].name == '' { toc_slug = slug( } else { toc_slug = slug( + '.' + dn.children[0].name) } } if != 'Constants' { toc.write('
  • $dn.kind $') toc.writeln(' ') } else { toc.write('
  • $') } toc.writeln('
  • ') } fn (cfg DocConfig) write_content(cn &doc.DocNode, dcs &doc.Doc, mut hw strings.Builder) { base_dir := os.dir(os.real_path(cfg.input_path)) file_path_name := if cfg.is_multi { cn.file_path.replace('$base_dir/', '') } else { os.file_name(cn.file_path) } src_link := get_src_link(cfg.manifest.repo_url, file_path_name, cn.pos.line) if cn.content.len != 0 || ( == 'Constants') { hw.write(doc_node_html(cn, src_link, false, dcs.table)) } for child in cn.children { child_file_path_name := child.file_path.replace('$base_dir/', '') child_src_link := get_src_link(cfg.manifest.repo_url, child_file_path_name, child.pos.line) hw.write(doc_node_html(child, child_src_link, false, dcs.table)) } } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_html(idx int) string { mut symbols_toc := strings.new_builder(200) mut modules_toc := strings.new_builder(200) mut contents := strings.new_builder(200) dcs :=[idx] dcs_contents := dcs.contents.arr() // generate toc first contents.writeln(doc_node_html(dcs.head, '', true, dcs.table)) for cn in dcs_contents { cfg.write_content(&cn, &dcs, mut contents) write_toc(cn, dcs_contents, mut symbols_toc) } // write head // write css version := if cfg.manifest.version.len != 0 { cfg.manifest.version } else { '' } header_name := if cfg.is_multi && > 1 { os.file_name(os.real_path(cfg.input_path)) } else { } // write nav1 if cfg.is_multi || > 1 { mut submod_prefix := '' for i, doc in { if i - 1 >= 0 && + '.') { continue } names :='.') submod_prefix = if names.len > 1 { names[0] } else { } mut href_name := './${}.html' if (cfg.is_vlib && == 'builtin' && !cfg.include_readme) || == 'README' { href_name = './index.html' } else if submod_prefix !in { href_name = '#' } submodules := + '.')) dropdown := if submodules.len > 0 { cfg.assets['arrow_icon'] } else { '' } active_class := if == { ' active' } else { '' } modules_toc.write('
  • ') for j, cdoc in submodules { if j == 0 { modules_toc.write('') } } modules_toc.write('
  • ') } } modules_toc_str := modules_toc.str() symbols_toc_str := symbols_toc.str() return html_content.replace('{{ title }}','{{ head_name }}', header_name).replace('{{ version }}', version).replace('{{ light_icon }}', cfg.assets['light_icon']).replace('{{ dark_icon }}', cfg.assets['dark_icon']).replace('{{ menu_icon }}', cfg.assets['menu_icon']).replace('{{ head_assets }}', if cfg.inline_assets { '\n${tabs[0]}\n${tabs[0]}\n${tabs[0]}' } else { '\n${tabs[0]}\n${tabs[0]}\n${tabs[0]}' }).replace('{{ toc_links }}', if cfg.is_multi || > 1 { modules_toc_str } else { symbols_toc_str }).replace('{{ contents }}', contents.str()).replace('{{ right_content }}', if cfg.is_multi && > 1 && != 'README' { '
    ' } else { '' }).replace('{{ footer_content }}', cfg.gen_footer_text(idx)).replace('{{ footer_assets }}', if cfg.inline_assets { '' } else { '' }) } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_plaintext(idx int) string { dcs :=[idx] mut pw := strings.new_builder(200) pw.writeln('$dcs.head.content\n') if dcs.head.comment.trim_space().len > 0 && !cfg.pub_only { pw.writeln(dcs.head.comment.split_into_lines().map(' ' + it).join('\n')) } cfg.write_plaintext_content(dcs.contents.arr(), mut pw) return pw.str() } fn (cfg DocConfig) write_plaintext_content(contents []doc.DocNode, mut pw strings.Builder) { for cn in contents { if cn.content.len > 0 { pw.writeln(cn.content) if cn.comment.len > 0 && !cfg.pub_only { pw.writeln(cn.comment.trim_space().split_into_lines().map(' ' + it).join('\n')) } if cfg.show_loc { pw.writeln('Location: $cn.file_path:$cn.pos.line\n') } } cfg.write_plaintext_content(cn.children, mut pw) } } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_markdown(idx int, with_toc bool) string { dcs :=[idx] mut hw := strings.new_builder(200) mut cw := strings.new_builder(200) hw.writeln('# $dcs.head.content\n') if dcs.head.comment.len > 0 { hw.writeln('$dcs.head.comment\n') } if with_toc { hw.writeln('## Contents') } cfg.write_markdown_content(dcs.contents.arr(), mut cw, mut hw, 0, with_toc) footer_text := cfg.gen_footer_text(idx) cw.writeln('#### $footer_text') return hw.str() + '\n' + cw.str() } fn (cfg DocConfig) write_markdown_content(contents []doc.DocNode, mut cw strings.Builder, mut hw strings.Builder, indent int, with_toc bool) { for cn in contents { if with_toc && > 0 { hw.writeln(' '.repeat(2 * indent) + '- [#$](${slug(})') cw.writeln('## $') } if cn.content.len > 0 { cw.writeln('```v\n$cn.content\n```$cn.comment\n') cw.writeln('[\[Return to contents\]](#Contents)\n') } cfg.write_markdown_content(cn.children, mut cw, mut hw, indent + 1, with_toc) } } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_footer_text(idx int) string { current_doc :=[idx] footer_text := 'Powered by vdoc.' if cfg.no_timestamp { return footer_text } generated_time := current_doc.time_generated time_str := '$ $generated_time.smonth() $generated_time.year $generated_time.hhmmss()' return '$footer_text Generated on: $time_str' } fn (cfg DocConfig) render_doc(doc doc.Doc, i int) (string, string) { name := cfg.get_file_name( output := match cfg.output_type { .html { cfg.gen_html(i) } .markdown { cfg.gen_markdown(i, true) } .json { cfg.gen_json(i) } else { cfg.gen_plaintext(i) } } return name, output } // get_file_name returns the final file name from a module name fn (cfg DocConfig) get_file_name(mod string) string { mut name := mod // since builtin is generated first, ignore it if (cfg.is_vlib && mod == 'builtin' && !cfg.include_readme) || mod == 'README' { name = 'index' } else if !cfg.is_multi && !os.is_dir(cfg.output_path) { name = os.file_name(cfg.output_path) } name = name + match cfg.output_type { .html { '.html' } .markdown { '.md' } .json { '.json' } else { '.txt' } } return name } fn (cfg DocConfig) work_processor(mut work sync.Channel, mut wg sync.WaitGroup) { for { mut pdoc := ParallelDoc{} if !work.pop(&pdoc) { break } file_name, content := cfg.render_doc(pdoc.d, pdoc.i) output_path := os.join_path(cfg.output_path, file_name) println('Generating $output_path') os.write_file(output_path, content) } wg.done() } fn (cfg DocConfig) render_parallel() { vjobs := runtime.nr_jobs() mut work := sync.new_channel( mut wg := sync.new_waitgroup() for i in 0 .. { p_doc := ParallelDoc{[i], i} work.push(&p_doc) } work.close() wg.add(vjobs) for _ in 0 .. vjobs { go cfg.work_processor(mut work, mut wg) } wg.wait() } fn (cfg DocConfig) render() map[string]string { mut docs := map[string]string{} for i, doc in { name, output := cfg.render_doc(doc, i) docs[name] = output.trim_space() } cfg.vprintln('Rendered: ' + docs.keys().str()) return docs } fn (mut cfg DocConfig) collect_search_index() { if cfg.output_type != .html { return } for doc in { mod := cfg.search_module_index << mod cfg.search_module_data << SearchModuleResult{ description: trim_doc_node_description(doc.head.comment) link: cfg.get_file_name(mod) } for _, dn in doc.contents { cfg.create_search_results(mod, dn) } } } fn (mut cfg DocConfig) create_search_results(mod string, dn doc.DocNode) { if dn.kind == .const_group { return } dn_description := trim_doc_node_description(dn.comment) cfg.search_index << cfg.search_data << SearchResult{ prefix: if dn.parent_name != '' { '$dn.kind ($dn.parent_name)' } else { '$dn.kind ' } description: dn_description badge: mod link: cfg.get_file_name(mod) + '#' + get_node_id(dn) } for child in dn.children { cfg.create_search_results(mod, child) } } fn trim_doc_node_description(description string) string { mut dn_description := description.replace_each(['\r\n', '\n', '"', '\\"']) // 80 is enough to fill one line if dn_description.len > 80 { dn_description = dn_description[..80] } if '\n' in dn_description { dn_description = dn_description.split('\n')[0] } // if \ is last character, it ends with \" which leads to a JS error if dn_description.ends_with('\\') { dn_description = dn_description.trim_right('\\') } return dn_description } fn (cfg DocConfig) render_search_index() { mut js_search_index := strings.new_builder(200) mut js_search_data := strings.new_builder(200) js_search_index.write('var searchModuleIndex = [') js_search_data.write('var searchModuleData = [') for i, title in cfg.search_module_index { data := cfg.search_module_data[i] js_search_index.write('"$title",') js_search_data.write('["$data.description","$"],') } js_search_index.writeln('];') js_search_index.write('var searchIndex = [') js_search_data.writeln('];') js_search_data.write('var searchData = [') for i, title in cfg.search_index { data := cfg.search_data[i] js_search_index.write('"$title",') // array instead of object to reduce file size js_search_data.write('["$data.badge","$data.description","$","$data.prefix"],') } js_search_index.writeln('];') js_search_data.writeln('];') out_file_path := os.join_path(cfg.output_path, 'search_index.js') os.write_file(out_file_path, js_search_index.str() + js_search_data.str()) } fn (mut cfg DocConfig) render_static() { if cfg.output_type != .html { return } cfg.assets = { 'doc_css': cfg.get_resource(css_js_assets[0], true) 'normalize_css': cfg.get_resource(css_js_assets[1], true) 'doc_js': cfg.get_resource(css_js_assets[2], !cfg.serve_http) 'dark_mode_js': cfg.get_resource(css_js_assets[3], !cfg.serve_http) 'light_icon': cfg.get_resource('light.svg', true) 'dark_icon': cfg.get_resource('dark.svg', true) 'menu_icon': cfg.get_resource('menu.svg', true) 'arrow_icon': cfg.get_resource('arrow.svg', true) } } fn (cfg DocConfig) get_readme(path string) string { mut fname := '' for name in ['readme', 'README'] { if os.exists(os.join_path(path, '${name}.md')) { fname = name break } } if fname == '' { return '' } readme_path := os.join_path(path, '${fname}.md') cfg.vprintln('Reading README file from $readme_path') readme_contents := os.read_file(readme_path) or { '' } return readme_contents } fn (cfg DocConfig) emit_generate_err(err string, errcode int) { mut err_msg := err if errcode == 1 { mod_list := get_modules_list(cfg.input_path, []string{}) println('Available modules:\n==================') for mod in mod_list { println(mod.all_after('vlib/').all_after('modules/').replace('/', '.')) } err_msg += ' Use the `-m` flag when generating docs from a directory that has multiple modules.' } eprintln(err_msg) } fn (mut cfg DocConfig) generate_docs_from_file() { if cfg.output_path.len == 0 { if cfg.output_type == .unset { cfg.output_type = .stdout } else { cfg.vprintln('No output path has detected. Using input path instead.') cfg.output_path = cfg.input_path } } else if cfg.output_type == .unset { cfg.vprintln('Output path detected. Identifying output type..') ext := os.file_ext(cfg.output_path) cfg.set_output_type_from_str(ext.all_after('.')) } if cfg.include_readme && cfg.output_type !in [.html, .stdout] { eprintln('vdoc: Including for doc generation is supported on HTML output, or when running directly in the terminal.') exit(1) } dir_path := if cfg.is_vlib { vroot } else if os.is_dir(cfg.input_path) { cfg.input_path } else { os.dir(cfg.input_path) } manifest_path := os.join_path(dir_path, 'v.mod') if os.exists(manifest_path) { cfg.vprintln('Reading v.mod info from $manifest_path') if manifest := vmod.from_file(manifest_path) { cfg.manifest = manifest } } if cfg.include_readme { readme_contents := cfg.get_readme(dir_path) if cfg.output_type == .stdout { println(markdown.to_plain(readme_contents)) } else if cfg.output_type == .html && cfg.is_multi { << doc.Doc{ head: doc.DocNode{ name: 'README' comment: readme_contents } time_generated: } } } dirs := if cfg.is_multi { get_modules_list(cfg.input_path, []string{}) } else { [cfg.input_path] } is_local_and_single := cfg.is_local && !cfg.is_multi for dirpath in dirs { mut dcs := doc.Doc{} cfg.vprintln('Generating docs for $dirpath') if is_local_and_single { dcs = doc.generate_with_pos(dirpath, cfg.local_filename, cfg.local_pos) or { cfg.emit_generate_err(err, errcode) exit(1) } } else { dcs = doc.generate(dirpath, cfg.pub_only, true) or { cfg.emit_generate_err(err, errcode) exit(1) } } if dcs.contents.len == 0 { continue } if !is_local_and_single { if cfg.is_multi || (!cfg.is_multi && cfg.include_readme) { readme_contents := cfg.get_readme(dirpath) dcs.head.comment = readme_contents } if cfg.pub_only { for name, dc in dcs.contents { dcs.contents[name].content = dc.content.all_after('pub ') for i, cc in dc.children { dcs.contents[name].children[i].content = cc.content.all_after('pub ') } } } if !cfg.is_multi && cfg.symbol_name.len > 0 { if cfg.symbol_name in dcs.contents { for _, c in dcs.contents[cfg.symbol_name].children { dcs.contents[] = c } } } } << dcs } if cfg.is_vlib { mut docs := == 'builtin') docs << != 'builtin') = docs } if cfg.serve_http { cfg.serve_html() return } cfg.vprintln('Rendering docs...') if cfg.output_path.len == 0 || cfg.output_path == 'stdout' { cfg.render_static() outputs := cfg.render() if outputs.len == 0 { println('No documentation for $dirs') } else { first := outputs.keys()[0] println(outputs[first]) } } else { if !os.is_dir(cfg.output_path) { cfg.output_path = os.real_path('.') } if !os.exists(cfg.output_path) { os.mkdir(cfg.output_path) or { panic(err) } } if cfg.is_multi { cfg.output_path = os.join_path(cfg.output_path, '_docs') if !os.exists(cfg.output_path) { os.mkdir(cfg.output_path) or { panic(err) } } else { for fname in css_js_assets { os.rm(os.join_path(cfg.output_path, fname)) } } } cfg.render_static() cfg.render_parallel() println('Creating search index...') cfg.collect_search_index() cfg.render_search_index() // move favicons to target directory println('Copying favicons...') favicons := or { panic(err) } for favicon in favicons { favicon_path := os.join_path(favicons_path, favicon) destination_path := os.join_path(cfg.output_path, favicon) os.cp(favicon_path, destination_path) } } } fn (mut cfg DocConfig) set_output_type_from_str(format string) { match format { 'htm', 'html' { cfg.output_type = .html } 'md', 'markdown' { cfg.output_type = .markdown } 'json' { cfg.output_type = .json } 'stdout' { cfg.output_type = .stdout } else { cfg.output_type = .plaintext } } cfg.vprintln('Setting output type to "$cfg.output_type"') } fn (cfg DocConfig) vprintln(str string) { if cfg.is_verbose { println('vdoc: $str') } } fn get_ignore_paths(path string) ?[]string { ignore_file_path := os.join_path(path, '.vdocignore') ignore_content := os.read_file(ignore_file_path) or { return error_with_code('ignore file not found.', 1) } mut res := []string{} if ignore_content.trim_space().len > 0 { rules := ignore_content.split_into_lines().map(it.trim_space()) mut final := []string{} for rule in rules { if rule.contains('*.') || rule.contains('**') { println('vdoc: Wildcards in ignore rules are not allowed for now.') continue } final << rule } res =, it.trim_right('/'))) } else { mut dirs := or { return []string{} } res =, it)).filter(os.is_dir(it)) } return'/', os.path_separator)) } fn is_included(path string, ignore_paths []string) bool { if path.len == 0 { return true } for ignore_path in ignore_paths { if ignore_path !in path { continue } return false } return true } fn get_modules_list(path string, ignore_paths2 []string) []string { files := or { return []string{} } mut ignore_paths := get_ignore_paths(path) or { []string{} } ignore_paths << ignore_paths2 mut dirs := []string{} for file in files { fpath := os.join_path(path, file) if os.is_dir(fpath) && is_included(fpath, ignore_paths) && !os.is_link(path) { dirs << get_modules_list(fpath, ignore_paths.filter(it.starts_with(fpath))) } else if fpath.ends_with('.v') && !fpath.ends_with('_test.v') { if path in dirs { continue } dirs << path } } dirs.sort() return dirs } fn (cfg DocConfig) get_resource(name string, minify bool) string { path := os.join_path(res_path, name) mut res := os.read_file(path) or { panic('vdoc: could not read $path') } if minify { if name.ends_with('.js') { res = js_compress(res) } else { res = res.split_into_lines().map(it.trim_space()).join('') } } // TODO: Make SVG inline for now if cfg.inline_assets || path.ends_with('.svg') { return res } else { output_path := os.join_path(cfg.output_path, name) if !os.exists(output_path) { println('Generating $output_path') os.write_file(output_path, res) } return name } } fn main() { if os.args.len < 2 || '-h' in os.args || '--help' in os.args || os.args[1..] == ['doc', 'help'] { os.system('$vexe help doc') exit(0) } args := os.args[2..].clone() mut cfg := DocConfig{ manifest: vmod.Manifest{ repo_url: '' } } for i := 0; i < args.len; i++ { arg := args[i] current_args := args[i..] match arg { '-all' { cfg.pub_only = false } '-filename' { cfg.is_local = true cfg.local_filename = cmdline.option(current_args, '-filename', '') i++ } '-f' { format := cmdline.option(current_args, '-f', '') if format !in allowed_formats { allowed_str := allowed_formats.join(', ') eprintln('vdoc: "$format" is not a valid format. Only $allowed_str are allowed.') exit(1) } cfg.set_output_type_from_str(format) i++ } '-inline-assets' { cfg.inline_assets = true } '-l' { cfg.show_loc = true } '-m' { cfg.is_multi = true } '-o' { opath := cmdline.option(current_args, '-o', '') cfg.output_path = if opath == 'stdout' { opath } else { os.real_path(opath) } i++ } '-open' { cfg.open_docs = true } '-pos' { if !cfg.is_local { eprintln('vdoc: `-pos` is only allowed with `-filename` flag.') exit(1) } cfg.local_pos = cmdline.option(current_args, '-pos', '').int() i++ } '-p' { s_port := cmdline.option(current_args, '-p', '') s_port_int := if s_port.len == 0 { eprintln('vdoc: No port number specified on "-p".') exit(1) } if s_port != s_port_int.str() { eprintln('vdoc: Invalid port number.') exit(1) } cfg.server_port = s_port_int i++ } '-s' { cfg.inline_assets = true cfg.serve_http = true if cfg.output_type == .unset { cfg.output_type = .html } } '-no-timestamp' { cfg.no_timestamp = true } '-readme' { cfg.include_readme = true } '-v' { cfg.is_verbose = true } else { if cfg.input_path.len < 1 { cfg.input_path = arg } else { cfg.symbol_name = arg } if i == args.len - 1 { break } } } } if cfg.input_path.len == 0 { eprintln('vdoc: No input path found.') exit(1) } if cfg.output_path == 'stdout' && cfg.output_type == .html { cfg.inline_assets = true } $if windows { cfg.input_path = cfg.input_path.replace('/', os.path_separator) } $else { cfg.input_path = cfg.input_path.replace('\\', os.path_separator) } is_path := cfg.input_path.ends_with('.v') || cfg.input_path.split(os.path_separator).len > 1 || cfg.input_path == '.' if cfg.input_path.trim_right('/') == 'vlib' { cfg.is_vlib = true cfg.is_multi = true cfg.input_path = os.join_path(vroot, 'vlib') } else if !is_path { cfg.vprintln('Input "$cfg.input_path" is not a valid path. Looking for modules named "$cfg.input_path"...') mod_path := doc.lookup_module(cfg.input_path) or { eprintln('vdoc: $err') exit(1) } cfg.input_path = mod_path } cfg.generate_docs_from_file() }