module main

import os
import v.util
import v.pref
import v.builder
import v.ast
import term

const (
	base_os      = 'linux'
	os_names     = ['linux', 'macos', 'windows']
	skip_modules = [

struct App {
	diff_cmd        string
	is_verbose      bool
	modules         []string
	api_differences map[string]int

fn main() {
	vexe := pref.vexe_path()
	vroot := os.dir(vexe)
	cmd := util.find_working_diff_command() or {
	mut app := App{
		diff_cmd: cmd
		is_verbose: os.getenv('VERBOSE').len > 0
		modules: if os.args.len > 1 { os.args[1..] } else { all_vlib_modules() }
	for mname in app.modules {
		if !app.is_verbose {
			eprintln('Checking module: $mname ...')
		api_base := app.gen_api_for_module_in_os(mname, base_os)
		for oname in os_names {
			if oname == base_os {
			api_os := app.gen_api_for_module_in_os(mname, oname)
			app.compare_api(api_base, api_os, mname, base_os, oname)
	howmany := app.api_differences.len
	eprintln('NB: please, do run `git clean -xf` after this tool, or at least `find thirdparty/ |grep .o$|xargs rm`')
	eprintln('otherwise, `./v test-fixed` may show false positives, due to .o files compiled with a cross compiler.')
	if howmany > 0 {
		eprintln(term.header('Found $howmany modules with different APIs', '='))
		for m in app.api_differences.keys() {
			eprintln('Module: $m')

fn all_vlib_modules() []string {
	mut vlib_v_files := os.walk_ext('vlib', '.v')
	mut vmodulesmap := map[string]int{}
	for f in vlib_v_files {
		if f.contains('/tests/') || f.ends_with('_test.v') {
		vmodulename := os.dir(f).replace('/', '.').replace('vlib.', '')
		if vmodulename in skip_modules {
		vmodulesmap[vmodulename] = vmodulesmap[vmodulename] + 1
	mut modules := vmodulesmap.keys()
	return modules

fn (app App) gen_api_for_module_in_os(mod_name string, os_name string) string {
	if app.is_verbose {
		eprintln('Checking module: ${mod_name:-30} for OS: ${os_name:-10} ...')
	mpath := os.join_path('vlib', mod_name.replace('.', '/'))
	tmpname := '/tmp/${mod_name}_${os_name}.c'
	prefs, _ := pref.parse_args(['-os', os_name, '-o', tmpname, '-shared', mpath])
	mut b := builder.new_builder(prefs)
	mut res := []string{}
	for f in b.parsed_files {
		for s in f.stmts {
			if s is ast.FnDecl {
				if s.is_pub {
					fn_signature := s.stringify(b.table, mod_name, map[string]string)
					fn_mod := s.modname()
					if fn_mod == mod_name {
						fline := '$fn_mod: $fn_signature'
						res << fline
	return res.join('\n')

fn (mut app App) compare_api(api_base string, api_os string, mod_name string, os_base string, os_target string) {
	res := util.color_compare_strings(app.diff_cmd, api_base, api_os)
	if res.len > 0 {
		summary := 'Different APIs found for module: `$mod_name`, between OS base: `$os_base` and OS: `$os_target`'
		eprintln(term.header(summary, '-'))
		app.api_differences[mod_name] = 1