// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. module main import os import v.util fn main() { vmodules := os.vmodules_dir() c2v_dir := os.join_path(vmodules, 'c2v') c2v_bin := os.join_path(c2v_dir, 'c2v') // Git clone c2v if !os.exists(c2v_dir) { println('C2V is not installed. Cloning C2V to $c2v_dir ...') os.chdir(vmodules)? res := os.execute('git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:/vlang/c2v.git') if res.exit_code != 0 { eprintln('Failed to download C2V.') exit(1) } } // Compile c2v if !os.exists(c2v_bin) { os.chdir(c2v_dir)? println('Compiling c2v ...') res2 := os.execute('v -keepc -g -experimental -o c2v .') if res2.exit_code != 0 { eprintln(res2.output) eprintln('Failed to compile C2V. This should never happen, please report it via GitHub.') exit(2) } } if os.args.len < 3 { eprintln('Wrong number of args. Use `v translate file.c`.') exit(3) } passed_args := util.args_quote_paths(os.args[2..]) // println(passed_args) os.chdir(os.wd_at_startup)? res := os.system('$c2v_bin $passed_args') if res != 0 { eprintln('C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.') exit(4) } }