module main import markdown import net import net.urllib import os import os.cmdline import strings import v.doc import v.util import v.vmod const ( exe_path = os.executable() exe_dir = os.dir(exe_path) res_path = os.join_path(exe_dir, 'vdoc-resources') ) enum OutputType { html markdown json plaintext stdout } struct DocConfig { pub_only bool = true show_loc bool = false // for plaintext serve_http bool = false // for html is_multi bool = false include_readme bool = false mut: opath string src_path string docs []doc.Doc manifest vmod.Manifest } fn slug(title string) string { return title.replace(' ', '-') } fn open_url(url string) { $if windows { os.system('start $url') } $if macos { os.system('open $url') } $if linux { os.system('xdg-open $url') } } fn (mut cfg DocConfig) serve_html() { docs := cfg.multi_render(.html) def_name := docs.keys()[0] server := net.listen(8046) or { panic(err) } println('Serving docs on: http://localhost:8046') open_url('http://localhost:8046') for { con := server.accept() or { server.close() or { } panic(err) } s := con.read_line() first_line := s.all_before('\n') mut filename := def_name if first_line.len != 0 { data := first_line.split(' ') url := urllib.parse(data[1]) or { return } filename = if url.path == '/' { def_name } else { url.path.trim_left('/') } } html := docs[filename] con.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n$html') or { con.close() or { return } return } con.close() or { return } } } fn get_src_link(repo_url string, file_name string, line_nr int) string { mut url := urllib.parse(repo_url) or { return '' } if url.path.len <= 1 || file_name.len == 0 { return '' } url.path = url.path.trim_right('/') + match { '' { '/blob/master/$file_name' } '' { '/-/blob/master/$file_name' } '' { '/tree/master/$file_name' } else { '' } } if repo_url.starts_with('') && !url.path.contains('master/vlib') { url.path = url.path.replace('/blob/master/$file_name', '/blob/master/vlib/$file_name') } if url.path == '/' { return '' } url.fragment = 'L$line_nr' return url.str() } fn escape(str string) string { return str.replace_each(['"', '\\"', '\r\n', '\\n', '\n', '\\n']) } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_json(idx int) string { dcs :=[idx] mut jw := strings.new_builder(200) jw.writeln('{\n\t"module_name": "$",\n\t"description": "${escape(dcs.head.comment)}",\n\t"contents": [') for i, cn in dcs.contents { name :=[] jw.writeln('\t\t{') jw.writeln('\t\t\t"name": "$name",') jw.writeln('\t\t\t"signature": "${escape(cn.content)}",') jw.writeln('\t\t\t"description": "${escape(cn.comment)}"') jw.write('\t\t}') if i < dcs.contents.len-1 { jw.writeln(',') } } jw.writeln('\n\t],') jw.write('\t"generator": "vdoc",\n\t"time_generated": "${dcs.time_generated.str()}"\n}') return jw.str() } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_html(idx int) string { dcs :=[idx] mut hw := strings.new_builder(200) mut toc := strings.new_builder(200) mut doc_node_html := fn (dd doc.DocNode, link string, head bool) string { mut dnw := strings.new_builder(200) link_svg := '' head_tag := if head { 'h1' } else { 'h2' } md_content := markdown.to_html(dd.comment) dnw.writeln('
') if != 'README' { dnw.write('
<$head_tag>${} #') if link.len != 0 { dnw.write('$link_svg') } dnw.write('
') } if head { dnw.write(md_content) } else { dnw.writeln('
') dnw.writeln(md_content) } dnw.writeln('
') return dnw.str() } // generate toc first for cn in dcs.contents { if cn.parent_type !in ['void', ''] { continue } toc.write('
  • ${}') children := dcs.contents.find_children_of( if children.len != 0 { toc.writeln(' ') } toc.writeln('
  • ') } // write head hw.write(' ${} | vdoc ') // get resources doc_css_min := get_resource('doc.css', true) light_icon := get_resource('light.svg', true) dark_icon := get_resource('dark.svg', true) menu_icon := get_resource('menu.svg', true) arrow_icon := get_resource('arrow.svg', true) // write css hw.write('') version := if cfg.manifest.version.len != 0 { cfg.manifest.version } else { '' } header_name := if cfg.is_multi && > 1 { os.file_name(os.real_path(cfg.src_path)) } else { } // write nav1 hw.write('
    ') hw.write('
    \n') hw.write(doc_node_html(dcs.head, '', true)) for cn in dcs.contents { if cn.parent_type !in ['void', ''] { continue } base_dir := os.base_dir(os.real_path(cfg.src_path)) file_path_name := cn.file_path.replace('$base_dir/', '') hw.write(doc_node_html(cn, get_src_link(cfg.manifest.repo_url, file_path_name, cn.pos.line), false)) children := dcs.contents.find_children_of( if children.len != 0 { for child in children { child_file_path_name := child.file_path.replace('$base_dir/', '') hw.write(doc_node_html(child, get_src_link(cfg.manifest.repo_url, child_file_path_name, child.pos.line), false)) } } } hw.write('\n
    \n') if cfg.is_multi && > 1 && != 'README' { hw.write('
    ') } doc_js_min := get_resource('doc.js', true) hw.write('
    ') return hw.str() } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_plaintext(idx int) string { dcs :=[idx] mut pw := strings.new_builder(200) head_lines := '='.repeat(dcs.head.content.len) pw.writeln('${dcs.head.content}\n$head_lines\n') for cn in dcs.contents { pw.writeln(cn.content) if cn.comment.len > 0 { pw.writeln('\n' + cn.comment) } if cfg.show_loc { pw.writeln('Location: ${cn.file_path}:${cn.pos.line}:${cn.pos.col}\n\n') } } pw.writeln('Generated on $dcs.time_generated') return pw.str() } fn (cfg DocConfig) gen_markdown(idx int, with_toc bool) string { dcs :=[idx] mut hw := strings.new_builder(200) mut cw := strings.new_builder(200) hw.writeln('# ${dcs.head.content}\n${dcs.head.comment}\n') if with_toc { hw.writeln('## Contents') } for cn in dcs.contents { name :='.') if with_toc { hw.writeln('- [#$name](${slug(name)})') } cw.writeln('## $name') cw.writeln('```v\n${cn.content}\n```${cn.comment}\n') cw.writeln('[\[Return to contents\]](#Contents)\n') } cw.writeln('#### Generated by vdoc. Last generated: ${dcs.time_generated.str()}') return hw.str() + '\n' + cw.str() } fn (cfg DocConfig) multi_render(output_type OutputType) map[string]string { mut docs := map[string]string for i, doc in { mut name := if == 'README' { 'index' } else if == 1 && !os.is_dir(cfg.opath) { os.dir(os.file_name(cfg.opath)) } else { } name = name + match output_type { .html { '.html' } .markdown { '.md' } .json { '.json' } else { '.txt' } } docs[name] = match output_type { .html { cfg.gen_html(i) } .markdown { cfg.gen_markdown(i, true) } .json { cfg.gen_json(i) } else { cfg.gen_plaintext(i) } } } return docs } fn (mut config DocConfig) generate_docs_from_file() { if config.opath.len != 0 { config.opath = os.join_path(os.real_path(os.base_dir(config.opath)), os.file_name(config.opath)) } println(config.opath) mut output_type := OutputType.plaintext // identify output type if config.serve_http { output_type = .html } else if config.opath.len == 0 { output_type = .stdout } else { ext := os.file_ext(config.opath) if ext in ['.md', '.markdown'] || config.opath in [':md:', ':markdown:'] { output_type = .markdown } else if ext in ['.html', '.htm'] || config.opath == ':html:' { output_type = .html } else if ext == '.json' || config.opath == ':json:' { output_type = .json } else { output_type = .plaintext } } if config.include_readme && output_type !in [.html, .stdout] { eprintln('vdoc: Including for doc generation is supported on HTML output, or when running directly in the terminal.') exit(1) } mut manifest_path := os.join_path(if os.is_dir(config.src_path) { config.src_path } else { os.base_dir(config.src_path) }, 'v.mod') if os.exists(manifest_path) && 'vlib' !in config.src_path { if manifest := vmod.from_file(manifest_path) { config.manifest = manifest } } if 'vlib' in config.src_path { config.manifest.version = util.v_version config.manifest.repo_url = '' } readme_path := if 'vlib' in config.src_path { os.join_path(os.base_dir(@VEXE), '') } else { os.join_path(config.src_path, '') } // check if os.exists(readme_path) && config.include_readme { readme_contents := os.read_file(readme_path) or { '' } if output_type == .stdout { println(readme_contents) } if output_type == .html { << doc.Doc{ head: doc.DocNode{ name: 'README', comment: readme_contents } } } } if config.is_multi { dirs := get_modules_list(config.src_path) for dirpath in dirs { dcs := doc.generate(dirpath, config.pub_only, 'vlib' !in config.src_path) or { panic(err) } if dcs.contents.len == 0 { continue } << dcs } } else { dcs := doc.generate(config.src_path, config.pub_only, 'vlib' !in config.src_path) or { panic(err) } << dcs } if config.serve_http { config.serve_html() return } outputs := config.multi_render(output_type) if output_type == .stdout || (config.opath.starts_with(':') && config.opath.ends_with(':')) { first := outputs.keys()[0] println(outputs[first]) } else { if !os.is_dir(config.opath) { config.opath = os.base_dir(config.opath) } if config.is_multi { config.opath = os.join_path(config.opath, '_docs') if !os.exists(config.opath) { os.mkdir(config.opath) or { panic(err) } } } for file_name, content in outputs { opath := os.join_path(config.opath, file_name) println('Generating ${opath}...') os.write_file(opath, content) } } } fn lookup_module(mod string) ?string { mod_path := mod.replace('.', '/') vexe_path := os.base_dir(@VEXE) compile_dir := os.real_path(os.base_dir('.')) modules_dir := os.join_path(compile_dir, 'modules', mod_path) vlib_path := os.join_path(vexe_path, 'vlib', mod_path) vmodules_path := os.join_path(os.home_dir(), '.vmodules', mod_path) paths := [modules_dir, vlib_path, vmodules_path] for path in paths { if os.is_dir_empty(path) { continue } return path } return error('vdoc: Module "${mod}" not found.') } fn get_modules_list(path string) []string { files := os.walk_ext(path, 'v') mut dirs := []string{} for file in files { if 'test' in file || 'js' in file || 'x64' in file || 'bare' in file || 'uiold' in file || 'vweb' in file { continue } dirname := os.base_dir(file) if dirname in dirs { continue } dirs << dirname } dirs.sort() return dirs } fn get_resource(name string, minify bool) string { path := os.join_path(res_path, name) res := os.read_file(path) or { panic('could not read $path') } if minify { res.replace('\n', ' ') } return res } fn main() { args_after_doc := cmdline.options_after(os.args[1..], ['doc']) opts := cmdline.only_options(os.args[1..]) args := cmdline.only_non_options(args_after_doc) if args.len == 0 || args[0] == 'help' { os.system('v help doc') exit(0) } mut config := DocConfig{ src_path: args[0], opath: if args.len >= 2 { args[1] } else { '' }, pub_only: '-all' !in opts, show_loc: '-loc' in opts, serve_http: '-s' in opts, is_multi: '-m' in opts, include_readme: '-r' in opts, manifest: vmod.Manifest{ repo_url: '' } } is_path := config.src_path.ends_with('.v') || config.src_path.split('/').len > 1 || config.src_path == '.' if !is_path { mod_path := lookup_module(config.src_path) or { eprintln(err) exit(1) } config.src_path = mod_path } config.generate_docs_from_file() }