Usage: v doc [flags] [module_name / folder / V file] [symbol name] Examples: v doc os v doc os File v doc -o math.html math v doc -m -f html vlib/ Generates the documentation of a given directory, module, or V source file and prints or saves them to its desired format. It can generate HTML, JSON, or Markdown format. Options: -all Includes private and public functions/methods/structs/consts/enums. -f Specifies the output format to be used. Available formats are: md/markdown, json, text, stdout and html/htm -h, -help Prints this help text. -m Generate docs for modules listed in that folder. -o Specifies the output file/folder path where to store the generated docs. Set it to "stdout" to print the output instead of saving the contents to a file. -readme Include to docs if present. -v Enables verbose logging. For debugging purposes. -no-timestamp Omits the timestamp in the output file. For HTML mode: -inline-assets Embeds the contents of the CSS and JS assets into the webpage directly. For plain text mode: -l Show the locations of the generated signatures.