regex 1.0 alpha

Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
that can be found in the LICENSE file.

This file contains regex module

Know limitation:
- find is implemented in a trivial way
- not full compliant PCRE
- not compliant POSIX ERE
module regex

import strings

pub const (
	v_regex_version        = '1.0 alpha' // regex module version

	max_code_len           = 256 // default small base code len for the regex programs
	max_quantifier         = 1073741824 // default max repetitions allowed for the quantifiers = 2^30
	// spaces chars (here only westerns!!) TODO: manage all the spaces from unicode
	spaces                 = [` `, `\t`, `\n`, `\r`, `\v`, `\f`]
	// new line chars for now only '\n'
	new_line_list          = [`\n`, `\r`]

	// Results
	no_match_found         = -1

	// Errors
	compile_ok             = 0 // the regex string compiled, all ok
	err_char_unknown       = -2 // the char used is unknow to the system
	err_undefined          = -3 // the compiler symbol is undefined
	err_internal_error     = -4 // Bug in the regex system!!
	err_cc_alloc_overflow  = -5 // memory for char class full!!
	err_syntax_error       = -6 // syntax error in regex compiling
	err_groups_overflow    = -7 // max number of groups reached
	err_groups_max_nested  = -8 // max number of nested group reached
	err_group_not_balanced = -9 // group not balanced
	err_group_qm_notation  = -10 // group invalid notation
	err_invalid_or_with_cc = -11 // invalid or on two consecutive char class

const (
	// regex program instructions
	ist_simple_char    = u32(0x7FFFFFFF) // single char instruction, 31 bit available to char
	// char class 11 0100 AA xxxxxxxx
	// AA = 00  regular class
	// AA = 01  Negated class ^ char
	ist_char_class     = 0xD1000000 // MASK
	ist_char_class_pos = 0xD0000000 // char class normal [abc]
	ist_char_class_neg = 0xD1000000 // char class negate [^abc]
	// dot char        10 0110 xx xxxxxxxx
	ist_dot_char       = 0x98000000 // match any char except \n
	// backslash chars 10 0100 xx xxxxxxxx
	ist_bsls_char      = 0x90000000 // backslash char
	// OR |            10 010Y xx xxxxxxxx
	ist_or_branch      = 0x91000000 // OR case
	// groups          10 010Y xx xxxxxxxx
	ist_group_start    = 0x92000000 // group start (
	ist_group_end      = 0x94000000 // group end   )
	// control instructions
	ist_prog_end       = u32(0x88000000) // 10 0010 xx xxxxxxxx

General Utilities
// utf8util_char_len calculate the length in bytes of a utf8 char
fn utf8util_char_len(b byte) int {
	return ((0xe5000000 >> ((b >> 3) & 0x1e)) & 3) + 1

// get_char get a char from position i and return an u32 with the unicode code
[direct_array_access; inline]
fn (re RE) get_char(in_txt string, i int) (u32, int) {
	ini := unsafe { in_txt.str[i] }
	// ascii 8 bit
	if (re.flag & regex.f_bin) != 0 || ini & 0x80 == 0 {
		return u32(ini), 1
	// unicode char
	char_len := utf8util_char_len(ini)
	mut tmp := 0
	mut ch := u32(0)
	for tmp < char_len {
		ch = (ch << 8) | unsafe { in_txt.str[i + tmp] }
	return ch, char_len

// get_charb get a char from position i and return an u32 with the unicode code
[direct_array_access; inline]
fn (re RE) get_charb(in_txt &byte, i int) (u32, int) {
	// ascii 8 bit
	if (re.flag & regex.f_bin) != 0 || unsafe { in_txt[i] } & 0x80 == 0 {
		return u32(unsafe { in_txt[i] }), 1
	// unicode char
	char_len := utf8util_char_len(unsafe { in_txt[i] })
	mut tmp := 0
	mut ch := u32(0)
	for tmp < char_len {
		ch = (ch << 8) | unsafe { in_txt[i + tmp] }
	return ch, char_len

fn is_alnum(in_char byte) bool {
	mut tmp := in_char - `A`
	if tmp <= 25 {
		return true
	tmp = in_char - `a`
	if tmp <= 25 {
		return true
	tmp = in_char - `0`
	if tmp <= 9 {
		return true
	if in_char == `_` {
		return true
	return false

fn is_not_alnum(in_char byte) bool {
	return !is_alnum(in_char)

fn is_space(in_char byte) bool {
	return in_char in regex.spaces

fn is_not_space(in_char byte) bool {
	return !is_space(in_char)

fn is_digit(in_char byte) bool {
	tmp := in_char - `0`
	return tmp <= 0x09

fn is_not_digit(in_char byte) bool {
	return !is_digit(in_char)

fn is_wordchar(in_char byte) bool {
	return is_alnum(in_char) || in_char == `_`

fn is_not_wordchar(in_char byte) bool {
	return !is_alnum(in_char)

fn is_lower(in_char byte) bool {
	tmp := in_char - `a`
	return tmp <= 25

fn is_upper(in_char byte) bool {
	tmp := in_char - `A`
	return tmp <= 25

pub fn (re RE) get_parse_error_string(err int) string {
	match err {
		regex.compile_ok { return 'compile_ok' }
		regex.no_match_found { return 'no_match_found' }
		regex.err_char_unknown { return 'err_char_unknown' }
		regex.err_undefined { return 'err_undefined' }
		regex.err_internal_error { return 'err_internal_error' }
		regex.err_cc_alloc_overflow { return 'err_cc_alloc_overflow' }
		regex.err_syntax_error { return 'err_syntax_error' }
		regex.err_groups_overflow { return 'err_groups_overflow' }
		regex.err_groups_max_nested { return 'err_groups_max_nested' }
		regex.err_group_not_balanced { return 'err_group_not_balanced' }
		regex.err_group_qm_notation { return 'err_group_qm_notation' }
		regex.err_invalid_or_with_cc { return 'err_invalid_or_with_cc' }
		else { return 'err_unknown' }

// utf8_str convert and utf8 sequence to a printable string
fn utf8_str(ch rune) string {
	mut i := 4
	mut res := ''
	for i > 0 {
		v := byte((ch >> ((i - 1) * 8)) & 0xFF)
		if v != 0 {
			res += '${v:1c}'
	return res

// simple_log default log function
fn simple_log(txt string) {

* Token Structs
pub type FnValidator = fn (byte) bool

struct Token {
	ist rune
	// char
	ch     rune // char of the token if any
	ch_len byte // char len
	// Quantifiers / branch
	rep_min int  // used also for jump next in the OR branch [no match] pc jump
	rep_max int  // used also for jump next in the OR branch [   match] pc jump
	greedy  bool // greedy quantifier flag
	// Char class
	cc_index int = -1
	// counters for quantifier check (repetitions)
	rep int
	// validator function pointer
	validator FnValidator
	// groups variables
	group_rep int // repetition of the group
	group_id  int = -1 // id of the group
	goto_pc   int = -1 // jump to this PC if is needed
	// OR flag for the token
	next_is_or bool // true if the next token is an OR
	// dot_char token variables
	dot_check_pc  int = -1 // pc of the next token to check
	last_dot_flag bool // if true indicate that is the last dot_char in the regex
	// debug fields
	source_index int

fn (mut tok Token) reset() {
	tok.rep = 0

* Regex struct
pub const (
	f_nl  = 0x00000001 // end the match when find a new line symbol
	f_ms  = 0x00000002 // match true only if the match is at the start of the string
	f_me  = 0x00000004 // match true only if the match is at the end of the string

	f_efm = 0x00000100 // exit on first token matched, used by search
	f_bin = 0x00000200 // work only on bytes, ignore utf-8
	// behaviour modifier flags
	f_src = 0x00020000 // search mode enabled

struct StateDotObj {
	i                 int = -1 // char index in the input buffer
	pc                int = -1 // program counter saved
	mi                int = -1 // match_index saved
	group_stack_index int = -1 // continuous save on capturing groups

pub type FnLog = fn (string)

pub struct RE {
pub mut:
	prog     []Token
	prog_len int // regex program len
	// char classes storage
	cc       []CharClass // char class list
	cc_index int // index
	// groups
	group_count      int   // number of groups in this regex struct
	groups           []int // groups index results
	group_max_nested int = 3 // max nested group
	group_max        int = 8 // max allowed number of different groups

	state_list []StateObj

	group_csave_flag bool  // flag to enable continuous saving
	group_csave      []int //= []int{}  // groups continuous save list

	group_map map[string]int // groups names map

	group_stack []int
	group_data  []int
	// flags
	flag int // flag for optional parameters
	// Debug/log
	debug    int    // enable in order to have the unroll of the code 0 = NO_DEBUG, 1 = LIGHT 2 = VERBOSE
	log_func FnLog = simple_log // log function, can be customized by the user
	query    string // query string

// Reset RE object
[direct_array_access; inline]
fn (mut re RE) reset() {
	re.cc_index = 0

	mut i := 0
	for i < re.prog_len {
		re.prog[i].group_rep = 0 // clear repetition of the group
		re.prog[i].rep = 0 // clear repetition of the token

	// init groups array
	if re.group_count > 0 {
		re.groups = []int{len: re.group_count * 2, init: -1}

	// reset group_csave
	if re.group_csave_flag == true {
		re.group_csave.clear() // = []int{}

	// reset state list

// reset for search mode fail
// gcc bug, dont use [inline] or go 5 time slower
fn (mut re RE) reset_src() {
	mut i := 0
	for i < re.prog_len {
		re.prog[i].group_rep = 0 // clear repetition of the group
		re.prog[i].rep = 0 // clear repetition of the token

* Backslashes chars
struct BslsStruct {
	ch        rune        // meta char
	validator FnValidator // validator function pointer

const (
	bsls_validator_array = [
		BslsStruct{`w`, is_alnum},
		BslsStruct{`W`, is_not_alnum},
		BslsStruct{`s`, is_space},
		BslsStruct{`S`, is_not_space},
		BslsStruct{`d`, is_digit},
		BslsStruct{`D`, is_not_digit},
		BslsStruct{`a`, is_lower},
		BslsStruct{`A`, is_upper},

	// these chars are escape if preceded by a \
	bsls_escape_list     = [`\\`, `|`, `.`, `:`, `*`, `+`, `-`, `{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, `(`, `)`, `?`,
		`^`, `!`]

enum BSLS_parse_state {

// parse_bsls return (index, str_len) bsls_validator_array index, len of the backslash sequence if present
fn (re RE) parse_bsls(in_txt string, in_i int) (int, int) {
	mut status := BSLS_parse_state.start
	mut i := in_i

	for i < in_txt.len {
		// get our char
		char_tmp, char_len := re.get_char(in_txt, i)
		ch := byte(char_tmp)

		if status == .start && ch == `\\` {
			status = .bsls_found
			i += char_len

		// check if is our bsls char, for now only one length sequence
		if status == .bsls_found {
			for c, x in regex.bsls_validator_array {
				if x.ch == ch {
					return c, i - in_i + 1
			status = .normal_char

		// no BSLS validator, manage as normal escape char char
		if status == .normal_char {
			if ch in regex.bsls_escape_list {
				return regex.no_match_found, i - in_i + 1
			return regex.err_syntax_error, i - in_i + 1

		// at the present time we manage only one char after the \
	// not our bsls return KO
	return regex.err_syntax_error, i

* Char class
const (
	cc_null = 0 // empty cc token
	cc_char = 1 // simple char: a
	cc_int  = 2 // char interval: a-z
	cc_bsls = 3 // backslash char
	cc_end  = 4 // cc sequence terminator

struct CharClass {
	cc_type   int = regex.cc_null // type of cc token
	ch0       rune        // first char of the interval a-b  a in this case
	ch1       rune        // second char of the interval a-b b in this case
	validator FnValidator // validator function pointer

enum CharClass_parse_state {

fn (re RE) get_char_class(pc int) string {
	buf := []byte{len: (re.cc.len)}
	mut buf_ptr := unsafe { &byte(&buf) }

	mut cc_i := re.prog[pc].cc_index
	mut i := 0
	mut tmp := 0
	for cc_i >= 0 && cc_i < re.cc.len && re.cc[cc_i].cc_type != regex.cc_end {
		if re.cc[cc_i].cc_type == regex.cc_bsls {
			unsafe {
				buf_ptr[i] = `\\`
				buf_ptr[i] = byte(re.cc[cc_i].ch0)
		} else if re.cc[cc_i].ch0 == re.cc[cc_i].ch1 {
			tmp = 3
			for tmp >= 0 {
				x := byte((re.cc[cc_i].ch0 >> (tmp * 8)) & 0xFF)
				if x != 0 {
					unsafe {
						buf_ptr[i] = x
		} else {
			tmp = 3
			for tmp >= 0 {
				x := byte((re.cc[cc_i].ch0 >> (tmp * 8)) & 0xFF)
				if x != 0 {
					unsafe {
						buf_ptr[i] = x
			unsafe {
				buf_ptr[i] = `-`
			tmp = 3
			for tmp >= 0 {
				x := byte((re.cc[cc_i].ch1 >> (tmp * 8)) & 0xFF)
				if x != 0 {
					unsafe {
						buf_ptr[i] = x
	unsafe {
		buf_ptr[i] = byte(0)
	return unsafe { tos_clone(buf_ptr) }

fn (re RE) check_char_class(pc int, ch rune) bool {
	mut cc_i := re.prog[pc].cc_index
	for cc_i >= 0 && cc_i < re.cc.len && re.cc[cc_i].cc_type != regex.cc_end {
		if re.cc[cc_i].cc_type == regex.cc_bsls {
			if re.cc[cc_i].validator(byte(ch)) {
				return true
		} else if ch >= re.cc[cc_i].ch0 && ch <= re.cc[cc_i].ch1 {
			return true
	return false

// parse_char_class return (index, str_len, cc_type) of a char class [abcm-p], char class start after the [ char
fn (mut re RE) parse_char_class(in_txt string, in_i int) (int, int, rune) {
	mut status := CharClass_parse_state.start
	mut i := in_i

	mut tmp_index := re.cc_index
	res_index := re.cc_index

	mut cc_type := u32(regex.ist_char_class_pos)

	for i < in_txt.len {
		// check if we are out of memory for char classes
		if tmp_index >= re.cc.len {
			return regex.err_cc_alloc_overflow, 0, u32(0)

		// get our char
		char_tmp, char_len := re.get_char(in_txt, i)
		ch := byte(char_tmp)

		// println("CC #${i:3d} ch: ${ch:c}")

		// negation
		if status == .start && ch == `^` {
			cc_type = u32(regex.ist_char_class_neg)
			i += char_len

		// minus symbol
		if status == .start && ch == `-` {
			re.cc[tmp_index].cc_type = regex.cc_char
			re.cc[tmp_index].ch0 = char_tmp
			re.cc[tmp_index].ch1 = char_tmp
			i += char_len

		// bsls
		if (status == .start || status == .in_char) && ch == `\\` {
			// println("CC bsls.")
			status = .in_bsls
			i += char_len

		if status == .in_bsls {
			// println("CC bsls validation.")
			for c, x in regex.bsls_validator_array {
				if x.ch == ch {
					// println("CC bsls found [${ch:c}]")
					re.cc[tmp_index].cc_type = regex.cc_bsls
					re.cc[tmp_index].ch0 = regex.bsls_validator_array[c].ch
					re.cc[tmp_index].ch1 = regex.bsls_validator_array[c].ch
					re.cc[tmp_index].validator = regex.bsls_validator_array[c].validator
					i += char_len
					status = .in_char
			if status == .in_bsls {
				// manage as a simple char
				// println("CC bsls not found [${ch:c}]")
				re.cc[tmp_index].cc_type = regex.cc_char
				re.cc[tmp_index].ch0 = char_tmp
				re.cc[tmp_index].ch1 = char_tmp
				i += char_len
				status = .in_char
			} else {

		// simple char
		if (status == .start || status == .in_char) && ch != `-` && ch != `]` {
			status = .in_char

			re.cc[tmp_index].cc_type = regex.cc_char
			re.cc[tmp_index].ch0 = char_tmp
			re.cc[tmp_index].ch1 = char_tmp

			i += char_len

		// check range separator
		if status == .in_char && ch == `-` {
			status = .separator
			i += char_len

		// check range end
		if status == .separator && ch != `]` && ch != `-` {
			status = .in_char
			re.cc[tmp_index - 1].cc_type = regex.cc_int
			re.cc[tmp_index - 1].ch1 = char_tmp
			i += char_len

		// char class end
		if status == .in_char && ch == `]` {
			re.cc[tmp_index].cc_type = regex.cc_end
			re.cc[tmp_index].ch0 = 0
			re.cc[tmp_index].ch1 = 0
			re.cc_index = tmp_index + 1

			return res_index, i - in_i + 2, cc_type

	return regex.err_syntax_error, 0, u32(0)

* Re Compiler
// Quantifier
enum Quant_parse_state {

// parse_quantifier return (min, max, str_len, greedy_flag) of a {min,max}? quantifier starting after the { char
fn (re RE) parse_quantifier(in_txt string, in_i int) (int, int, int, bool) {
	mut status := Quant_parse_state.start
	mut i := in_i

	mut q_min := 0 // default min in a {} quantifier is 1
	mut q_max := 0 // deafult max in a {} quantifier is max_quantifier

	mut ch := byte(0)

	for i < in_txt.len {
		unsafe {
			ch = in_txt.str[i]
		// println("${ch:c} status: $status")

		// exit on no compatible char with {} quantifier
		if utf8util_char_len(ch) != 1 {
			return regex.err_syntax_error, i, 0, false

		// min parsing skip if comma present
		if status == .start && ch == `,` {
			q_min = 0 // default min in a {} quantifier is 0
			status = .comma_checked

		if status == .start && is_digit(ch) {
			status = .min_parse
			q_min *= 10
			q_min += int(ch - `0`)

		if status == .min_parse && is_digit(ch) {
			q_min *= 10
			q_min += int(ch - `0`)

		// we have parsed the min, now check the max
		if status == .min_parse && ch == `,` {
			status = .comma_checked

		// single value {4}
		if status == .min_parse && ch == `}` {
			q_max = q_min
			status = .greedy

		// end without max
		if status == .comma_checked && ch == `}` {
			q_max = regex.max_quantifier
			status = .greedy

		// start max parsing
		if status == .comma_checked && is_digit(ch) {
			status = .max_parse
			q_max *= 10
			q_max += int(ch - `0`)

		// parse the max
		if status == .max_parse && is_digit(ch) {
			q_max *= 10
			q_max += int(ch - `0`)

		// finished the quantifier
		if status == .max_parse && ch == `}` {
			status = .greedy

		// check if greedy flag char ? is present
		if status == .greedy {
			if i + 1 < in_txt.len {
				status = .gredy_parse
			return q_min, q_max, i - in_i + 2, false

		// check the greedy flag
		if status == .gredy_parse {
			if ch == `?` {
				return q_min, q_max, i - in_i + 2, true
			} else {
				return q_min, q_max, i - in_i + 2, false

		// not  a {} quantifier, exit
		return regex.err_syntax_error, i, 0, false

	// not a conform {} quantifier
	return regex.err_syntax_error, i, 0, false

// Groups
enum Group_parse_state {
	q_mark // (?
	q_mark1 // (?:|P  checking
	p_status // (?P
	p_start // (?P<
	p_end // (?P<...>
	p_in_name // (?P<...

// parse_groups parse a group for ? (question mark) syntax, if found, return (error, capture_flag, name_of_the_group, next_index)
fn (re RE) parse_groups(in_txt string, in_i int) (int, bool, string, int) {
	mut status := Group_parse_state.start
	mut i := in_i
	mut name := ''

	for i < in_txt.len && status != .finish {
		// get our char
		char_tmp, char_len := re.get_char(in_txt, i)
		ch := byte(char_tmp)

		// start
		if status == .start && ch == `(` {
			status = .q_mark
			i += char_len

		// check for question marks
		if status == .q_mark && ch == `?` {
			status = .q_mark1
			i += char_len

		// non capturing group
		if status == .q_mark1 && ch == `:` {
			i += char_len
			return 0, false, name, i

		// enter in P section
		if status == .q_mark1 && ch == `P` {
			status = .p_status
			i += char_len

		// not a valid q mark found
		if status == .q_mark1 {
			// println("NO VALID Q MARK")
			return -2, true, name, i

		if status == .p_status && ch == `<` {
			status = .p_start
			i += char_len

		if status == .p_start && ch != `>` {
			status = .p_in_name
			name += '${ch:1c}' // TODO: manage utf8 chars
			i += char_len

		// colect name
		if status == .p_in_name && ch != `>` && is_alnum(ch) {
			name += '${ch:1c}' // TODO: manage utf8 chars
			i += char_len

		// end name
		if status == .p_in_name && ch == `>` {
			i += char_len
			return 0, true, name, i

		// error on name group
		if status == .p_in_name {
			return -2, true, name, i

		// normal group, nothig to do, exit
		return 0, true, name, i
	// println("ERROR!! NOT MEANT TO BE HERE!!1")
	return -2, true, name, i

const (
	quntifier_chars = [rune(`+`), `*`, `?`, `{`]

// main compiler
// compile return (return code, index) where index is the index of the error in the query string if return code is an error code
fn (mut re RE) impl_compile(in_txt string) (int, int) {
	mut i := 0 // input string index
	mut pc := 0 // program counter

	// group management variables
	mut group_count := -1
	mut group_stack := []int{len: re.group_max_nested, init: 0}
	mut group_stack_txt_index := []int{len: re.group_max_nested, init: -1}
	mut group_stack_index := -1

	re.query = in_txt // save the query string

	i = 0
	for i < in_txt.len {
		mut char_tmp := u32(0)
		mut char_len := 0
		// println("i: ${i:3d} ch: ${in_txt.str[i]:c}")

		char_tmp, char_len = re.get_char(in_txt, i)

		// check special cases: $ ^
		if char_len == 1 && i == 0 && byte(char_tmp) == `^` {
			re.flag = regex.f_ms
			i = i + char_len
		if char_len == 1 && i == (in_txt.len - 1) && byte(char_tmp) == `$` {
			re.flag = regex.f_me
			i = i + char_len

		// ist_group_start
		if char_len == 1 && pc >= 0 && byte(char_tmp) == `(` {
			// check max groups allowed
			if group_count > re.group_max {
				return regex.err_groups_overflow, i + 1

			// check max nested groups allowed
			if group_stack_index > re.group_max_nested {
				return regex.err_groups_max_nested, i + 1

			tmp_res, cgroup_flag, cgroup_name, next_i := re.parse_groups(in_txt, i)

			// manage question mark format error
			if tmp_res < -1 {
				return regex.err_group_qm_notation, next_i

			// println("Parse group: [$tmp_res, $cgroup_flag, ($i,$next_i), '${in_txt[i..next_i]}' ]")
			i = next_i

			if cgroup_flag == true {

			// calculate the group id
			// if it is a named group, recycle the group id
			// NOTE: **** the group index is +1 because map return 0 when not found!! ****
			mut group_id := group_count
			if cgroup_name.len > 0 {
				// println("GROUP NAME: ${cgroup_name}")
				if cgroup_name in re.group_map {
					group_id = re.group_map[cgroup_name] - 1
				} else {
					re.group_map[cgroup_name] = group_id + 1

			group_stack_txt_index[group_stack_index] = i
			group_stack[group_stack_index] = pc

			re.prog[pc].ist = u32(0) | regex.ist_group_start
			re.prog[pc].rep_min = 1
			re.prog[pc].rep_max = 1

			// set the group id
			if cgroup_flag == false {
				// println("NO CAPTURE GROUP")
				re.prog[pc].group_id = -1
			} else {
				re.prog[pc].group_id = group_id

			pc = pc + 1

		// ist_group_end
		if char_len == 1 && pc > 0 && byte(char_tmp) == `)` {
			if group_stack_index < 0 {
				return regex.err_group_not_balanced, i + 1

			goto_pc := group_stack[group_stack_index]

			re.prog[pc].ist = u32(0) | regex.ist_group_end
			re.prog[pc].rep_min = 1
			re.prog[pc].rep_max = 1

			re.prog[pc].goto_pc = goto_pc // PC where to jump if a group need
			re.prog[pc].group_id = re.prog[goto_pc].group_id // id of this group, used for storing data

			re.prog[goto_pc].goto_pc = pc // start goto point to the end group pc
			// re.prog[goto_pc].group_id = group_count         // id of this group, used for storing data

			pc = pc + 1
			i = i + char_len

		// ist_dot_char match any char except the following token
		if char_len == 1 && pc >= 0 && byte(char_tmp) == `.` {
			re.prog[pc].ist = u32(0) | regex.ist_dot_char
			re.prog[pc].rep_min = 1
			re.prog[pc].rep_max = 1
			pc = pc + 1
			i = i + char_len

		// OR branch
		if char_len == 1 && pc > 0 && byte(char_tmp) == `|` {
			if pc > 0 && re.prog[pc - 1].ist == regex.ist_or_branch {
				return regex.err_syntax_error, i
			re.prog[pc].ist = u32(0) | regex.ist_or_branch
			re.prog[pc].source_index = i
			pc = pc + 1
			i = i + char_len

		// Quantifiers
		if char_len == 1 && pc > 0 {
			mut char_next := rune(0)
			mut char_next_len := 0
			if (char_len + i) < in_txt.len {
				char_next, char_next_len = re.get_char(in_txt, i + char_len)
			mut quant_flag := true
			match byte(char_tmp) {
				`?` {
					// println("q: ${char_tmp:c}")
					// check illegal quantifier sequences
					if char_next_len == 1 && char_next in regex.quntifier_chars {
						return regex.err_syntax_error, i
					re.prog[pc - 1].rep_min = 0
					re.prog[pc - 1].rep_max = 1
				`+` {
					// println("q: ${char_tmp:c}")
					// check illegal quantifier sequences
					if char_next_len == 1 && char_next in regex.quntifier_chars {
						return regex.err_syntax_error, i
					re.prog[pc - 1].rep_min = 1
					re.prog[pc - 1].rep_max = regex.max_quantifier
				`*` {
					// println("q: ${char_tmp:c}")
					// check illegal quantifier sequences
					if char_next_len == 1 && char_next in regex.quntifier_chars {
						return regex.err_syntax_error, i
					re.prog[pc - 1].rep_min = 0
					re.prog[pc - 1].rep_max = regex.max_quantifier
				`{` {
					min, max, tmp, greedy := re.parse_quantifier(in_txt, i + 1)
					// it is a quantifier
					if min >= 0 {
						// println("{$min,$max}\n str:[${in_txt[i..i+tmp]}] greedy:$greedy")
						i = i + tmp
						re.prog[pc - 1].rep_min = min
						re.prog[pc - 1].rep_max = max
						re.prog[pc - 1].greedy = greedy
						// check illegal quantifier sequences
						if i <= in_txt.len {
							char_next, char_next_len = re.get_char(in_txt, i)
							if char_next_len == 1 && char_next in regex.quntifier_chars {
								return regex.err_syntax_error, i
					} else {
						return min, i

					// TODO: decide if the open bracket can be conform without the close bracket
					// no conform, parse as normal char
					else {
						quant_flag = false
				else {
					quant_flag = false

			if quant_flag {
				i = i + char_len

		if char_len == 1 && pc >= 0 {
			if byte(char_tmp) == `[` {
				cc_index, tmp, cc_type := re.parse_char_class(in_txt, i + 1)
				if cc_index >= 0 {
					// println("index: $cc_index str:${in_txt[i..i+tmp]}")
					i = i + tmp
					re.prog[pc].ist = u32(0) | cc_type
					re.prog[pc].cc_index = cc_index
					re.prog[pc].rep_min = 1
					re.prog[pc].rep_max = 1
					pc = pc + 1
				// cc_class vector memory full
				else if cc_index < 0 {
					return cc_index, i

		// ist_bsls_char
		if char_len == 1 && pc >= 0 {
			if byte(char_tmp) == `\\` {
				bsls_index, tmp := re.parse_bsls(in_txt, i)
				// println("index: $bsls_index str:${in_txt[i..i+tmp]}")
				if bsls_index >= 0 {
					i = i + tmp
					re.prog[pc].ist = u32(0) | regex.ist_bsls_char
					re.prog[pc].rep_min = 1
					re.prog[pc].rep_max = 1
					re.prog[pc].validator = regex.bsls_validator_array[bsls_index].validator
					re.prog[pc].ch = regex.bsls_validator_array[bsls_index].ch
					pc = pc + 1
				// this is an escape char, skip the bsls and continue as a normal char
				else if bsls_index == regex.no_match_found {
					i += char_len
					char_tmp, char_len = re.get_char(in_txt, i)
					// continue as simple char
				// if not an escape or a bsls char then it is an error (at least for now!)
				else {
					return bsls_index, i + tmp

		// ist_simple_char
		re.prog[pc].ist = regex.ist_simple_char
		re.prog[pc].ch = char_tmp
		re.prog[pc].ch_len = byte(char_len)
		re.prog[pc].rep_min = 1
		re.prog[pc].rep_max = 1
		// println("char: ${char_tmp:c}")
		pc = pc + 1

		i += char_len

	// add end of the program
	re.prog[pc].ist = regex.ist_prog_end
	re.prog_len = pc

	// check for unbalanced groups
	if group_stack_index != -1 {
		return regex.err_group_not_balanced, group_stack_txt_index[group_stack_index] + 1

	// check for OR at the end of the program
	if pc > 0 && re.prog[pc - 1].ist == regex.ist_or_branch {
		return regex.err_syntax_error, in_txt.len

	// store the number of groups in the query
	re.group_count = group_count + 1

	// Post processing

	// manage ist_dot_char

	// find the checks for dot chars, if any...
	mut pc1 := 0
	mut dot_char_count := 0
	mut last_dot_char_pc := -1
	for pc1 < pc {
		if re.prog[pc1].ist == regex.ist_dot_char {
			// println("Dot_char pc: $pc1")
			last_dot_char_pc = pc1
			mut pc2 := pc1 + 1
			for pc2 < pc {
				if re.prog[pc2].ist == regex.ist_dot_char {
					return regex.err_syntax_error, 0
				if re.prog[pc2].ist !in [rune(regex.ist_prog_end), regex.ist_group_end,
					regex.ist_group_start] {
					// println("Next dot char check is PC: ${pc2}")
					re.prog[pc1].dot_check_pc = pc2

	// println("last_dot_char_pc: $last_dot_char_pc")
	if last_dot_char_pc >= 0 {
		pc1 = last_dot_char_pc + 1
		mut is_last_dot := true
		for pc1 < pc {
			if re.prog[pc1].ist !in [rune(regex.ist_prog_end), regex.ist_group_end] {
				is_last_dot = false
		if is_last_dot {
			re.prog[last_dot_char_pc].last_dot_flag = true


	// OR branch
	// a|b|cd
	// d exit point
	// a,b,c branches
	// set the jump in the right places
	pc1 = 0
	for pc1 < pc - 2 {
		// println("Here $pc1 ${pc-2}")
		// println("source index: ${pc1 + 1} => ${re.prog[pc1+1].source_index}")
		if re.prog[pc1 + 1].ist == regex.ist_or_branch {
			// two consecutive OR are a syntax error
			if re.prog[pc1 + 2].ist == regex.ist_or_branch {
				return regex.err_syntax_error, i

			// check for []|[] errors
			if re.prog[pc1].ist == regex.ist_char_class_pos
				&& re.prog[pc1 + 2].ist == regex.ist_char_class_pos {
				return regex.err_invalid_or_with_cc, re.prog[pc1 + 1].source_index

		// manange a|b chains like a|(b)|c|d...
		// standard solution
		if re.prog[pc1].ist != regex.ist_or_branch && re.prog[pc1 + 1].ist == regex.ist_or_branch
			&& re.prog[pc1 + 2].ist != regex.ist_or_branch {
			re.prog[pc1].next_is_or = true // set that the next token is an  OR
			re.prog[pc1 + 1].rep_min = pc1 + 2 // failed match jump

			// match jump, if an OR chain the next token will be an OR token
			mut pc2 := pc1 + 2
			for pc2 < pc - 1 {
				ist := re.prog[pc2].ist
				if ist == regex.ist_group_start {
					re.prog[pc1 + 1].rep_max = re.prog[pc2].goto_pc + 1
				if ist != regex.ist_or_branch {
					re.prog[pc1 + 1].rep_max = pc2 + 1

			// special case query of few chars, the true can't go on the first instruction
			if re.prog[pc1 + 1].rep_max == pc1 {
				re.prog[pc1 + 1].rep_max = 3
			// println("Compile OR postproc. [$pc1,OR ${pc1+1},$pc2]")
			pc1 = pc2


	if re.debug > 0 {
		gc := re.get_code()

	return regex.compile_ok, 0

// get_code return the compiled code as regex string, note: may be different from the source!
pub fn (re RE) get_code() string {
	mut pc1 := 0
	mut res := strings.new_builder(re.cc.len * 2 * re.prog.len)
	res.write_string('========================================\nv RegEx compiler v $regex.v_regex_version output:\n')

	mut stop_flag := false

	for pc1 <= re.prog.len {
		tk := re.prog[pc1]

		res.write_string(' ist: ')
		res.write_string('${tk.ist:8x}'.replace(' ', '0'))
		res.write_string(' ')
		ist := tk.ist
		if ist == regex.ist_bsls_char {
			res.write_string('[\\${tk.ch:1c}]     BSLS')
		} else if ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
			stop_flag = true
		} else if ist == regex.ist_or_branch {
			res.write_string('OR      ')
		} else if ist == regex.ist_char_class_pos {
			res.write_string('[${re.get_char_class(pc1)}]     CHAR_CLASS_POS')
		} else if ist == regex.ist_char_class_neg {
			res.write_string('[^${re.get_char_class(pc1)}]    CHAR_CLASS_NEG')
		} else if ist == regex.ist_dot_char {
			res.write_string('.        DOT_CHAR nx chk: $tk.dot_check_pc')
			if tk.last_dot_flag == true {
				res.write_string(' last!')
		} else if ist == regex.ist_group_start {
			res.write_string('(        GROUP_START #:$tk.group_id')
			if tk.group_id == -1 {
				res.write_string(' ?:')
			} else {
				for x in re.group_map.keys() {
					if re.group_map[x] == (tk.group_id + 1) {
						res.write_string(' ?P<$x>')
		} else if ist == regex.ist_group_end {
			res.write_string(')        GROUP_END   #:$tk.group_id')
		} else if ist == regex.ist_simple_char {
			res.write_string('[${tk.ch:1c}]      query_ch')

		if tk.rep_max == regex.max_quantifier {
			res.write_string(' {${tk.rep_min:3d},MAX}')
		} else {
			if ist == regex.ist_or_branch {
				res.write_string(' if false go: ${tk.rep_min:3d} if true go: ${tk.rep_max:3d}')
			} else {
				res.write_string(' {${tk.rep_min:3d},${tk.rep_max:3d}}')
			if tk.greedy == true {

		if stop_flag {

	return res.str()

// get_query return a string with a reconstruction of the query starting from the regex program code
pub fn (re RE) get_query() string {
	mut res := strings.new_builder(re.query.len * 2)

	if (re.flag & regex.f_ms) != 0 {

	mut i := 0
	for i < re.prog.len && re.prog[i].ist != regex.ist_prog_end && re.prog[i].ist != 0 {
		tk := unsafe { &re.prog[i] }
		ch := tk.ist

		// GROUP start
		if ch == regex.ist_group_start {
			if re.debug == 0 {
			} else {
				if tk.group_id == -1 {
					res.write_string('(?:') // non capturing group
				} else {

			for x in re.group_map.keys() {
				if re.group_map[x] == (tk.group_id + 1) {


		// GROUP end
		if ch == regex.ist_group_end {

		// OR branch
		if ch == regex.ist_or_branch {
			if re.debug > 0 {

		// char class
		if ch == regex.ist_char_class_neg || ch == regex.ist_char_class_pos {
			if ch == regex.ist_char_class_neg {

		// bsls char
		if ch == regex.ist_bsls_char {

		// ist_dot_char
		if ch == regex.ist_dot_char {

		// char alone
		if ch == regex.ist_simple_char {
			if byte(ch) in regex.bsls_escape_list {

		// quantifier
		if !(tk.rep_min == 1 && tk.rep_max == 1) {
			if tk.rep_min == 0 && tk.rep_max == 1 {
			} else if tk.rep_min == 1 && tk.rep_max == regex.max_quantifier {
			} else if tk.rep_min == 0 && tk.rep_max == regex.max_quantifier {
			} else {
				if tk.rep_max == regex.max_quantifier {
				} else {
				if tk.greedy == true {
	if (re.flag & regex.f_me) != 0 {

	return res.str()

* Groups saving utilities
fn (mut re RE) group_continuous_save(g_index int) {
	if re.group_csave_flag == true {
		// continuous save, save until we have space

		// init the first element as counter
		if re.group_csave.len == 0 {
			re.group_csave << 0

		gi := g_index >> 1
		start := re.groups[g_index]
		end := re.groups[g_index + 1]

		// check if we are simply increasing the size ot the found group
		if re.group_csave.len >= 4 && gi == re.group_csave[re.group_csave.len - 3]
			&& start == re.group_csave[re.group_csave.len - 2] {
			re.group_csave[re.group_csave.len - 1] = end

		// otherwise append a new group to the list

		// increment counter
		// save the record
		re.group_csave << (g_index >> 1) // group id
		re.group_csave << re.groups[g_index] // start
		re.group_csave << re.groups[g_index + 1] // end

* Matching
enum Match_state {
	start = 0
	ist_load // load and execute instruction
	ist_next // go to next instruction
	ist_next_ks // go to next instruction without clenaning the state
	ist_quant_p // match positive ,quantifier check
	ist_quant_n // match negative, quantifier check
	ist_quant_pg // match positive ,group quantifier check
	ist_quant_ng // match negative ,group quantifier check

fn state_str(s Match_state) string {
	match s {
		.start { return 'start' }
		.stop { return 'stop' }
		.end { return 'end' }
		.new_line { return 'new line' }
		.ist_load { return 'ist_load' }
		.ist_next { return 'ist_next' }
		.ist_next_ks { return 'ist_next_ks' }
		.ist_quant_p { return 'ist_quant_p' }
		.ist_quant_n { return 'ist_quant_n' }
		.ist_quant_pg { return 'ist_quant_pg' }
		.ist_quant_ng { return 'ist_quant_ng' }

struct StateObj {
pub mut:
	group_index int = -1 // group id used to know how many groups are open
	match_flag  bool // indicate if we are in a match condition
	match_index int = -1 // index of the last match
	first_match int = -1 // index of the first match
	pc          int = -1 // program counter
	i           int = -1 // source string index
	char_len    int  // last char legth
	last_dot_pc int = -1 // last dot chat pc

pub fn (mut re RE) match_base(in_txt &byte, in_txt_len int) (int, int) {
	// result status
	mut result := regex.no_match_found // function return

	mut ch := rune(0) // examinated char
	mut char_len := 0 // utf8 examinated char len
	mut m_state := Match_state.start // start point for the matcher FSM
	mut src_end := false
	mut last_fnd_pc := -1

	mut state := StateObj{} // actual state
	mut ist := rune(0) // actual instruction
	mut l_ist := rune(0) // last matched instruction

	mut step_count := 0 // stats for debug
	mut dbg_line := 0 // count debug line printed


	if re.debug > 0 {
		// print header
		mut h_buf := strings.new_builder(32)
		h_buf.write_string('flags: ')
		h_buf.write_string('${re.flag:8x}'.replace(' ', '0'))
		sss := h_buf.str()

	for m_state != .end {
		if state.pc >= 0 && state.pc < re.prog.len {
			ist = re.prog[state.pc].ist
		} else if state.pc >= re.prog.len {
			// println("ERROR!! PC overflow!!")
			return regex.err_internal_error, state.i

		if re.debug > 0 {
			mut buf2 := strings.new_builder(re.cc.len + 128)

			// print all the instructions

			// end of the input text
			if state.i >= in_txt_len {
				buf2.write_string('# ${step_count:3d} END OF INPUT TEXT\n')
				sss := buf2.str()
			} else {
				// print only the exe instruction
				if (re.debug == 1 && m_state == .ist_load) || re.debug == 2 {
					if ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
						buf2.write_string('# ${step_count:3d} PROG_END\n')
					} else if ist == 0 || m_state in [.start, .ist_next, .stop] {
						buf2.write_string('# ${step_count:3d} s: ${state_str(m_state):12s} PC: NA\n')
					} else {
						ch, char_len = re.get_charb(in_txt, state.i)

						buf2.write_string('# ${step_count:3d} s: ${state_str(m_state):12s} PC: ${state.pc:3d}=>')
						buf2.write_string('${ist:8x}'.replace(' ', '0'))
						buf2.write_string(" i,ch,len:[${state.i:3d},'${utf8_str(ch)}',$char_len] f.m:[${state.first_match:3d},${state.match_index:3d}] ")

						if ist == regex.ist_simple_char {
							buf2.write_string('query_ch: [${re.prog[state.pc].ch:1c}]')
						} else {
							if ist == regex.ist_bsls_char {
								buf2.write_string('BSLS [\\${re.prog[state.pc].ch:1c}]')
							} else if ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
							} else if ist == regex.ist_or_branch {
							} else if ist == regex.ist_char_class_pos {
							} else if ist == regex.ist_char_class_neg {
							} else if ist == regex.ist_dot_char {
							} else if ist == regex.ist_group_start {
								tmp_gi := re.prog[state.pc].group_id
								tmp_gr := re.prog[re.prog[state.pc].goto_pc].group_rep
								buf2.write_string('GROUP_START #:$tmp_gi rep:$tmp_gr ')
							} else if ist == regex.ist_group_end {
								buf2.write_string('GROUP_END   #:${re.prog[state.pc].group_id} deep:$state.group_index')
						if re.prog[state.pc].rep_max == regex.max_quantifier {
						} else {
						if re.prog[state.pc].greedy == true {
						buf2.write_string(' (#$state.group_index)')

						if ist == regex.ist_dot_char {
							buf2.write_string(' last!')

					sss2 := buf2.str()

		if ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
			// println("HERE we end!")

		// we're out of text, manage it
		if state.i >= in_txt_len || m_state == .new_line {
			// println("Finished text!!")
			src_end = true

			// manage groups
			if state.group_index >= 0 && state.match_index >= 0 {
				// println("End text with open groups!")
				// close the groups
				for state.group_index >= 0 {
					tmp_pc := re.group_data[state.group_index]
					// println("Closing group $state.group_index {${re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_min},${re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_max}}:${re.prog[tmp_pc].group_rep}")

					if re.prog[tmp_pc].group_rep >= re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_min
						&& re.prog[tmp_pc].group_id >= 0 {
						start_i := re.group_stack[state.group_index]
						re.group_stack[state.group_index] = -1

						// save group results
						g_index := re.prog[tmp_pc].group_id * 2
						if start_i >= 0 {
							re.groups[g_index] = start_i
						} else {
							re.groups[g_index] = 0
						// we have fished the text, we must manage out pf bound indexes
						if state.i >= in_txt_len {
							state.i = in_txt_len - 1
						re.groups[g_index + 1] = state.i

						if re.groups[g_index + 1] >= in_txt_len {
							// println("clamp group on stop!")
							re.groups[g_index + 1] = in_txt_len - 1

						// continuous save, save until we have space

			// the text is finished and the groups closed and we are the last group, ok exit
			if ist == regex.ist_group_end && re.prog[state.pc + 1].ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
				// println("Last group end")
				return state.first_match, state.i

			if state.pc == -1 {
				state.pc = last_fnd_pc

			// println("Finished text!!")
			// println("Instruction: ${ist:08x} pc: $state.pc")
			// println("min_rep: ${re.prog[state.pc].rep_min} max_rep: ${re.prog[state.pc].rep_max} rep: ${re.prog[state.pc].rep}")

			// program end
			if ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
				// println("Program end on end of text!")
				return state.first_match, state.i

			// we are in a last dot_ char case
			if l_ist == regex.ist_dot_char {
				// println("***** We have a last dot_char")
				// println("PC: ${state.pc} last_dot_flag:${re.prog[state.pc].last_dot_flag}")
				// println("rep: ${re.prog[state.pc].group_rep} min: ${re.prog[state.pc].rep_min} max: ${re.prog[state.pc].rep_max}")
				// println("first match: ${state.first_match}")
				if re.prog[state.pc].last_dot_flag == true
					&& re.prog[state.pc].rep >= re.prog[state.pc].rep_min
					&& re.prog[state.pc].rep <= re.prog[state.pc].rep_max {
					return state.first_match, state.i
				// println("Not fitted!!")

			// m_state = .end
			// break

			// no groups open, check the last token quantifier
			if ist != regex.ist_group_end && re.prog[state.pc + 1].ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
				if re.prog[state.pc].rep >= re.prog[state.pc].rep_min
					&& re.prog[state.pc].rep <= re.prog[state.pc].rep_max {
					// println("We are in good repetition")
					return state.first_match, state.i

			// print("No good exit!!")
			return regex.no_match_found, 0

		// starting and init
		if m_state == .start {
			state.pc = -1
			state.i = 0
			m_state = .ist_next
		// ist_next, next instruction reseting its state
		else if m_state == .ist_next {
			state.pc = state.pc + 1
			// check if we are in the program bounds
			if state.pc < 0 || state.pc > re.prog.len {
				// println("ERROR!! PC overflow!!")
				return regex.err_internal_error, state.i
			m_state = .ist_load
		// ist_next_ks, next instruction keeping its state
		else if m_state == .ist_next_ks {
			state.pc = state.pc + 1
			// check if we are in the program bounds
			if state.pc < 0 || state.pc > re.prog.len {
				// println("ERROR!! PC overflow!!")
				return regex.err_internal_error, state.i
			m_state = .ist_load

		// load the char
		ch, char_len = re.get_charb(in_txt, state.i)

		// check new line if flag f_nl enabled
		if (re.flag & regex.f_nl) != 0 && char_len == 1 && byte(ch) in regex.new_line_list {
			m_state = .new_line
		// check if stop
		else if m_state == .stop {
			// we are in search mode, don't exit until the end
			if ((re.flag & regex.f_src) != 0) && (ist != regex.ist_prog_end) {
				last_fnd_pc = state.pc
				state.pc = -1
				state.i += char_len

				m_state = .ist_next
				state.match_index = -1
				state.first_match = -1

				// reset state list


			if ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
				return state.first_match, state.i

			// manage here dot char

			if re.state_list.len > 0 {
				// println("Here we are, with stop: state buffer: [${re.state_list.len}]")
				state = re.state_list.pop()

				state.match_flag = true
				l_ist = u32(regex.ist_dot_char)

				if state.first_match < 0 {
					state.first_match = state.i
				state.match_index = state.i
				re.prog[state.pc].rep++ // increase repetitions

				state.i += char_len
				m_state = .ist_quant_p

			// exit on no match
			return result, 0
		// ist_load
		else if m_state == .ist_load {
			// program end
			if ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
				// if we are in match exit well

				if state.group_index >= 0 && state.match_index >= 0 {
					state.group_index = -1

				m_state = .stop
			// check GROUP start, no quantifier is checkd for this token!!
			else if ist == regex.ist_group_start {
				re.group_data[state.group_index] = re.prog[state.pc].goto_pc // save where is ist_group_end, we will use it for escape
				re.group_stack[state.group_index] = state.i // index where we start to manage
				// println("group_index $state.group_index rep ${re.prog[re.prog[state.pc].goto_pc].group_rep}")

				m_state = .ist_next
			// check GROUP end
			else if ist == regex.ist_group_end {
				// we are in matching streak
				// println("Group END!! last ist: ${l_ist:08x}")
				if state.match_index >= 0 {
					// restore txt index stack and save the group data

					// println("g.id: ${re.prog[state.pc].group_id} group_index: ${state.group_index}")
					if state.group_index >= 0 && re.prog[state.pc].group_id >= 0 {
						start_i := re.group_stack[state.group_index]

						// save group results
						g_index := re.prog[state.pc].group_id * 2

						if start_i >= 0 {
							re.groups[g_index] = start_i
						} else {
							re.groups[g_index] = 0

						re.groups[g_index + 1] = state.i

						if g_index > 0 && re.groups[g_index] <= re.groups[g_index - 1] {
							re.groups[g_index] = re.groups[g_index - 1]

						if re.groups[g_index + 1] >= in_txt_len {
							// println("clamp group!")
							re.groups[g_index + 1] = in_txt_len - 1

						// println("GROUP ${re.prog[state.pc].group_id} END [${re.groups[g_index]}, ${re.groups[g_index+1]}] i: $state.i in_txt_len: $in_txt_len")

						// continuous save, save until we have space

					re.prog[state.pc].group_rep++ // increase repetitions
					// println("GROUP $group_index END ${re.prog[state.pc].group_rep}")
					m_state = .ist_quant_pg

				m_state = .ist_quant_ng
			// check OR
			else if ist == regex.ist_or_branch {
				if state.match_index >= 0 {
					state.pc = re.prog[state.pc].rep_max
					// println("ist_or_branch True pc: $state.pc")
				} else {
					state.pc = re.prog[state.pc].rep_min
					// println("ist_or_branch False pc: $state.pc")
				m_state = .ist_load
			// check ist_dot_char
			else if ist == regex.ist_dot_char {
				// println("ist_dot_char rep: ${re.prog[state.pc].rep}")

				// check next token to be false
				mut next_check_flag := false

				// if we are done with max go on dot char are dedicated case!!
				if re.prog[state.pc].rep >= re.prog[state.pc].rep_max {
					m_state = .ist_next

				if re.prog[state.pc].dot_check_pc >= 0
					&& re.prog[state.pc].rep >= re.prog[state.pc].rep_min {
					// load the char
					// ch_t, _ := re.get_charb(in_txt, state.i+char_len)
					ch_t := ch
					chk_pc := re.prog[state.pc].dot_check_pc

					// simple char
					if re.prog[chk_pc].ist == regex.ist_simple_char {
						if re.prog[chk_pc].ch == ch_t {
							next_check_flag = true
						// println("Check [ist_simple_char] [${re.prog[chk_pc].ch}]==[${ch_t:c}] => $next_check_flag")
					// char char_class
					else if re.prog[chk_pc].ist == regex.ist_char_class_pos
						|| re.prog[chk_pc].ist == regex.ist_char_class_neg {
						mut cc_neg := false
						if re.prog[chk_pc].ist == regex.ist_char_class_neg {
							cc_neg = true
						mut cc_res := re.check_char_class(chk_pc, ch_t)

						if cc_neg {
							cc_res = !cc_res
						next_check_flag = cc_res
						// println("Check [ist_char_class] => $next_check_flag")
					// check bsls
					else if re.prog[chk_pc].ist == regex.ist_bsls_char {
						next_check_flag = re.prog[chk_pc].validator(byte(ch_t))
						// println("Check [ist_bsls_char] => $next_check_flag")

				// check if we must continue or pass to the next IST
				if next_check_flag == true && re.prog[state.pc + 1].ist != regex.ist_prog_end {
					// println("save the state!!")
					mut dot_state := StateObj{
						group_index: state.group_index
						match_flag: state.match_flag
						match_index: state.match_index
						first_match: state.first_match
						pc: state.pc
						i: state.i + char_len
						char_len: char_len
						last_dot_pc: state.pc
					// if we are mananging a .* stay on the same char on return
					if re.prog[state.pc].rep_min == 0 {
						dot_state.i -= char_len

					re.state_list << dot_state

					m_state = .ist_quant_n
					// println("dot_char stack len: ${re.state_list.len}")

				state.match_flag = true
				l_ist = u32(regex.ist_dot_char)

				if state.first_match < 0 {
					state.first_match = state.i
				state.match_index = state.i
				re.prog[state.pc].rep++ // increase repetitions

				state.i += char_len
				m_state = .ist_quant_p
			// char class IST
			else if ist == regex.ist_char_class_pos || ist == regex.ist_char_class_neg {
				state.match_flag = false
				mut cc_neg := false

				if ist == regex.ist_char_class_neg {
					cc_neg = true
				mut cc_res := re.check_char_class(state.pc, ch)

				if cc_neg {
					cc_res = !cc_res

				if cc_res {
					state.match_flag = true
					l_ist = u32(regex.ist_char_class_pos)

					if state.first_match < 0 {
						state.first_match = state.i

					state.match_index = state.i

					re.prog[state.pc].rep++ // increase repetitions
					state.i += char_len // next char
					m_state = .ist_quant_p
				m_state = .ist_quant_n
			// check bsls
			else if ist == regex.ist_bsls_char {
				state.match_flag = false
				tmp_res := re.prog[state.pc].validator(byte(ch))
				// println("BSLS in_ch: ${ch:c} res: $tmp_res")
				if tmp_res {
					state.match_flag = true
					l_ist = u32(regex.ist_bsls_char)

					if state.first_match < 0 {
						state.first_match = state.i

					state.match_index = state.i

					re.prog[state.pc].rep++ // increase repetitions
					state.i += char_len // next char
					m_state = .ist_quant_p
				m_state = .ist_quant_n
			// simple char IST
			else if ist == regex.ist_simple_char {
				// println("ist_simple_char")
				state.match_flag = false

				if re.prog[state.pc].ch == ch {
					state.match_flag = true
					l_ist = regex.ist_simple_char

					if state.first_match < 0 {
						state.first_match = state.i
					// println("state.match_index: ${state.match_index}")
					state.match_index = state.i

					re.prog[state.pc].rep++ // increase repetitions
					state.i += char_len // next char
					m_state = .ist_quant_p
				m_state = .ist_quant_n
			// println("PANIC2!! state: $m_state")
			return regex.err_internal_error, state.i
		* Quantifier management
		// ist_quant_ng => quantifier negative test on group
		else if m_state == .ist_quant_ng {
			// we are finished here
			if state.group_index < 0 {
				// println("Early stop!")
				result = regex.no_match_found
				m_state = .stop

			tmp_pc := re.group_data[state.group_index] // PC to the end of the group token
			rep := re.prog[tmp_pc].group_rep // use a temp variable
			re.prog[tmp_pc].group_rep = 0 // clear the repetitions

			// println(".ist_quant_ng group_pc_end: $tmp_pc rep: $rep")

			if rep >= re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_min {
				// println("ist_quant_ng GROUP CLOSED OK group_index: $state.group_index")

				state.i = re.group_stack[state.group_index]
				state.pc = tmp_pc
				m_state = .ist_next
			} else if re.prog[tmp_pc].next_is_or {
				// println("ist_quant_ng OR Negative branch")

				state.i = re.group_stack[state.group_index]
				state.pc = re.prog[tmp_pc + 1].rep_min - 1
				m_state = .ist_next
			} else if rep > 0 && rep < re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_min {
				// println("ist_quant_ng UNDER THE MINIMUM g.i: $state.group_index")

				// check if we are inside a group, if yes exit from the nested groups
				if state.group_index > 0 {
					state.pc = tmp_pc
					m_state = .ist_quant_ng //.ist_next

				if state.group_index == 0 {
					state.pc = tmp_pc // TEST
					m_state = .ist_next

				result = regex.no_match_found
				m_state = .stop
			} else if rep == 0 && rep < re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_min {
				// println("ist_quant_ng c_zero UNDER THE MINIMUM g.i: $state.group_index")

				if state.group_index > 0 {
					state.pc = tmp_pc
					m_state = .ist_quant_ng //.ist_next

				result = regex.no_match_found
				m_state = .stop

			// println("DO NOT STAY HERE!! {${re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_min},${re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_max}}:$rep")
			return regex.err_internal_error, state.i
		// ist_quant_pg => quantifier positive test on group
		else if m_state == .ist_quant_pg {
			// println(".ist_quant_pg")
			mut tmp_pc := state.pc
			if state.group_index >= 0 {
				tmp_pc = re.group_data[state.group_index]

			rep := re.prog[tmp_pc].group_rep

			if rep < re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_min {
				// println("ist_quant_pg UNDER RANGE")
				state.pc = re.prog[tmp_pc].goto_pc
				m_state = .ist_next
			} else if rep == re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_max {
				// println("ist_quant_pg MAX RANGE")
				re.prog[tmp_pc].group_rep = 0 // clear the repetitions
				m_state = .ist_next

			} else if rep >= re.prog[tmp_pc].rep_min {
				// println("ist_quant_pg IN RANGE group_index:$state.group_index")

				// check greedy flag, if true exit on minimum
				if re.prog[tmp_pc].greedy == true {
					re.prog[tmp_pc].group_rep = 0 // clear the repetitions
					m_state = .ist_next

				state.pc = re.prog[tmp_pc].goto_pc - 1
				m_state = .ist_next

			// println("PANIC3!! state: $m_state")
			return regex.err_internal_error, state.i
		// ist_quant_n => quantifier negative test on token
		else if m_state == .ist_quant_n {
			rep := re.prog[state.pc].rep
			// println("Here!! PC $state.pc is_next_or: ${re.prog[state.pc].next_is_or}")

			// zero quantifier * or ?
			if rep == 0 && re.prog[state.pc].rep_min == 0 {
				// println("ist_quant_n c_zero RANGE MIN")
				m_state = .ist_next // go to next ist
			// match + or *
			else if rep >= re.prog[state.pc].rep_min {
				// println("ist_quant_n MATCH RANGE")
				m_state = .ist_next

			// check the OR if present
			if re.prog[state.pc].next_is_or {
				// println("OR present on failing")
				state.match_index = -1
				m_state = .ist_next

			// we are in a group manage no match from here
			if state.group_index >= 0 {
				// println("ist_quant_n FAILED insied a GROUP group_index:$state.group_index")
				m_state = .ist_quant_ng

			// no other options
			// println("ist_quant_n no_match_found")
			result = regex.no_match_found
			m_state = .stop
			// return no_match_found, 0
		// ist_quant_p => quantifier positive test on token
		else if m_state == .ist_quant_p {
			// println("Here .ist_quant_p")
			// exit on first match
			if (re.flag & regex.f_efm) != 0 {
				return state.i, state.i + 1

			rep := re.prog[state.pc].rep
			// println(rep)

			// under range
			if rep > 0 && rep < re.prog[state.pc].rep_min {
				// println("ist_quant_p UNDER RANGE")
				m_state = .ist_load // continue the loop
			// range ok, continue loop
			else if rep >= re.prog[state.pc].rep_min && rep < re.prog[state.pc].rep_max {
				// println("ist_quant_p IN RANGE")

				// check greedy flag, if true exit on minimum
				if re.prog[state.pc].greedy == true {
					m_state = .ist_next
				m_state = .ist_load
			// max reached
			else if rep == re.prog[state.pc].rep_max {
				// println("ist_quant_p MAX RANGE")
				m_state = .ist_next
		// println("PANIC4!! state: $m_state")
		return regex.err_internal_error, state.i

	// println("Check end of text!")
	// Check the results
	if state.match_index >= 0 {
		if state.group_index < 0 {
			if re.prog[state.pc].ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
				// println("program ended!!")

				if (re.flag & regex.f_src) != 0 {
					// println("find return")
					return state.first_match, state.i
				} else {
					// println("Here!!")
					return 0, state.i

			// println("No Group here, natural end [$state.first_match,$state.i] state: ${state_str(m_state)} ist: $ist pgr_end: $re.prog.len")

			if re.prog[state.pc + 1].ist == regex.ist_prog_end
				|| re.prog[state.pc].ist == regex.ist_prog_end {
				rep := re.prog[state.pc].rep
				// println("rep: $rep re.prog[state.pc].rep_min: ${re.prog[state.pc].rep_min} re.prog[state.pc].rep_max: ${re.prog[state.pc].rep_max}")
				if rep >= re.prog[state.pc].rep_min && rep <= re.prog[state.pc].rep_max {
					return state.first_match, state.i
				// println("Program not finished! ")
				return regex.no_match_found, 0
			if src_end {
				// println("program end")
				return state.first_match, state.i
			// print("No match found!!")
			return regex.no_match_found, 0
		} else {
			// println("Group match! OK")
			// println("first_match: $state.first_match, i: $state.i")

			// println("Skip last group")
			return state.first_match, state.i
			// return state.first_match,re.group_stack[state.group_index--]
	// println("no_match_found, natural end")
	return regex.no_match_found, 0