module builtin // vstrlen returns the V length of the C string `s` (0 terminator is not counted). // The C string is expected to be a &byte pointer. [inline; unsafe] pub fn vstrlen(s &byte) int { return unsafe { C.strlen(&char(s)) } } // vstrlen_char returns the V length of the C string `s` (0 terminator is not counted). // The C string is expected to be a &char pointer. [inline; unsafe] pub fn vstrlen_char(s &char) int { return unsafe { C.strlen(s) } } // vmemcpy copies n bytes from memory area src to memory area dest. // The memory areas *MUST NOT OVERLAP*. Use vmemmove, if the memory // areas do overlap. vmemcpy returns a pointer to `dest`. [inline; unsafe] pub fn vmemcpy(dest voidptr, const_src voidptr, n int) voidptr { unsafe { return C.memcpy(dest, const_src, n) } } // vmemmove copies n bytes from memory area `src` to memory area `dest`. // The memory areas *MAY* overlap: copying takes place as though the bytes // in `src` are first copied into a temporary array that does not overlap // `src` or `dest`, and the bytes are then copied from the temporary array // to `dest`. vmemmove returns a pointer to `dest`. [inline; unsafe] pub fn vmemmove(dest voidptr, const_src voidptr, n int) voidptr { unsafe { return C.memmove(dest, const_src, n) } } // vmemcmp compares the first n bytes (each interpreted as unsigned char) // of the memory areas s1 and s2. It returns an integer less than, equal to, // or greater than zero, if the first n bytes of s1 is found, respectively, // to be less than, to match, or be greater than the first n bytes of s2. // For a nonzero return value, the sign is determined by the sign of the // difference between the first pair of bytes (interpreted as unsigned char) // that differ in s1 and s2. // If n is zero, the return value is zero. // Do NOT use vmemcmp to compare security critical data, such as cryptographic // secrets, because the required CPU time depends on the number of equal bytes. // You should use a function that performs comparisons in constant time for // this. [inline; unsafe] pub fn vmemcmp(const_s1 voidptr, const_s2 voidptr, n int) int { unsafe { return C.memcmp(const_s1, const_s2, n) } } // vmemset fills the first `n` bytes of the memory area pointed to by `s`, // with the constant byte `c`. It returns a pointer to the memory area `s`. [inline; unsafe] pub fn vmemset(s voidptr, c int, n int) voidptr { unsafe { return C.memset(s, c, n) } } type FnSortCB = fn (const_a voidptr, const_b voidptr) int [inline; unsafe] fn vqsort(base voidptr, nmemb size_t, size size_t, sort_cb FnSortCB) { C.qsort(base, nmemb, size, voidptr(sort_cb)) }