import os import flag import scripting import vgit const ( tool_version = '0.0.3' tool_description = ' Checkout an old V and compile it as it was on specific commit. | This tool is useful, when you want to discover when something broke. | It is also useful, when you just want to experiment with an older historic V. | | The VCOMMIT argument can be a git commitish like HEAD or master and so on. | When oldv is used with git bisect, you probably want to give HEAD. For example: | git bisect start | git bisect bad | git checkout known_good_commit | git bisect good | ## Now git will automatically checkout a middle commit between the bad and the good | cmd/tools/oldv HEAD --command="run commands in oldv folder, to verify if the commit is good or bad" | ## See what the result is, and either do: ... | git bisect good | ## ... or do: | git bisect bad | ## Now you just repeat the above steps, each time running oldv with the same command, then mark the result as good or bad, | ## until you find the commit, where the problem first occurred. | ## When you finish, do not forget to do: | git bisect reset'.strip_margin() ) struct Context { mut: vgo vgit.VGitOptions commit_v string = 'master' // the commit from which you want to produce a working v compiler (this may be a commit-ish too) commit_vc string = 'master' // this will be derived from commit_v commit_v_hash string // this will be filled from the commit-ish commit_v using rev-list. It IS a commit hash. path_v string // the full path to the v folder inside workdir. path_vc string // the full path to the vc folder inside workdir. cmd_to_run string // the command that you want to run *in* the oldv repo cc string = 'cc' // the C compiler to use for bootstrapping. cleanup bool // should the tool run a cleanup first } fn (mut c Context) compile_oldv_if_needed() { mut vgit_context := vgit.VGitContext{ workdir: c.vgo.workdir v_repo_url: c.vgo.v_repo_url vc_repo_url: c.vgo.vc_repo_url cc: commit_v: c.commit_v path_v: c.path_v path_vc: c.path_vc } vgit_context.compile_oldv_if_needed() c.commit_v_hash = vgit_context.commit_v__hash if !os.exists(vgit_context.vexepath) && c.cmd_to_run.len > 0 { // NB: 125 is a special code, that git bisect understands as 'skip this commit'. // it is used to inform git bisect that the current commit leads to a build failure. exit(125) } } fn main() { scripting.used_tools_must_exist(['git', 'cc']) mut context := Context{} mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args) fp.application(os.file_name(os.executable())) fp.version(tool_version) fp.description(tool_description) fp.arguments_description('VCOMMIT') fp.skip_executable() fp.limit_free_args(1, 1) context.cleanup = fp.bool('clean', 0, true, 'Clean before running (slower).') context.cmd_to_run = fp.string('command', `c`, '', 'Command to run in the old V repo.\n') commits := vgit.add_common_tool_options(mut context.vgo, mut fp) if commits.len > 0 { context.commit_v = commits[0] } else { context.commit_v ='git rev-list -n1 HEAD') } scripting.cprintln('################# context.commit_v: $context.commit_v #####################') context.path_v = vgit.normalized_workpath_for_commit(context.vgo.workdir, context.commit_v) context.path_vc = vgit.normalized_workpath_for_commit(context.vgo.workdir, 'vc') if !os.is_dir(context.vgo.workdir) { eprintln('Work folder: $context.vgo.workdir , does not exist.') exit(2) } ecc := os.getenv('CC') if ecc != '' { = ecc } if context.cleanup { scripting.rmrf(context.path_v) scripting.rmrf(context.path_vc) } context.compile_oldv_if_needed() scripting.chdir(context.path_v) scripting.cprintln('# v commit hash: $context.commit_v_hash') scripting.cprintln('# checkout folder: $context.path_v') if context.cmd_to_run.len > 0 { cmdres := os.exec(context.cmd_to_run) or { panic(err.msg) } scripting.cprintln('# command: ${context.cmd_to_run:-34s} exit code: ${cmdres.exit_code:-4d} result:') println(cmdres.output) exit(cmdres.exit_code) } }