CC ?= cc CFLAGS ?= LDFLAGS ?= TMPDIR ?= /tmp VROOT ?= . VC ?= ./vc V ?= ./v VCREPO ?= TCCREPO ?= VCFILE := v.c TMPTCC := $(VROOT)/thirdparty/tcc TCCOS := unknown TCCARCH := unknown GITCLEANPULL := git clean -xf && git pull --quiet GITFASTCLONE := git clone --depth 1 --quiet --single-branch #### Platform detections and overrides: _SYS := $(shell uname 2>/dev/null || echo Unknown) _SYS := $(patsubst MSYS%,MSYS,$(_SYS)) _SYS := $(patsubst MINGW%,MinGW,$(_SYS)) ifneq ($(filter $(_SYS),MSYS MinGW),) WIN32 := 1 V:=./v.exe endif ifeq ($(_SYS),Linux) LINUX := 1 TCCOS := linux endif ifeq ($(_SYS),Darwin) MAC := 1 TCCOS := macos endif ifeq ($(_SYS),FreeBSD) TCCOS := freebsd LDFLAGS += -lexecinfo endif ifeq ($(_SYS),NetBSD) TCCOS := netbsd LDFLAGS += -lexecinfo endif ifdef ANDROID_ROOT ANDROID := 1 undefine LINUX TCCOS := android endif ##### ifdef WIN32 TCCOS := windows VCFILE := v_win.c endif TCCARCH := $(shell uname -m 2>/dev/null || echo unknown) ifeq ($(TCCARCH),x86_64) TCCARCH := amd64 else ifneq ($(filter x86%,$(TCCARCH)),) TCCARCH := i386 else ifeq ($(TCCARCH),arm64) TCCARCH := arm64 else ifneq ($(filter arm%,$(TCCARCH)),) TCCARCH := arm # otherwise, just use the arch name endif endif endif endif .PHONY: all clean fresh_vc fresh_tcc check_for_working_tcc ifdef prod VFLAGS+=-prod endif all: latest_vc latest_tcc ifdef WIN32 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -std=c99 -municode -w -o v1.exe $(VC)/$(VCFILE) $(LDFLAGS) v1.exe -no-parallel -o v2.exe $(VFLAGS) cmd/v v2.exe -o $(V) $(VFLAGS) cmd/v del v1.exe del v2.exe else $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -std=gnu99 -w -o v1.exe $(VC)/$(VCFILE) -lm -lpthread $(LDFLAGS) ./v1.exe -no-parallel -o v2.exe $(VFLAGS) cmd/v ./v2.exe -o $(V) $(VFLAGS) cmd/v rm -rf v1.exe v2.exe endif @$(V) run cmd/tools/detect_tcc.v @echo "V has been successfully built" @$(V) -version clean: rm -rf $(TMPTCC) rm -rf $(VC) ifndef local latest_vc: $(VC)/.git/config cd $(VC) && $(GITCLEANPULL) else latest_vc: @echo "Using local vc" endif check_for_working_tcc: @$(TMPTCC)/tcc.exe --version > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || echo "The executable '$(TMPTCC)/tcc.exe' does not work." fresh_vc: rm -rf $(VC) $(GITFASTCLONE) $(VCREPO) $(VC) ifndef local latest_tcc: $(TMPTCC)/.git/config cd $(TMPTCC) && $(GITCLEANPULL) @$(MAKE) --quiet check_for_working_tcc 2> /dev/null else latest_tcc: @echo "Using local tcc" @$(MAKE) --quiet check_for_working_tcc 2> /dev/null endif fresh_tcc: rm -rf $(TMPTCC) ifndef local # Check wether a TCC branch exists for the user's system configuration. ifneq (,$(findstring thirdparty-$(TCCOS)-$(TCCARCH), $(shell git ls-remote --heads $(TCCREPO) | sed 's/^[a-z0-9]*\trefs.heads.//'))) $(GITFASTCLONE) --branch thirdparty-$(TCCOS)-$(TCCARCH) $(TCCREPO) $(TMPTCC) @$(MAKE) --quiet check_for_working_tcc 2> /dev/null else @echo 'Pre-built TCC not available for thirdparty-$(TCCOS)-$(TCCARCH) at $(TCCREPO), will use the system compiler: $(CC)' $(GITFASTCLONE) --branch thirdparty-unknown-unknown $(TCCREPO) $(TMPTCC) @$(MAKE) --quiet check_for_working_tcc 2> /dev/null endif else @echo "Using local tccbin" @$(MAKE) --quiet check_for_working_tcc 2> /dev/null endif $(TMPTCC)/.git/config: $(MAKE) fresh_tcc $(VC)/.git/config: $(MAKE) fresh_vc asan: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS='-fsanitize=address,undefined' selfcompile: $(V) -cg -o v cmd/v selfcompile-static: $(V) -cg -cflags '--static' -o v-static cmd/v ### NB: Please keep this Makefile and make.bat simple. install: @echo 'Please use `sudo ./v symlink` instead.'