// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.

module compiler

import (

fn todo() {


fn no_mingw_installed() bool {
	$if !windows {
		panic('no_mingw_installed() can only run on Windows')
	os.exec('gcc -v') or {
		println('mingw not found, trying to build with msvc...')
		return true
	return false

fn (v mut V) cc() {
	vexe := vexe_path()
	vdir := os.dir(vexe)
	// Just create a C/JavaScript file and exit
	// for example: `v -o v.c compiler`
	if v.out_name.ends_with('.c') || v.out_name.ends_with('.js') {
		// Translating V code to JS by launching vjs.
		// Using a separate process for V.js is for performance mostly,
		// to avoid constant is_js checks.
		$if !js {
			if v.out_name.ends_with('.js') {
				vjs_path := vexe + 'js'
				if !os.file_exists(vjs_path) {
					println('V.js compiler not found, building...')
					// Build V.js. Specifying `-os js` makes V include
					// only _js.v files and ignore _c.v files.
					ret := os.system('$vexe -o $vjs_path -os js $vdir/v.v')
					if ret == 0 {
					} else {
				ret := os.system('$vjs_path -o $v.out_name $v.dir')
				if ret == 0 {
					println('Done. Run it with `node $v.out_name`')
					println('JS backend is at a very early stage.')

		// v.out_name_c may be on a different partition than v.out_name
		os.mv_by_cp(v.out_name_c, v.out_name) or { panic(err) }
	// Cross compiling for Windows
	if v.os == .windows {
		$if !windows {
	$if windows {
		if v.pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' || no_mingw_installed() {
	// arguments for the C compiler
	mut a := [v.pref.cflags, '-std=gnu11',
		// TODO : activate -Werror once no warnings remain
//		'-Werror',
		// TODO : try and remove the below workaround options when the corresponding
		// warnings are totally fixed/removed
	// TCC on Linux by default, unless -cc was provided
	// TODO if -cc = cc, TCC is still used, default compiler should be
	// used instead.
	if v.pref.fast {
		$if linux {
		$if !android {
			tcc_3rd := '$vdir/thirdparty/tcc/bin/tcc'
			//println('tcc third "$tcc_3rd"')
			tcc_path := '/var/tmp/tcc/bin/tcc'
			if os.file_exists(tcc_3rd) && !os.file_exists(tcc_path) {
				//println('moving tcc')
				// if there's tcc in thirdparty/, that means this is
				// a prebuilt V_linux.zip.
				// Until the libtcc1.a bug is fixed, we neeed to move
				// it to /var/tmp/
				os.system('mv $vdir/thirdparty/tcc /var/tmp/')
			if v.pref.ccompiler == 'cc' && os.file_exists(tcc_path) {
				// TODO tcc bug, needs an empty libtcc1.a fila
				//os.mkdir('/var/tmp/tcc/lib/tcc/') or { panic(err) }
				v.pref.ccompiler = tcc_path
				a << '-m64'
		} $else {
			verror('-fast is only supported on Linux right now')
	//linux_host := os.user_os() == 'linux'
	v.log('cc() isprod=$v.pref.is_prod outname=$v.out_name')

	if v.pref.is_so {
		a << '-shared -fPIC '// -Wl,-z,defs'
		v.out_name = v.out_name + '.so'
	if v.pref.is_bare {
		a << '-static -ffreestanding -nostdlib $vdir/vlib/os/bare/bare.S'
	if v.pref.build_mode == .build_module {
		// Create the modules & out directory if it's not there.
		mut out_dir := if v.dir.starts_with('vlib') {
		} else {
		pdir := out_dir.all_before_last(os.path_separator)
		if !os.dir_exists(pdir) {
		v.out_name = '${out_dir}.o' //v.out_name
		println('Building ${v.out_name}...')

	debug_mode := v.pref.is_debug
	mut debug_options := '-g'
	mut optimization_options := '-O2'
	if v.pref.ccompiler.contains('clang') {
		if debug_mode {
			debug_options = '-g -O0 -no-pie'
		optimization_options = '-O3 -flto'
	if v.pref.ccompiler.contains('gcc') {
		if debug_mode {
			debug_options = '-g3 -no-pie'
		optimization_options = '-O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -flto'

	if debug_mode {
		a << debug_options
	if v.pref.is_prod {
		a << optimization_options

	if debug_mode && os.user_os() != 'windows'{
		a << ' -rdynamic ' // needed for nicer symbolic backtraces

	if v.pref.ccompiler != 'msvc' && v.os != .freebsd {
		a << '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration'

	for f in v.generate_hotcode_reloading_compiler_flags() {
		a << f

	mut libs := ''// builtin.o os.o http.o etc
	if v.pref.build_mode == .build_module {
		a << '-c'
	else if v.pref.is_cache {
		builtin_o_path := filepath.join(v_modules_path, 'cache', 'vlib', 'builtin.o')
		a << builtin_o_path.replace('builtin.o', 'strconv.o') // TODO hack no idea why this is needed
		if os.file_exists(builtin_o_path) {
			libs = builtin_o_path
		} else {
			println('$builtin_o_path not found... building module builtin')
			os.system('$vexe build module vlib${os.path_separator}builtin')
		for imp in v.table.imports {
			if imp.contains('vweb') { continue } // not working
			if imp == 'webview' { continue }

			imp_path := imp.replace('.', os.path_separator)
			path := 	'$v_modules_path${os.path_separator}cache${os.path_separator}vlib${os.path_separator}${imp_path}.o'
			//println('adding ${imp_path}.o')
			if os.file_exists(path) {
				libs += ' ' + path
			} else {
				println('$path not found... building module $imp')
				if path.ends_with('vlib/ui.o') {
					println('copying ui...')
					os.cp('$vdir/thirdparty/ui/ui.o', path) or { panic('error copying ui files') }
					os.cp('$vdir/thirdparty/ui/ui.vh', v_modules_path +
							'/vlib/ui.vh')  or { panic('error copying ui files') }

				}	else {
					os.system('$vexe build module vlib${os.path_separator}$imp_path')
			if path.ends_with('vlib/ui.o') {
				a << '-framework Cocoa -framework Carbon'
	if v.pref.sanitize {
		a << '-fsanitize=leak'
	// Cross compiling linux TODO
	sysroot := '/tmp/lld/linuxroot/'
	if v.os == .linux && !linux_host {
		// Build file.o
		a << '-c --sysroot=$sysroot -target x86_64-linux-gnu'
		// Right now `out_name` can be `file`, not `file.o`
		if !v.out_name.ends_with('.o') {
			v.out_name = v.out_name + '.o'
	// Cross compiling windows
	// Output executable name
	a << '-o "$v.out_name"'
	if os.dir_exists(v.out_name) {
		verror('\'$v.out_name\' is a directory')
	// macOS code can include objective C  TODO remove once objective C is replaced with C
	if v.os == .mac {
		a << '-x objective-c'
	// The C file we are compiling
	a << '"$v.out_name_c"'
	if v.os == .mac {
		a << '-x none'
	// Min macos version is mandatory I think?
	if v.os == .mac {
		a << '-mmacosx-version-min=10.7'
	cflags := v.get_os_cflags()

	// add .o files
	a << cflags.c_options_only_object_files()

	// add all flags (-I -l -L etc) not .o files
	a << cflags.c_options_without_object_files()

	a << libs
	// Without these libs compilation will fail on Linux
	// || os.user_os() == 'linux'
	if v.pref.build_mode != .build_module && (v.os == .linux || v.os == .freebsd || v.os == .openbsd ||
		v.os == .netbsd || v.os == .dragonfly || v.os == .solaris) {
		a << '-lm -lpthread '
		// -ldl is a Linux only thing. BSDs have it in libc.
		if v.os == .linux {
			a << ' -ldl '

	if v.os == .js && os.user_os() == 'linux' {
		a << '-lm'

	args := a.join(' ')
	// TODO remove
	cmd := '${v.pref.ccompiler} $args'
	// Run
	if v.pref.show_c_cmd || v.pref.is_verbose {
	ticks := time.ticks()
	res := os.exec(cmd) or {
		// C compilation failed.
		// If we are on Windows, try msvc
		println('C compilation failed.')
		if os.user_os() == 'windows' && v.pref.ccompiler != 'msvc' {
			println('Trying to build with MSVC')
	if res.exit_code != 0 {
		// the command could not be found by the system
		if res.exit_code == 127 {
			$if linux {
				// TCC problems on linux? Try GCC.
				if v.pref.ccompiler.contains('tcc') {
					v.pref.ccompiler = 'cc'
					goto start

			verror('C compiler error, while attempting to run: \n' +
				'-----------------------------------------------------------\n' +
				'$cmd\n' +
				'-----------------------------------------------------------\n' +
				'Probably your C compiler is missing. \n' +
				'Please reinstall it, or make it available in your PATH.\n\n' +

		if v.pref.is_debug {
		} else {
			partial_output := res.output.limit(200).trim_right('\r\n')
			if res.output.len > partial_output.len {
				println('...\n(Use `v -g` to print the entire error message)\n')
		verror('C error. This should never happen. ' +
			'\nPlease create a GitHub issue: https://github.com/vlang/v/issues/new/choose')
	diff := time.ticks() - ticks
	// Print the C command
	if v.pref.show_c_cmd || v.pref.is_verbose {
		println('${v.pref.ccompiler} took $diff ms')
	// Link it if we are cross compiling and need an executable
	if v.os == .linux && !linux_host && v.pref.build_mode != .build {
		v.out_name = v.out_name.replace('.o', '')
		obj_file := v.out_name + '.o'
		println('linux obj_file=$obj_file out_name=$v.out_name')
		ress := os.exec('/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/8.0.0/bin/ld.lld --sysroot=$sysroot ' +
		'-v -o $v.out_name ' +
		'-m elf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ' +
		'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o ' +
		'$sysroot/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm-2.28.a ' +
		'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o ' +
		obj_file +
		' /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so ' +
		'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crtn.o') or {
		println('linux cross compilation done. resulting binary: "$v.out_name"')
	if !v.pref.is_keep_c && v.out_name_c != 'v.c' {
	if v.pref.compress {
		$if windows {
			println('-compress does not work on Windows for now')
		ret := os.system('strip $v.out_name')
		if ret != 0 {
			println('strip failed')
		ret2 := os.system('upx --lzma -qqq $v.out_name')
		if ret2 != 0 {
			println('upx failed')
			$if mac {
				println('install upx with `brew install upx`')
			$if linux {
				println('install upx\n' +
					'for example, on Debian/Ubuntu run `sudo apt install upx`')
			$if windows {
				// :)

fn (c mut V) cc_windows_cross() {
	if !c.out_name.ends_with('.exe') {
		c.out_name = c.out_name + '.exe'
	mut args := '-o $c.out_name -w -L. '
	cflags := c.get_os_cflags()
	// -I flags
	args += if c.pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' {
	} else {
	mut libs := ''
	if c.pref.build_mode == .default_mode {
		libs = '"$v_modules_path/vlib/builtin.o"'
		if !os.file_exists(libs) {
				println('`$libs` not found')
		for imp in c.table.imports {
				libs += ' "$v_modules_path/vlib/${imp}.o"'
	args += ' $c.out_name_c '
	args += if c.pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' {
	} else {
	println('Cross compiling for Windows...')
	winroot := '$v_modules_path/winroot'
	if !os.dir_exists(winroot) {
		winroot_url := 'https://github.com/vlang/v/releases/download/v0.1.10/winroot.zip'
		println('"$winroot" not found.')
		println('Download it from $winroot_url and save it in $v_modules_path')
		println('Unzip it afterwards.\n')
		println('winroot.zip contains all library and header files needed '+
			'to cross-compile for Windows.')
	mut obj_name := c.out_name
	obj_name = obj_name.replace('.exe', '')
	obj_name = obj_name.replace('.o.o', '.o')
	include := '-I $winroot/include '
	cmd := 'clang -o $obj_name -w $include -m32 -c -target x86_64-win32 $v_modules_path/$c.out_name_c'
	if c.pref.show_c_cmd {
	if os.system(cmd) != 0 {
		println('Cross compilation for Windows failed. Make sure you have clang installed.')
	if c.pref.build_mode != .build_module {
		link_cmd := 'lld-link $obj_name $winroot/lib/libcmt.lib ' +
		'$winroot/lib/libucrt.lib $winroot/lib/kernel32.lib $winroot/lib/libvcruntime.lib ' +
		if c.pref.show_c_cmd {

		if os.system(link_cmd)  != 0 {
			println('Cross compilation for Windows failed. Make sure you have lld linker installed.')
		// os.rm(obj_name)

fn (c &V) build_thirdparty_obj_files() {
	for flag in c.get_os_cflags() {
		if flag.value.ends_with('.o') {
			rest_of_module_flags := c.get_rest_of_module_cflags( flag )
			if c.pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' {
				build_thirdparty_obj_file_with_msvc(flag.value, rest_of_module_flags)
			else {
				build_thirdparty_obj_file(flag.value, rest_of_module_flags)

fn find_c_compiler() string {
	args := env_vflags_and_os_args().join(' ')
	defaultcc := find_c_compiler_default()
	return get_arg( args, 'cc', defaultcc )

fn find_c_compiler_default() string {
	//fast_clang := '/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/8.0.0/bin/clang'
	//if os.file_exists(fast_clang) {
	//	return fast_clang
	// TODO fix $if after 'string'
	$if windows {	return 'gcc' }
	return 'cc'

fn find_c_compiler_thirdparty_options() string {
	fullargs := env_vflags_and_os_args()
	mut cflags := get_cmdline_cflags( fullargs )
	$if !windows {
		cflags += ' -fPIC'
	if '-m32' in fullargs {
		cflags += ' -m32'
	return cflags

fn get_cmdline_cflags(args []string) string {
	mut cflags := ''
	for ci, cv in args {
		if cv == '-cflags' {
			cflags += args[ci+1] + ' '
	return cflags

fn missing_compiler_info() string {
	$if windows {
		return 'https://github.com/vlang/v/wiki/Installing-a-C-compiler-on-Windows'
	$if linux {
		return 'On Debian/Ubuntu, run `sudo apt install build-essential`'
	$if mac {
		return 'Install command line XCode tools with `xcode-select --install`'
	return ''