<div align="center"> <p> <img style="width: 250px" width="250" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17727170/153699135-a63e9644-1a29-4c04-9de3-c9100b06001d.png" > </p> <h1>Pendulum Simulation in V</h1> You can see the origin implementation among with some benchmarks at [ulises-jeremias/v-pendulum-simulation](https://github.com/ulises-jeremias/v-pendulum-simulation). [vlang.io](https://vlang.io) | [Docs](https://ulises-jeremias.github.io/v-pendulum-simulation) | [Contributing](https://github.com/ulises-jeremias/v-pendulum-simulation/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) </div> <div align="center"> [![Build Status][workflowbadge]][workflowurl] [![Docs Validation][validatedocsbadge]][validatedocsurl] [![License: MIT][licensebadge]][licenseurl] </div> ## Run the Simulations ### Sequential Simulation ```sh $ v -gc boehm -prod sequential.v $ ./sequential # execute ./sequential -h for more info ``` ### Parallel Simulation ```sh $ v -gc boehm -prod parallel.v $ ./parallel # execute ./parallel -h for more info ```  ### Parallel Simulation with Image Worker ```sh $ v -gc boehm -prod parallel_with_iw.v $ ./parallel_with_iw # execute ./parallel_with_iw -h for more info ```  ### Parallel Simulation with Graphic User Interface ```sh $ v -gc boehm -prod animation.v $ ./animation # execute ./animation -h for more info ``` ### Full Parallel Simulation with Graphic User Interface and Image Output ```sh $ v -gc boehm -prod full.v $ ./full # execute ./full -h for more info ``` ## Testing To test the module, just type the following command: ```sh $ v test . ``` ## Benchmark Check the original repository for tools to run benchmark tests. In there you can execute the following command to execute benchmark tests to get a full comparison between implementations: ```sh $ ./bin/run-benchmark-test --help ```  [workflowbadge]: https://github.com/ulises-jeremias/v-pendulum-simulation/workflows/Build%20and%20Test%20with%20deps/badge.svg [validatedocsbadge]: https://github.com/ulises-jeremias/v-pendulum-simulation/workflows/Validate%20Docs/badge.svg [licensebadge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg [workflowurl]: https://github.com/ulises-jeremias/v-pendulum-simulation/commits/main [validatedocsurl]: https://github.com/ulises-jeremias/v-pendulum-simulation/commits/main [licenseurl]: https://github.com/ulises-jeremias/v-pendulum-simulation/blob/main/LICENSE