module main

import os
import testing
import v.util

// NB: tools like vdoc are compiled in their own subfolder
// => cmd/tools/vdoc/vdoc.exe
// Usually, they have several top level .v files in the subfolder,
// that cannot be compiled separately, but instead, the whole folder,
// should be compiled (v folder).
// To implement that, these folders are initially skipped, then added
// as a whole *after the testing.prepare_test_session call*.
const tools_in_subfolders = ['vdoc', 'vvet', 'vast']

// non_packaged_tools are tools that should not be packaged with
// prebuild versions of V, to keep the size smaller.
// They are mainly usefull for the V project itself, not to end users.
const non_packaged_tools = ['gen1m', 'gen_vc', 'fast', 'wyhash']

fn main() {
	util.ensure_modules_for_all_tools_are_installed('-v' in os.args)
	args_string := os.args[1..].join(' ')
	vexe := os.getenv('VEXE')
	vroot := os.dir(vexe)
	folder := os.join_path('cmd', 'tools')
	tfolder := os.join_path(vroot, 'cmd', 'tools')
	main_label := 'Building $folder ...'
	finish_label := 'building $folder'
	mut skips := []string{}
	for stool in tools_in_subfolders {
		skips << os.join_path(tfolder, stool)
	buildopts := args_string.all_before('build-tools')
	mut session := testing.prepare_test_session(buildopts, folder, skips, main_label)
	session.rm_binaries = false
	for stool in tools_in_subfolders {
		session.add(os.join_path(tfolder, stool))
	// eprintln('> session.files: $session.files')
	// eprintln('> session.skip_files: $session.skip_files')
	if session.failed {
	mut executables := ?
	for texe in executables {
		tname := texe.replace(os.file_ext(texe), '')
		if tname in non_packaged_tools {
		tpath := os.join_path(session.vtmp_dir, texe)
		if tname in tools_in_subfolders {
			os.mv_by_cp(tpath, os.join_path(tfolder, tname, texe)) or { panic(err) }
		target_path := os.join_path(tfolder, texe)
		os.mv_by_cp(tpath, target_path) or {
			if !err.msg.contains('vbuild-tools') && !err.msg.contains('vtest-all') {
				eprintln('error while moving $tpath to $target_path: $err.msg')