module net struct Socket { pub: sockfd int family int _type int proto int } import const ( AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_UNSPEC SOCK_STREAM SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR SO_REUSEPORT INADDR_ANY AI_PASSIVE SHUT_RD SHUT_WR SHUT_RDWR SD_BOTH ) struct C.WSAData { mut: wVersion u16 wHighVersion u16 szDescription [257]byte szSystemStatus [129]byte iMaxSockets u16 iMaxUdpDg u16 lpVendorInfo byteptr } const ( WSA_V1 = 0x100 // C.MAKEWORD(1, 0) WSA_V11 = 0x101 // C.MAKEWORD(1, 1) WSA_V2 = 0x200 // C.MAKEWORD(2, 0) WSA_V21 = 0x201 // C.MAKEWORD(2, 1) WSA_V22 = 0x202 // C.MAKEWORD(2, 2) ) struct C.in_addr { mut: s_addr int } struct C.sockaddr_in { mut: sin_family int sin_port int sin_addr C.in_addr } struct C.addrinfo { mut: ai_family int ai_socktype int ai_flags int ai_protocol int ai_addrlen int ai_next voidptr ai_addr voidptr } struct C.sockaddr_storage {} // create socket pub fn socket(family int, _type int, proto int) ?Socket { $if windows { mut wsadata := C.WSAData{} res := C.WSAStartup(WSA_V22, &wsadata) if res != 0 { return error('socket: WSAStartup failed') } } sockfd := C.socket(family, _type, proto) one:=1 // This is needed so that there are no problems with reusing the // same port after the application exits. C.setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(int)) if sockfd == 0 { return error('socket: init failed') } s := Socket { sockfd: sockfd family: family _type: _type proto: proto } return s } // set socket options pub fn (s Socket) setsockopt(level int, optname int, optvalue *int) ?int { res := C.setsockopt(s.sockfd, level, optname, optvalue, C.sizeof(optvalue)) if res < 0 { return error('socket: setsockopt failed') } return int(res) } // bind socket to port pub fn (s Socket) bind(port int) ?int { mut addr := C.sockaddr_in{} addr.sin_family = addr.sin_port = C.htons(port) addr.sin_addr.s_addr = C.htonl(INADDR_ANY) size := 16 // sizeof(C.sockaddr_in) res := C.bind(s.sockfd, &addr, size) if res < 0 { return error('socket: bind failed') } return int(res) } // put socket into passive mode and wait to receive pub fn (s Socket) listen() ?int { backlog := 128 res := int(C.listen(s.sockfd, backlog)) if res < 0 { return error('socket: listen failed') } $if debug { println('listen res = $res') } return res } // put socket into passive mode with user specified backlog and wait to receive pub fn (s Socket) listen_backlog(backlog int) ?int { mut n := 0 if backlog > 0 { n = backlog } res := C.listen(s.sockfd, n) if res < 0 { return error('socket: listen_backlog failed') } return int(res) } // helper method to create, bind, and listen given port number pub fn listen(port int) ?Socket { $if debug { println('net.listen($port)') } s := socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or { return error(err) } bind_res := s.bind(port) or { return error(err) } listen_res := s.listen() or { return error(err) } return s } // accept first connection request from socket queue pub fn (s Socket) accept() ?Socket { $if debug { println('accept()') } addr := C.sockaddr_storage{} size := 128 // sizeof(sockaddr_storage) sockfd := C.accept(s.sockfd, &addr, &size) if sockfd < 0 { return error('socket: accept failed') } c := Socket { sockfd: sockfd family: _type: s._type proto: s.proto } return c } // connect to given addrress and port pub fn (s Socket) connect(address string, port int) ?int { mut hints := C.addrinfo{} hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE info := &C.addrinfo{!} sport := '$port' info_res := C.getaddrinfo(address.str, sport.str, &hints, &info) if info_res != 0 { return error('socket: connect failed') } res := int(C.connect(s.sockfd, info.ai_addr, info.ai_addrlen)) if res < 0 { return error('socket: connect failed') } return int(res) } // helper method to create socket and connect pub fn dial(address string, port int) ?Socket { s := socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or { return error(err) } res := s.connect(address, port) or { return error(err) } return s } // send string data to socket pub fn (s Socket) send(buf byteptr, len int) int { res := C.send(s.sockfd, buf, len, 0) // if res < 0 { // return error('socket: send failed') // } return res } // receive string data from socket pub fn (s Socket) recv(bufsize int) byteptr { buf := malloc(bufsize) res := C.recv(s.sockfd, buf, bufsize, 0) // if res < 0 { // return error('socket: recv failed') // } return buf } // shutdown and close socket pub fn (s Socket) close() ?int { mut shutdown_res := 0 $if windows { shutdown_res = C.shutdown(s.sockfd, SD_BOTH) } $else { shutdown_res = C.shutdown(s.sockfd, SHUT_RDWR) } // TODO: should shutdown throw an error? close will // continue even if shutdown failed // if shutdown_res < 0 { // return error('socket: shutdown failed') // } mut res := 0 $if windows { res = C.closesocket(s.sockfd) } $else { res = C.close(s.sockfd) } if res < 0 { return error('socket: close failed') } return 0 } const ( MAX_READ = 400 ) pub fn (s Socket) write(str string) { line := '$str\r\n' C.write(s.sockfd, line.str, line.len) } pub fn (s Socket) read_line() string { mut res := '' for { $if debug { println('.') } mut buf := malloc(MAX_READ) n := int(C.recv(s.sockfd, buf, MAX_READ-1, 0)) $if debug { println('numbytes=$n') } if n == -1 { $if debug { println('recv failed') } // TODO return '' } if n == 0 { break } // println('resp len=$numbytes') buf[n] = `\0` // C.printf('!!buf= "%s" n=%d\n', buf,n) line := string(buf) res += line // Reached a newline. That's an end of an IRC message // TODO dont need ends_with check ? if line.ends_with('\n') || n < MAX_READ - 1 { // println('NL') break } if line.ends_with('\r\n') { // println('RNL') break } } return res }