import time fn test_parse() { s := '2018-01-27 12:48:34' t := time.parse(s) or { assert false return } assert t.year == 2018 && t.month == 1 && == 27 && t.hour == 12 && t.minute == 48 && t.second == 34 assert t.unix == 1517057314 } fn test_parse_invalid() { s := 'Invalid time string' time.parse(s) or { assert true return } assert false } fn test_parse_rfc2822() { s1 := 'Thu, 12 Dec 2019 06:07:45 GMT' t1 := time.parse_rfc2822(s1) or { assert false return } assert t1.year == 2019 && t1.month == 12 && == 12 && t1.hour == 6 && t1.minute == 7 && t1.second == 45 assert t1.unix == 1576130865 s2 := 'Thu 12 Dec 2019 06:07:45 +0800' t2 := time.parse_rfc2822(s2) or { assert false return } assert t2.year == 2019 && t2.month == 12 && == 12 && t2.hour == 6 && t2.minute == 7 && t2.second == 45 assert t2.unix == 1576130865 } fn test_parse_rfc2822_invalid() { s3 := 'Thu 12 Foo 2019 06:07:45 +0800' time.parse_rfc2822(s3) or { assert true return } assert false } fn test_parse_iso8601() { // Because the offset between local time and UTC is not constant in regions // that use daylight saving times we need to calculate separete offsets for // summer and winter offset_summer := time.Duration(time.new_time(year: 2020, month: 6, day: 5, hour: 15).to_local_time() - time.new_time(year: 2020, month: 6, day: 5, hour: 15)) offset_winter := time.Duration(time.new_time(year: 2020, month: 11, day: 5, hour: 15).to_local_time() - time.new_time(year: 2020, month: 11, day: 5, hour: 15)) formats := [ '2020-06-05T15:38:06Z', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959Z', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959+00:00', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959+02:00', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959-02:00', '2020-11-05T15:38:06.015959Z' ] times := [ [2020, 6, 5, 15, 38, 6, 0], [2020, 6, 5, 15, 38, 6, 15959], [2020, 6, 5, 15, 38, 6, 15959], [2020, 6, 5, 13, 38, 6, 15959], [2020, 6, 5, 17, 38, 6, 15959], [2020, 11, 5, 15, 38, 6, 15959], ] for i, format in formats { t := time.parse_iso8601(format) or { assert false continue } data := times[i] t2 := time.new_time( year: data[0] month: data[1] day: data[2] hour: data[3] minute: data[4] second: data[5] microsecond: data[6] ).add(if i <= 4 { offset_summer } else { offset_winter }) assert t.year == t2.year assert t.month == t2.month assert == assert t.hour == t2.hour assert t.minute == t2.minute assert t.second == t2.second assert t.microsecond == t2.microsecond } } fn test_parse_iso8601_local() { format := '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959' t := time.parse_iso8601(format) or { assert false return } assert t.year == 2020 assert t.month == 6 assert == 5 assert t.hour == 15 assert t.minute == 38 assert t.second == 6 assert t.microsecond == 15959 } fn test_parse_iso8601_invalid() { formats := [ '', '2020-06-05X15:38:06.015959Z', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959X', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959+0000', '2020-06-05T', '2020-06-05Z', '2020-06-05+00:00', '15:38:06', ] for format in formats { time.parse_iso8601(format) or { assert true continue } assert false } }