module os

import strings

#flag windows -l advapi32
#include <process.h>
#include <sys/utime.h>

// See
fn C.CreateSymbolicLinkW(&u16, &u16, u32) int

// See
fn C.CreateHardLinkW(&u16, &u16, C.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) int

fn C._getpid() int

pub const (
	path_separator = '\\'
	path_delimiter = ';'

// Ref -
// A handle to an object.
pub type HANDLE = voidptr
pub type HMODULE = voidptr

// win: FILETIME
struct Filetime {
	dw_low_date_time  u32
	dw_high_date_time u32

// win: WIN32_FIND_DATA
struct Win32finddata {
	dw_file_attributes    u32
	ft_creation_time      Filetime
	ft_last_access_time   Filetime
	ft_last_write_time    Filetime
	n_file_size_high      u32
	n_file_size_low       u32
	dw_reserved0          u32
	dw_reserved1          u32
	c_file_name           [260]u16 // max_path_len = 260
	c_alternate_file_name [14]u16  // 14
	dw_file_type          u32
	dw_creator_type       u32
	w_finder_flags        u16

struct ProcessInformation {
	h_process     voidptr
	h_thread      voidptr
	dw_process_id u32
	dw_thread_id  u32

struct StartupInfo {
	cb                 u32
	lp_reserved        &u16
	lp_desktop         &u16
	lp_title           &u16
	dw_x               u32
	dw_y               u32
	dw_x_size          u32
	dw_y_size          u32
	dw_x_count_chars   u32
	dw_y_count_chars   u32
	dw_fill_attributes u32
	dw_flags           u32
	w_show_window      u16
	cb_reserved2       u16
	lp_reserved2       &byte
	h_std_input        voidptr
	h_std_output       voidptr
	h_std_error        voidptr

struct SecurityAttributes {
	n_length               u32
	lp_security_descriptor voidptr
	b_inherit_handle       bool

struct C._utimbuf {
	actime  int
	modtime int

fn C._utime(&char, voidptr) int

fn init_os_args_wide(argc int, argv &&byte) []string {
	mut args_ := []string{}
	for i in 0 .. argc {
		args_ << unsafe { string_from_wide(&u16(argv[i])) }
	return args_

fn native_glob_pattern(pattern string, mut matches []string) ? {
	$if debug {
		// FindFirstFile() and FindNextFile() both have a globbing function.
		// Unfortunately this is not as pronounced as under Unix, but should provide some functionality
		eprintln('os.glob() does not have all the features on Windows as it has on Unix operating systems')
	mut find_file_data := Win32finddata{}
	wpattern := pattern.replace('/', '\\').to_wide()
	h_find_files := C.FindFirstFile(wpattern, voidptr(&find_file_data))

	defer {

	if h_find_files == C.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
		return error('os.glob(): Could not get a file handle: ' +

	// save first finding
	fname := unsafe { string_from_wide(&find_file_data.c_file_name[0]) }
	if fname !in ['.', '..'] {
		mut fp := fname.replace('\\', '/')
		if find_file_data.dw_file_attributes & u32(C.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) > 0 {
			fp += '/'
		matches << fp

	// check and save next findings
	for i := 0; C.FindNextFile(h_find_files, voidptr(&find_file_data)) > 0; i++ {
		filename := unsafe { string_from_wide(&find_file_data.c_file_name[0]) }
		if filename in ['.', '..'] {
		mut fpath := filename.replace('\\', '/')
		if find_file_data.dw_file_attributes & u32(C.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) > 0 {
			fpath += '/'
		matches << fpath

pub fn utime(path string, actime int, modtime int) ? {
	mut u := C._utimbuf{actime, modtime}
	if C._utime(&char(path.str), voidptr(&u)) != 0 {
		return error_with_code(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno), C.errno)

pub fn ls(path string) ?[]string {
	mut find_file_data := Win32finddata{}
	mut dir_files := []string{}
	// We can also check if the handle is valid. but using is_dir instead
	// h_find_dir := C.FindFirstFile(path.str, &find_file_data)
	// if (invalid_handle_value == h_find_dir) {
	// return dir_files
	// }
	// C.FindClose(h_find_dir)
	if !is_dir(path) {
		return error('ls() couldnt open dir "$path": directory does not exist')
	// NOTE: Should eventually have path struct & os dependant path seperator (eg os.PATH_SEPERATOR)
	// we need to add files to path eg. c:\windows\*.dll or :\windows\*
	path_files := '$path\\*'
	// NOTE:TODO: once we have a way to convert utf16 wide character to utf8
	// we should use FindFirstFileW and FindNextFileW
	h_find_files := C.FindFirstFile(path_files.to_wide(), voidptr(&find_file_data))
	first_filename := unsafe { string_from_wide(&find_file_data.c_file_name[0]) }
	if first_filename != '.' && first_filename != '..' {
		dir_files << first_filename
	for C.FindNextFile(h_find_files, voidptr(&find_file_data)) > 0 {
		filename := unsafe { string_from_wide(&find_file_data.c_file_name[0]) }
		if filename != '.' && filename != '..' {
			dir_files << filename.clone()
	return dir_files

pub fn is_dir(path string) bool {
	_path := path.replace('/', '\\')
	attr := C.GetFileAttributesW(_path.to_wide())
	if int(attr) == int(C.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
		return false
	if (int(attr) & C.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0 {
		return true
	return false
// mkdir creates a new directory with the specified path.
pub fn mkdir(path string) ?bool {
	if path == '.' {
		return true
	apath := real_path(path)
	if !C.CreateDirectory(apath.to_wide(), 0) {
		return error('mkdir failed for "$apath", because CreateDirectory returned: ' +
	return true

// Ref -
// get_file_handle retrieves the operating-system file handle that is associated with the specified file descriptor.
pub fn get_file_handle(path string) HANDLE {
	cfile := vfopen(path, 'rb') or { return HANDLE(invalid_handle_value) }
	handle := HANDLE(C._get_osfhandle(fileno(cfile))) // CreateFile? - hah, no -_-
	return handle

// Ref -
// get_module_filename retrieves the fully qualified path for the file that contains the specified module.
// The module must have been loaded by the current process.
pub fn get_module_filename(handle HANDLE) ?string {
	unsafe {
		mut sz := 4096 // Optimized length
		mut buf := &u16(malloc_noscan(4096))
		for {
			status := int(C.GetModuleFileNameW(handle, voidptr(&buf), sz))
			match status {
				success {
					return string_from_wide2(buf, sz)
				else {
					// Must handled with GetLastError and converted by FormatMessage
					return error('Cannot get file name from handle')
	panic('this should be unreachable') // TODO remove unreachable after loop

// Ref -
const (
	format_message_allocate_buffer = 0x00000100
	format_message_argument_array  = 0x00002000
	format_message_from_hmodule    = 0x00000800
	format_message_from_string     = 0x00000400
	format_message_from_system     = 0x00001000
	format_message_ignore_inserts  = 0x00000200

// Ref - winnt.h
const (
	sublang_neutral = 0x00
	sublang_default = 0x01
	lang_neutral    = sublang_neutral

// Ref -
const (
	max_error_code = 15841 // ERROR_API_UNAVAILABLE

// ptr_win_get_error_msg return string (voidptr)
// representation of error, only for windows.
fn ptr_win_get_error_msg(code u32) voidptr {
	mut buf := voidptr(0)
	// Check for code overflow
	if code > u32(os.max_error_code) {
		return buf
	C.FormatMessage(os.format_message_allocate_buffer | os.format_message_from_system | os.format_message_ignore_inserts,
		0, code, C.MAKELANGID(os.lang_neutral, os.sublang_default), voidptr(&buf), 0,
	return buf

// get_error_msg return error code representation in string.
pub fn get_error_msg(code int) string {
	if code < 0 { // skip negative
		return ''
	ptr_text := ptr_win_get_error_msg(u32(code))
	if ptr_text == 0 { // compare with null
		return ''
	return unsafe { string_from_wide(ptr_text) }

// execute starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its output.
pub fn execute(cmd string) Result {
	if cmd.contains(';') || cmd.contains('&&') || cmd.contains('||') || cmd.contains('\n') {
		return Result{
			exit_code: -1
			output: ';, &&, || and \\n are not allowed in shell commands'
	mut child_stdin := &u32(0)
	mut child_stdout_read := &u32(0)
	mut child_stdout_write := &u32(0)
	mut sa := SecurityAttributes{}
	sa.n_length = sizeof(C.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)
	sa.b_inherit_handle = true
	create_pipe_ok := C.CreatePipe(voidptr(&child_stdout_read), voidptr(&child_stdout_write),
		voidptr(&sa), 0)
	if !create_pipe_ok {
		error_num := int(C.GetLastError())
		error_msg := get_error_msg(error_num)
		return Result{
			exit_code: error_num
			output: 'exec failed (CreatePipe): $error_msg'
	set_handle_info_ok := C.SetHandleInformation(child_stdout_read, C.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT,
	if !set_handle_info_ok {
		error_num := int(C.GetLastError())
		error_msg := get_error_msg(error_num)
		return Result{
			exit_code: error_num
			output: 'exec failed (SetHandleInformation): $error_msg'
	proc_info := ProcessInformation{}
	start_info := StartupInfo{
		lp_reserved2: 0
		lp_reserved: 0
		lp_desktop: 0
		lp_title: 0
		h_std_input: child_stdin
		h_std_output: child_stdout_write
		h_std_error: child_stdout_write
	command_line := [32768]u16{}
	C.ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(cmd.to_wide(), voidptr(&command_line), 32768)
	create_process_ok := C.CreateProcessW(0, &command_line[0], 0, 0, C.TRUE, 0, 0, 0,
		voidptr(&start_info), voidptr(&proc_info))
	if !create_process_ok {
		error_num := int(C.GetLastError())
		error_msg := get_error_msg(error_num)
		return Result{
			exit_code: error_num
			output: 'exec failed (CreateProcess) with code $error_num: $error_msg cmd: $cmd'
	buf := [4096]byte{}
	mut bytes_read := u32(0)
	mut read_data := strings.new_builder(1024)
	for {
		mut result := false
		unsafe {
			result = C.ReadFile(child_stdout_read, &buf[0], 1000, voidptr(&bytes_read),
			read_data.write_ptr(&buf[0], int(bytes_read))
		if result == false || int(bytes_read) == 0 {
	soutput := read_data.str().trim_space()
	unsafe { }
	exit_code := u32(0)
	C.WaitForSingleObject(proc_info.h_process, C.INFINITE)
	C.GetExitCodeProcess(proc_info.h_process, voidptr(&exit_code))
	return Result{
		output: soutput
		exit_code: int(exit_code)

pub fn symlink(origin string, target string) ?bool {
	// this is a temporary fix for TCC32 due to runtime error
	// TODO: find the cause why TCC32 for Windows does not work without the compiletime option
	$if x64 || x32 {
		mut flags := 0
		if is_dir(origin) {
			flags ^= 1

		res := C.CreateSymbolicLinkW(target.to_wide(), origin.to_wide(), flags)

		// 1 = success, != 1 failure =>
		if res != 1 {
			return error(get_error_msg(int(C.GetLastError())))
		if !exists(target) {
			return error('C.CreateSymbolicLinkW reported success, but symlink still does not exist')
		return true
	return false

pub fn link(origin string, target string) ?bool {
	res := C.CreateHardLinkW(target.to_wide(), origin.to_wide(), C.NULL)
	// 1 = success, != 1 failure =>
	if res != 1 {
		return error(get_error_msg(int(C.GetLastError())))
	if !exists(target) {
		return error('C.CreateHardLinkW reported success, but link still does not exist')
	return true

pub fn (mut f File) close() {
	if !f.is_opened {
	f.is_opened = false

pub struct ExceptionRecord {
	// status_ constants
	code        u32
	flags       u32
	record      &ExceptionRecord
	address     voidptr
	param_count u32
	// params []voidptr

pub struct ContextRecord {
	// TODO

pub struct ExceptionPointers {
	exception_record &ExceptionRecord
	context_record   &ContextRecord

pub type VectoredExceptionHandler = fn (&ExceptionPointers) u32

// This is defined in builtin because we use vectored exception handling
// for our unhandled exception handler on windows
// As a result this definition is commented out to prevent
// duplicate definitions from displeasing the compiler
// fn C.AddVectoredExceptionHandler(u32, VectoredExceptionHandler)
pub fn add_vectored_exception_handler(first bool, handler VectoredExceptionHandler) {
	C.AddVectoredExceptionHandler(u32(first), C.PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER(handler))

// this is defined in builtin_windows.c.v in builtin
// fn C.IsDebuggerPresent() bool
pub fn debugger_present() bool {
	return C.IsDebuggerPresent()

pub fn uname() Uname {
	sys_and_ver := execute('cmd /c ver').output.split('[')
	nodename := hostname()
	machine := getenv('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE')
	return Uname{
		sysname: sys_and_ver[0].trim_space()
		nodename: nodename
		release: sys_and_ver[1].replace(']', '')
		version: sys_and_ver[0] + '[' + sys_and_ver[1]
		machine: machine

pub fn hostname() string {
	hostname := [255]u16{}
	size := u32(255)
	res := C.GetComputerNameW(&hostname[0], &size)
	if !res {
		return get_error_msg(int(C.GetLastError()))
	return unsafe { string_from_wide(&hostname[0]) }

pub fn loginname() string {
	loginname := [255]u16{}
	size := u32(255)
	res := C.GetUserNameW(&loginname[0], &size)
	if !res {
		return get_error_msg(int(C.GetLastError()))
	return unsafe { string_from_wide(&loginname[0]) }

// `is_writable_folder` - `folder` exists and is writable to the process
pub fn is_writable_folder(folder string) ?bool {
	if !exists(folder) {
		return error('`$folder` does not exist')
	if !is_dir(folder) {
		return error('`folder` is not a folder')
	tmp_perm_check := join_path(folder, 'tmp_perm_check_pid_' + getpid().str())
	mut f := open_file(tmp_perm_check, 'w+', 0o700) or {
		return error('cannot write to folder $folder: $err')
	rm(tmp_perm_check) ?
	return true

pub fn getpid() int {
	return C._getpid()

pub fn getppid() int {
	return 0

pub fn getuid() int {
	return 0

pub fn geteuid() int {
	return 0

pub fn getgid() int {
	return 0

pub fn getegid() int {
	return 0

pub fn posix_set_permission_bit(path_s string, mode u32, enable bool) {
	// windows has no concept of a permission mask, so do nothing