// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module main

import os
import term
import rand
import readline
import os.cmdline
import v.util.version

struct Repl {
	readline readline.Readline
	indent   int    // indentation level
	in_func  bool   // are we inside a new custom user function
	line     string // the current line entered by the user
	modules         []string // all the import modules
	alias           map[string]string // all the alias used in the import
	includes        []string // all the #include statements
	functions       []string // all the user function declarations
	functions_name  []string // all the user function names
	lines           []string // all the other lines/statements
	temp_lines      []string // all the temporary expressions/printlns
	vstartup_lines  []string // lines in the `VSTARTUP` file
	eval_func_lines []string // same line of the `VSTARTUP` file, but used to test fn type

const is_stdin_a_pipe = (os.is_atty(0) == 0)

const vexe = os.getenv('VEXE')

const vstartup = os.getenv('VSTARTUP')

enum FnType {

fn new_repl() Repl {
	return Repl{
		readline: readline.Readline{
			skip_empty: true
		modules: ['os', 'time', 'math']
		vstartup_lines: os.read_file(vstartup) or { '' }.trim_right('\n\r').split_into_lines()
		// Test file used to check if a function as a void return or a
		// value return.
		eval_func_lines: os.read_file(vstartup) or { '' }.trim_right('\n\r').split_into_lines()

fn endline_if_missed(line string) string {
	if line.ends_with('\n') {
		return line
	return line + '\n'

fn repl_help() {
	|help                   Displays this information.
	|list                   Show the program so far.
	|reset                  Clears the accumulated program, so you can start a fresh.
	|Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D, exit   Exits the REPL.
	|clear                  Clears the screen.

fn (mut r Repl) checks() bool {
	mut in_string := false
	was_indent := r.indent > 0
	for i := 0; i < r.line.len; i++ {
		if r.line[i] == `'` && (i == 0 || r.line[i - 1] != `\\`) {
			in_string = !in_string
		if r.line[i] == `{` && !in_string {
			r.line = r.line[..i + 1] + '\n' + r.line[i + 1..]
		if r.line[i] == `}` && !in_string {
			r.line = r.line[..i] + '\n' + r.line[i..]
			if r.indent == 0 {
				r.in_func = false
		if i + 2 < r.line.len && r.indent == 0 && r.line[i + 1] == `f` && r.line[i + 2] == `n` {
			r.in_func = true
	return r.in_func || (was_indent && r.indent <= 0) || r.indent > 0

fn (r &Repl) function_call(line string) (bool, FnType) {
	for function in r.functions_name {
		is_function_definition := line.replace(' ', '').starts_with('$function:=')
		if line.starts_with(function) && !is_function_definition {
			// TODO(vincenzopalazzo) store the type of the function here
			fntype := r.check_fn_type_kind(line)
			return true, fntype

	if line.contains(':=') {
		// an assignment to a variable:
		// `z := abc()`
		return false, FnType.@none

	// Check if it is a Vlib call
	// TODO(vincenzopalazzo): auto import the module?
	if r.is_function_call(line) {
		fntype := r.check_fn_type_kind(line)
		return true, fntype
	return false, FnType.@none

// TODO(vincenzopalazzo) Remove this fancy check and add a regex
fn (r &Repl) is_function_call(line string) bool {
	return !line.starts_with('[') && line.contains('.') && line.contains('(')
		&& (line.ends_with(')') || line.ends_with('?'))

// Convert the list of modules that we parsed already,
// to a sequence of V source code lines
fn (r &Repl) import_to_source_code() []string {
	mut imports_line := []string{}
	for mod in r.modules {
		mut import_str := 'import $mod'
		if mod in r.alias {
			import_str += ' as ${r.alias[mod]}'
		imports_line << endline_if_missed(import_str)
	return imports_line

fn (r &Repl) current_source_code(should_add_temp_lines bool, not_add_print bool) string {
	mut all_lines := []string{}
	all_lines.insert(0, r.import_to_source_code())

	if vstartup != '' {
		mut lines := []string{}
		if !not_add_print {
			lines = r.vstartup_lines.filter(!it.starts_with('print'))
		} else {
			lines = r.vstartup_lines
		all_lines << lines
	all_lines << r.includes
	all_lines << r.functions
	all_lines << r.lines

	if should_add_temp_lines {
		all_lines << r.temp_lines
	return all_lines.join('\n')

// the new_line is probably a function call, but some function calls
// do not return anything, while others return results.
// This function checks which one we have:
fn (r &Repl) check_fn_type_kind(new_line string) FnType {
	source_code := r.current_source_code(true, false) + '\nprintln($new_line)'
	check_file := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), '${rand.ulid()}.vrepl.check.v')
	os.write_file(check_file, source_code) or { panic(err) }
	defer {
		os.rm(check_file) or {}
	// -w suppresses the unused import warnings
	// -check just does syntax and checker analysis without generating/running code
	os_response := os.execute('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} -w -check ${os.quoted_path(check_file)}')
	str_response := convert_output(os_response)
	if os_response.exit_code != 0 && str_response.contains('can not print void expressions') {
		return FnType.void
	return FnType.fn_type

// parse the import statement in `line`, updating the Repl alias maps
fn (mut r Repl) parse_import(line string) {
	if !line.contains('import') {
		eprintln("the line doesn't contain an `import` keyword")
	tokens := r.line.fields()
	// module name
	mod := tokens[1]
	if mod !in r.modules {
		r.modules << mod
	// Check if the import contains an alias
	// import mod_name as alias_mod
	if line.contains('as ') && tokens.len >= 4 {
		alias := tokens[3]
		if mod !in r.alias {
			r.alias[mod] = alias

fn highlight_console_command(command string) string {
	return term.bright_white(term.bright_bg_black(' $command '))

fn highlight_repl_command(command string) string {
	return term.bright_white(term.bg_blue(' $command '))

fn print_welcome_screen() {
	cmd_exit := highlight_repl_command('exit')
	cmd_list := highlight_repl_command('list')
	cmd_help := highlight_repl_command('help')
	cmd_v_help := highlight_console_command('v help')
	cmd_v_run := highlight_console_command('v run main.v')
	file_main := highlight_console_command('main.v')
	vbar := term.bright_green('|')
	width, _ := term.get_terminal_size() // get the size of the terminal
	vlogo := [
		term.bright_blue(r' ____    ____ '),
		term.bright_blue(r' \   \  /   / '),
		term.bright_blue(r'  \   \/   /  '),
		term.bright_blue(r'   \      /   '),
		term.bright_blue(r'    \    /    '),
		term.bright_blue(r'     \__/     '),
	help_text := [
		'Welcome to the V REPL (for help with V itself, type $cmd_exit, then run $cmd_v_help).',
		'Note: the REPL is highly experimental. For best V experience, use a text editor, ',
		'save your code in a $file_main file and execute: $cmd_v_run',
		'${version.full_v_version(false)} . Use $cmd_list to see the accumulated program so far.',
		'Use Ctrl-C or $cmd_exit to exit, or $cmd_help to see other available commands.',
	if width >= 97 {
		eprintln('${vlogo[1]} $vbar  ${help_text[0]}')
		eprintln('${vlogo[2]} $vbar  ${help_text[1]}')
		eprintln('${vlogo[3]} $vbar  ${help_text[2]}')
		eprintln('${vlogo[4]} $vbar  ${help_text[3]}')
		eprintln('${vlogo[5]} $vbar  ${help_text[4]}')
	} else {
		if width >= 14 {
			left_margin := ' '.repeat(int(width / 2 - 7))
			for l in vlogo {
				println(left_margin + l)

fn run_repl(workdir string, vrepl_prefix string) int {
	if !is_stdin_a_pipe {

	if vstartup != '' {
		result := repl_run_vfile(vstartup) or {
				output: '$vstartup file not found'
	file := os.join_path(workdir, '.${vrepl_prefix}vrepl.v')
	temp_file := os.join_path(workdir, '.${vrepl_prefix}vrepl_temp.v')
	mut prompt := '>>> '
	defer {
		if !is_stdin_a_pipe {
		cleanup_files([file, temp_file])
	mut r := new_repl()
	for {
		if r.indent == 0 {
			prompt = '>>> '
		} else {
			prompt = '... '
		oline := r.get_one_line(prompt) or { break }
		line := oline.trim_space()
		if line == '' && oline.ends_with('\n') {
		if line.len <= -1 || line == '' || line == 'exit' {
		if exit_pos := line.index('exit') {
			oparen := line[(exit_pos + 4)..].trim_space()
			if oparen.starts_with('(') {
				if closing := oparen.index(')') {
					rc := oparen[1..closing].parse_int(0, 8) or { panic(err) }
					return int(rc)
		r.line = line
		if r.line == '\n' {
		if r.line == 'clear' {
		if r.line == 'help' {
		if r.line.contains(':=') && r.line.contains('fn(') {
			r.in_func = true
			r.functions_name << r.line.all_before(':= fn(').trim_space()
		if r.line.starts_with('fn') {
			r.in_func = true
			r.functions_name << r.line.all_after('fn').all_before('(').trim_space()
		was_func := r.in_func
		if r.checks() {
			for rline in r.line.split('\n') {
				if r.in_func || was_func {
					r.functions << rline
				} else {
					r.temp_lines << rline
			if r.indent > 0 {
			r.line = ''
		if r.line == 'debug_repl' {
			eprintln('repl: $r')
		if r.line == 'reset' {
			r = new_repl()
		if r.line == 'list' {
			source_code := r.current_source_code(true, true)
			println('\n${source_code.replace('\n\n', '\n')}')
		// Save the source only if the user is printing something,
		// but don't add this print call to the `lines` array,
		// so that it doesn't get called during the next print.
		if r.line.starts_with('=') {
			r.line = 'println(' + r.line[1..] + ')'
		if r.line.starts_with('print') {
			source_code := r.current_source_code(false, false) + '\n$r.line\n'
			os.write_file(file, source_code) or { panic(err) }
			s := repl_run_vfile(file) or { return 1 }
		} else {
			mut temp_line := r.line
			mut temp_flag := false
			func_call, fntype := r.function_call(r.line)
			filter_line := r.line.replace(r.line.find_between("'", "'"), '').replace(r.line.find_between('"',
				'"'), '')
			possible_statement_patterns := [
				'fn ',
				'pub ',
				'mut ',
				'enum ',
				'const ',
				'struct ',
				'interface ',
				'import ',
				'#include ',
				'for ',
				'or ',
				' as ',
			mut is_statement := false
			if filter_line.count('=') % 2 == 1 {
				is_statement = true
			} else {
				for pattern in possible_statement_patterns {
					if filter_line.contains(pattern) {
						is_statement = true
			// Note: starting a line with 2 spaces escapes the println heuristic
			if oline.starts_with('  ') {
				is_statement = true
			if !is_statement && (!func_call || fntype == FnType.fn_type) && r.line != '' {
				temp_line = 'println($r.line)'
				temp_flag = true
			mut temp_source_code := ''
			if temp_line.starts_with('import ') {
				mod := r.line.fields()[1]
				if mod !in r.modules {
					temp_source_code = '$temp_line\n' + r.current_source_code(false, true)
			} else if temp_line.starts_with('#include ') {
				temp_source_code = '$temp_line\n' + r.current_source_code(false, false)
			} else {
				for i, l in r.lines {
					if (l.starts_with('for ') || l.starts_with('if ')) && l.contains('println') {
				temp_source_code = r.current_source_code(true, false) + '\n$temp_line\n'
			os.write_file(temp_file, temp_source_code) or { panic(err) }
			s := repl_run_vfile(temp_file) or { return 1 }
			if !func_call && s.exit_code == 0 && !temp_flag {
				for r.temp_lines.len > 0 {
					if !r.temp_lines[0].starts_with('print') {
						r.lines << r.temp_lines[0]
				if r.line.starts_with('import ') {
				} else if r.line.starts_with('#include ') {
					r.includes << r.line
				} else {
					r.lines << r.line
			} else {
				for r.temp_lines.len > 0 {
	return 0

fn convert_output(os_result os.Result) string {
	lines := os_result.output.trim_right('\n\r').split_into_lines()
	mut content := ''
	for line in lines {
		if line.contains('.vrepl_temp.v:') {
			// Hide the temporary file name
			sline := line.all_after('.vrepl_temp.v:')
			idx := sline.index(' ') or {
				content += endline_if_missed(sline)
				return content
			content += endline_if_missed(sline[idx + 1..])
		} else if line.contains('.vrepl.v:') {
			// Ensure that .vrepl.v: is at the start, ignore the path
			// This is needed to have stable .repl tests.
			idx := line.index('.vrepl.v:') or { panic(err) }
			content += endline_if_missed(line[idx..])
		} else {
			content += endline_if_missed(line)
	return content

fn print_output(os_result os.Result) {
	content := convert_output(os_result)

fn main() {
	// Support for the parameters replfolder and replprefix is needed
	// so that the repl can be launched in parallel by several different
	// threads by the REPL test runner.
	args := cmdline.options_after(os.args, ['repl'])
	replfolder := os.real_path(cmdline.option(args, '-replfolder', os.temp_dir()))
	replprefix := cmdline.option(args, '-replprefix', 'noprefix.${rand.ulid()}.')
	if !os.exists(os.getenv('VEXE')) {
		println('  VEXE=vexepath vrepl\n')
		println('  ... where vexepath is the full path to the v executable file')
	if !is_stdin_a_pipe {
		os.setenv('VCOLORS', 'always', true)
	exit(run_repl(replfolder, replprefix))

fn rerror(s string) {
	println('V repl error: $s')

fn (mut r Repl) get_one_line(prompt string) ?string {
	if is_stdin_a_pipe {
		iline := os.get_raw_line()
		if iline.len == 0 {
			return none
		return iline
	rline := r.readline.read_line(prompt) or { return none }
	return rline

fn cleanup_files(files []string) {
	for file in files {
		os.rm(file) or {}
		$if windows {
			os.rm(file[..file.len - 2] + '.exe') or {}
			$if msvc {
				os.rm(file[..file.len - 2] + '.ilk') or {}
				os.rm(file[..file.len - 2] + '.pdb') or {}
		} $else {
			os.rm(file[..file.len - 2]) or {}

fn repl_run_vfile(file string) ?os.Result {
	$if trace_repl_temp_files ? {
		eprintln('>> repl_run_vfile file: $file')
	s := os.execute('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} -repl run ${os.quoted_path(file)}')
	if s.exit_code < 0 {
		return error(s.output)
	return s