module sync import time fn do_rec_i64(mut ch Channel) { mut sum := i64(0) for i in 0 .. 300 { if i == 200 { ch.close() } mut a := i64(0) if ch.pop(&a) { sum += a } } assert sum == 200 * (200 - 1) / 2 } fn do_send_int(mut ch Channel) { for i in 0 .. 300 { ch.push(&i) } ch.close() } fn do_send_byte(mut ch Channel) { for i in 0 .. 300 { ii := byte(i) ch.push(&ii) } ch.close() } fn do_send_i64(mut ch Channel) { for i in 0 .. 300 { ii := i64(i) ch.push(&ii) } ch.close() } fn test_select() { mut chi := new_channel<int>(0) mut chl := new_channel<i64>(1) mut chb := new_channel<byte>(10) mut recch := new_channel<i64>(0) go do_rec_i64(mut recch) go do_send_int(mut chi) go do_send_byte(mut chb) go do_send_i64(mut chl) mut channels := [chi, recch, chl, chb] directions := [Direction.pop, .push, .pop, .pop] mut sum := i64(0) mut rl := i64(0) mut ri := int(0) mut rb := byte(0) mut sl := i64(0) mut objs := [voidptr(&ri), &sl, &rl, &rb] for j in 0 .. 1101 { idx := channel_select(mut channels, directions, mut objs, time.infinite) match idx { 0 { sum += ri } 1 { sl++ } 2 { sum += rl } 3 { sum += rb } -2 { // channel was closed - last item assert j == 1100 } else { println('got $idx (timeout)') assert false } } if j == 1100 { // check also in other direction assert idx == -2 } } // Use Gauß' formula for the first 2 contributions // the 3rd contribution is `byte` and must be seen modulo 256 expected_sum := 2 * (300 * (300 - 1) / 2) + 256 * (256 - 1) / 2 + 44 * (44 - 1) / 2 assert sum == expected_sum }