// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module os import filepath #include //#include #include /* struct dirent { d_ino int d_off int d_reclen u16 d_type byte d_name [256]byte } */ struct C.dirent { d_name byteptr } fn C.readdir(voidptr) C.dirent pub const ( args = []string MAX_PATH = 4096 ) pub struct File { cfile voidptr // Using void* instead of FILE* } struct FileInfo { name string size int } struct C.stat { st_size int st_mode u32 st_mtime int } struct C.DIR { } //struct C.dirent { //d_name byteptr //} struct C.sigaction { mut: sa_mask int sa_sigaction int sa_flags int } fn C.getline(voidptr, voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.ftell(fp voidptr) int fn C.getenv(byteptr) byteptr fn C.sigaction(int, voidptr, int) fn C.GetLastError() u32 // read_bytes reads an amount of bytes from the beginning of the file pub fn (f File) read_bytes(size int) []byte { return f.read_bytes_at(size, 0) } // read_bytes_at reads an amount of bytes at the given position in the file pub fn (f File) read_bytes_at(size, pos int) []byte { mut data := malloc(size) mut arr := [`0`].repeat(size) C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, C.SEEK_SET) C.fread(data, 1, size, f.cfile) C.fseek(f.cfile, 0, C.SEEK_SET) for e := 0; e < size; e++ { arr[e] = data[e] } return arr } pub fn read_bytes(path string) ?[]byte { mut fp := vfopen(path, 'rb') if isnil(fp) { return error('failed to open file "$path"') } C.fseek(fp, 0, C.SEEK_END) fsize := C.ftell(fp) C.rewind(fp) println('fsize=$fsize') mut data := malloc(fsize) C.fread(data, fsize, 1, fp) mut res := [`0`].repeat(fsize) for i in 0..fsize { res[i] = data[i] } C.fclose(fp) //res := []byte(data, 10) // TODO can't `return []byte(data)` //println('res0 = ' + res[0].str()) return res } // read_file reads the file in `path` and returns the contents. pub fn read_file(path string) ?string { mode := 'rb' mut fp := vfopen(path, mode) if isnil(fp) { return error('failed to open file "$path"') } C.fseek(fp, 0, C.SEEK_END) fsize := C.ftell(fp) // C.fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) // same as `C.rewind(fp)` below C.rewind(fp) mut str := malloc(fsize + 1) C.fread(str, fsize, 1, fp) C.fclose(fp) str[fsize] = 0 return string(str, fsize) } // file_size returns the size of the file located in `path`. pub fn file_size(path string) int { mut s := C.stat{} $if windows { C._wstat(path.to_wide(), voidptr(&s)) } $else { C.stat(*char(path.str), &s) } return s.st_size } pub fn mv(old, new string) { $if windows { C._wrename(old.to_wide(), new.to_wide()) } $else { C.rename(*char(old.str), *char(new.str)) } } fn C.CopyFile(&u32, &u32, int) int // TODO implement actual cp for linux pub fn cp(old, new string) ?bool { $if windows { _old := old.replace('/', '\\') _new := new.replace('/', '\\') C.CopyFile(_old.to_wide(), _new.to_wide(), false) result := C.GetLastError() if result == 0 { return true } else { return error_with_code('failed to copy $old to $new', int(result)) } } $else { os.system('cp $old $new') return true // TODO make it return true or error when cp for linux is implemented } } pub fn cp_r(osource_path, odest_path string, overwrite bool) ?bool{ source_path := os.realpath( osource_path ) dest_path := os.realpath( odest_path ) if !os.file_exists(source_path) { return error('Source path doesn\'t exist') } //single file copy if !os.is_dir(source_path) { adjasted_path := if os.is_dir(dest_path) { filepath.join(dest_path, os.filename(source_path)) } else { dest_path } if os.file_exists(adjasted_path) { if overwrite { os.rm(adjasted_path) } else { return error('Destination file path already exist') } } os.cp(source_path, adjasted_path) or { return error(err) } return true } if !os.is_dir(dest_path) { return error('Destination path is not a valid directory') } files := os.ls(source_path) or { return error(err) } for file in files { sp := filepath.join(source_path, file) dp := filepath.join(dest_path, file) if os.is_dir(sp) { os.mkdir(dp) or { panic(err) } } cp_r(sp, dp, overwrite) or { os.rmdir(dp) panic(err) } } return true } // mv_by_cp first copies the source file, and if it is copied successfully, deletes the source file. // mv_by_cp may be used when you are not sure that the source and target are on the same mount/partition. pub fn mv_by_cp(source string, target string) ?bool { os.cp(source, target) or { return error(err) } os.rm(source) return true } fn vfopen(path, mode string) *C.FILE { $if windows { return C._wfopen(path.to_wide(), mode.to_wide()) } $else { return C.fopen(*char(path.str), *char(mode.str)) } } // read_lines reads the file in `path` into an array of lines. pub fn read_lines(path string) ?[]string { mut res := []string mut buf_len := 1024 mut buf := malloc(buf_len) mode := 'rb' mut fp := vfopen(path, mode) if isnil(fp) { return error('read_lines() failed to open file "$path"') } mut buf_index := 0 for C.fgets(buf + buf_index, buf_len - buf_index, fp) != 0 { len := vstrlen(buf) if len == buf_len - 1 && buf[len - 1] != 10 { buf_len *= 2 buf = C.realloc(buf, buf_len) if isnil(buf) { return error('could not reallocate the read buffer') } buf_index = len continue } if buf[len - 1] == 10 || buf[len - 1] == 13 { buf[len - 1] = `\0` } if len > 1 && buf[len - 2] == 13 { buf[len - 2] = `\0` } res << tos_clone(buf) buf_index = 0 } C.fclose(fp) return res } fn read_ulines(path string) ?[]ustring { lines := read_lines(path) or { return err } // mut ulines := new_array(0, lines.len, sizeof(ustring)) mut ulines := []ustring for myline in lines { // ulines[i] = ustr ulines << myline.ustring() } return ulines } pub fn open(path string) ?File { mut file := File{} $if windows { wpath := path.to_wide() mode := 'rb' file = File { cfile: C._wfopen(wpath, mode.to_wide()) } } $else { cpath := path.str file = File { cfile: C.fopen(*char(cpath), 'rb') } } if isnil(file.cfile) { return error('failed to open file "$path"') } return file } // create creates a file at a specified location and returns a writable `File` object. pub fn create(path string) ?File { mut file := File{} $if windows { wpath := path.replace('/', '\\').to_wide() mode := 'wb' file = File { cfile: C._wfopen(wpath, mode.to_wide()) } } $else { cpath := path.str file = File { cfile: C.fopen(*char(cpath), 'wb') } } if isnil(file.cfile) { return error('failed to create file "$path"') } return file } pub fn open_append(path string) ?File { mut file := File{} $if windows { wpath := path.replace('/', '\\').to_wide() mode := 'ab' file = File { cfile: C._wfopen(wpath, mode.to_wide()) } } $else { cpath := path.str file = File { cfile: C.fopen(*char(cpath), 'ab') } } if isnil(file.cfile) { return error('failed to create(append) file "$path"') } return file } pub fn (f File) write(s string) { C.fputs(s.str, f.cfile) // C.fwrite(s.str, 1, s.len, f.cfile) } // convert any value to []byte (LittleEndian) and write it // for example if we have write(7, 4), "07 00 00 00" gets written // write(0x1234, 2) => "34 12" pub fn (f File) write_bytes(data voidptr, size int) { C.fwrite(data, 1, size, f.cfile) } pub fn (f File) write_bytes_at(data voidptr, size, pos int) { C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, C.SEEK_SET) C.fwrite(data, 1, size, f.cfile) C.fseek(f.cfile, 0, C.SEEK_END) } pub fn (f File) writeln(s string) { // C.fwrite(s.str, 1, s.len, f.cfile) // ss := s.clone() // TODO perf C.fputs(s.str, f.cfile) // ss.free() C.fputs('\n', f.cfile) } pub fn (f File) flush() { C.fflush(f.cfile) } pub fn (f File) close() { C.fclose(f.cfile) } // system starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its code. fn vpopen(path string) voidptr {//*C.FILE { $if windows { mode := 'rb' wpath := path.to_wide() return C._wpopen(wpath, mode.to_wide()) } $else { cpath := path.str return C.popen(cpath, 'r') } } fn posix_wait4_to_exit_status(waitret int) (int,bool) { $if windows { return waitret, false } $else { mut ret := 0 mut is_signaled := true // (see man system, man 2 waitpid: C macro WEXITSTATUS section) if C.WIFEXITED( waitret ) { ret = C.WEXITSTATUS( waitret ) is_signaled = false } else if C.WIFSIGNALED( waitret ){ ret = C.WTERMSIG( waitret ) is_signaled = true } return ret , is_signaled } } fn vpclose(f voidptr) int { $if windows { return int( C._pclose(f) ) } $else { ret , _ := posix_wait4_to_exit_status( int( C.pclose(f) ) ) return ret } } pub struct Result { pub: exit_code int output string //stderr string // TODO } // `system` works like `exec()`, but only returns a return code. pub fn system(cmd string) int { if cmd.contains(';') || cmd.contains('&&') || cmd.contains('||') || cmd.contains('\n') { // TODO remove panic panic(';, &&, || and \\n are not allowed in shell commands') } mut ret := int(0) $if windows { // overcome bug in system & _wsystem (cmd) when first char is quote `"` wcmd := if cmd.len > 1 && cmd[0] == `"` && cmd[1] != `"` { '"$cmd"' } else { cmd } ret = C._wsystem(wcmd.to_wide()) } $else { ret = C.system(cmd.str) } if ret == -1 { print_c_errno() } $if !windows { pret , is_signaled := posix_wait4_to_exit_status( ret ) if is_signaled { println('Terminated by signal ${ret:2d} (' + sigint_to_signal_name(pret) + ')' ) } ret = pret } return ret } pub fn sigint_to_signal_name(si int) string { // POSIX signals: match si { 1 {return 'SIGHUP'} 2 {return 'SIGINT'} 3 {return 'SIGQUIT'} 4 {return 'SIGILL'} 6 {return 'SIGABRT'} 8 {return 'SIGFPE'} 9 {return 'SIGKILL'} 11 {return 'SIGSEGV'} 13 {return 'SIGPIPE'} 14 {return 'SIGALRM'} 15 {return 'SIGTERM'} } $if linux { // From `man 7 signal` on linux: match si { 30,10,16{ return 'SIGUSR1'} 31,12,17{ return 'SIGUSR2'} 20,17,18{ return 'SIGCHLD'} 19,18,25{ return 'SIGCONT'} 17,19,23{ return 'SIGSTOP'} 18,20,24{ return 'SIGTSTP'} 21,21,26{ return 'SIGTTIN'} 22,22,27{ return 'SIGTTOU'} /////////////////////////////// 5{ return 'SIGTRAP'} 7{ return 'SIGBUS' } } } return 'unknown' } // `getenv` returns the value of the environment variable named by the key. pub fn getenv(key string) string { $if windows { s := C._wgetenv(key.to_wide()) if isnil(s) { return '' } return string_from_wide(s) } $else { s := *byte(C.getenv(key.str)) if isnil(s) { return '' } return string(s) } } pub fn setenv(name string, value string, overwrite bool) int { $if windows { format := '$name=$value' if overwrite { return C._putenv(format.str) } return -1 } $else { return C.setenv(name.str, value.str, overwrite) } } pub fn unsetenv(name string) int { $if windows { format := '${name}=' return C._putenv(format.str) } $else { return C.unsetenv(name.str) } } // file_exists returns true if `path` exists. pub fn file_exists(_path string) bool { $if windows { path := _path.replace('/', '\\') return C._waccess(path.to_wide(), 0) != -1 } $else { return C.access(_path.str, 0 ) != -1 } } // rm removes file in `path`. pub fn rm(path string) { $if windows { C._wremove(path.to_wide()) } $else { C.remove(path.str) } // C.unlink(path.cstr()) } // rmdir removes a specified directory. pub fn rmdir(path string) { $if !windows { C.rmdir(path.str) } $else { C.RemoveDirectory(path.to_wide()) } } fn print_c_errno() { //C.printf('errno=%d err="%s"\n', C.errno, C.strerror(C.errno)) } pub fn ext(path string) string { pos := path.last_index('.') if pos == -1 { return '' } return path[pos..] } // dir returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory. pub fn dir(path string) string { if path == '.' { return getwd() } pos := path.last_index(path_separator) if pos == -1 { return '.' } return path[..pos] } fn path_sans_ext(path string) string { pos := path.last_index('.') if pos == -1 { return path } return path[..pos] } pub fn basedir(path string) string { pos := path.last_index(path_separator) if pos == -1 { return path } return path[..pos ] // NB: *without* terminating / } pub fn filename(path string) string { return path.all_after(path_separator) } // get_line returns a one-line string from stdin pub fn get_line() string { str := get_raw_line() $if windows { return str.trim_right('\r\n') } $else { return str.trim_right('\n') } } // get_raw_line returns a one-line string from stdin along with '\n' if there is any pub fn get_raw_line() string { $if windows { max_line_chars := 256 buf := &byte(malloc(max_line_chars*2)) if is_atty(0) > 0 { h_input := C.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE) mut nr_chars := u32(0) C.ReadConsole(h_input, buf, max_line_chars * 2, voidptr(&nr_chars), 0) return string_from_wide2(&u16(buf), int(nr_chars)) } res := C.fgetws(&u16(buf), max_line_chars, C.stdin ) len := int( C.wcslen(&u16(buf)) ) if !isnil(res) { return string_from_wide2( &u16(buf), len ) } return '' } $else { max := size_t(256) buf := *char(malloc(int(max))) nr_chars := C.getline(&buf, &max, stdin) if nr_chars == 0 { return '' } return string(byteptr(buf), nr_chars) } } pub fn get_lines() []string { mut line := '' mut inputstr := []string for { line = get_line() if(line.len <= 0) { break } line = line.trim_space() inputstr << line } return inputstr } pub fn get_lines_joined() string { mut line := '' mut inputstr := '' for { line = get_line() if line.len <= 0 { break } line = line.trim_space() inputstr += line } return inputstr } // user_os returns current user operating system name. pub fn user_os() string { $if linux { return 'linux' } $if mac { return 'mac' } $if windows { return 'windows' } $if freebsd { return 'freebsd' } $if openbsd { return 'openbsd' } $if netbsd { return 'netbsd' } $if dragonfly { return 'dragonfly' } $if android{ return 'android' } $if solaris { return 'solaris' } return 'unknown' } // home_dir returns path to user's home directory. pub fn home_dir() string { mut home := os.getenv('HOME') $if windows { home = os.getenv('HOMEDRIVE') if home.len == 0 { home = os.getenv('SYSTEMDRIVE') } mut homepath := os.getenv('HOMEPATH') if homepath.len == 0 { homepath = '\\Users\\' + os.getenv('USERNAME') } home += homepath } home += path_separator return home } // write_file writes `text` data to a file in `path`. pub fn write_file(path, text string) { f := os.create(path) or { return } f.write(text) f.close() } // clear will clear current terminal screen. pub fn clear() { $if !windows { C.printf('\x1b[2J') C.printf('\x1b[H') } } fn on_segfault(f voidptr) { $if windows { return } $if mac { mut sa := C.sigaction{} C.memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sigaction)) C.sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask) sa.sa_sigaction = f sa.sa_flags = C.SA_SIGINFO C.sigaction(C.SIGSEGV, &sa, 0) } } fn C.getpid() int fn C.proc_pidpath (int, byteptr, int) int // executable return the path name of the executable that started the current process. pub fn executable() string { $if linux { mut result := malloc(MAX_PATH) count := int(C.readlink('/proc/self/exe', result, MAX_PATH )) if count < 0 { panic('error reading /proc/self/exe to get exe path') } return string(result, count) } $if windows { max := 512 mut result := &u16(malloc(max*2)) // MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t) len := int(C.GetModuleFileName( 0, result, max )) return string_from_wide2(result, len) } $if mac { mut result := malloc(MAX_PATH) pid := C.getpid() ret := proc_pidpath (pid, result, MAX_PATH) if ret <= 0 { println('os.executable() failed') return '.' } return string(result) } $if freebsd { mut result := malloc(MAX_PATH) mib := [1 /* CTL_KERN */, 14 /* KERN_PROC */, 12 /* KERN_PROC_PATHNAME */, -1] size := MAX_PATH C.sysctl(mib.data, 4, result, &size, 0, 0) return string(result) } $if openbsd { // "Sadly there is no way to get the full path of the executed file in OpenBSD." // lol return os.args[0] } $if solaris { } $if netbsd { mut result := malloc(MAX_PATH) count := int(C.readlink('/proc/curproc/exe', result, MAX_PATH )) if count < 0 { panic('error reading /proc/curproc/exe to get exe path') } return string(result, count) } $if dragonfly { mut result := malloc(MAX_PATH) count := int(C.readlink('/proc/curproc/file', result, MAX_PATH )) if count < 0 { panic('error reading /proc/curproc/file to get exe path') } return string(result, count) } return os.args[0] } // is_dir returns a boolean indicating whether the given path is a directory. pub fn is_dir(path string) bool { $if windows { return dir_exists(path) //val := int(C.GetFileAttributes(path.to_wide())) // Note: this return is broke (wrong). we have dir_exists already how will this differ? //return (val &FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) > 0 } $else { statbuf := C.stat{} cstr := path.str if C.stat(cstr, &statbuf) != 0 { return false } // ref: https://code.woboq.org/gcc/include/sys/stat.h.html return (int(statbuf.st_mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR } } // chdir changes the current working directory to the new directory path. pub fn chdir(path string) { $if windows { C._wchdir(path.to_wide()) } $else { C.chdir(path.str) } } // getwd returns the absolute path name of the current directory. pub fn getwd() string { $if windows { max := 512 // MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t) buf := &u16(calloc(max*2)) if C._wgetcwd(buf, max) == 0 { return '' } return string_from_wide(buf) } $else { buf := calloc(512) if C.getcwd(buf, 512) == 0 { return '' } return string(buf) } } // Returns the full absolute path for fpath, with all relative ../../, symlinks and so on resolved. // See http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/realpath.html // Also https://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2007/11/pathmax-simply-isnt.html // and https://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2007/11/implementing-realpath-in-c.html // NB: this particular rabbit hole is *deep* ... pub fn realpath(fpath string) string { mut fullpath := calloc( MAX_PATH ) mut res := 0 $if windows { ret := C._fullpath(fullpath, fpath.str, MAX_PATH) if ret == 0 { return fpath } return string(fullpath) } $else{ ret := C.realpath(fpath.str, fullpath) if ret == 0 { return fpath } return string(fullpath) } } // walk_ext returns a recursive list of all file paths ending with `ext`. pub fn walk_ext(path, ext string) []string { if !os.is_dir(path) { return [] } mut files := os.ls(path) or { panic(err) } mut res := []string separator := if path.ends_with(path_separator) { '' } else { path_separator} for i, file in files { if file.starts_with('.') { continue } p := path + separator + file if os.is_dir(p) { res << walk_ext(p, ext) } else if file.ends_with(ext) { res << p } } return res } // walk recursively traverse the given directory path. // When a file is encountred it will call the callback function with current file as argument. pub fn walk(path string, fnc fn(path string)) { if !os.is_dir(path) { return } mut files := os.ls(path) or { panic(err) } for file in files { p := path + os.path_separator + file if os.is_dir(p) { walk(p, fnc) } else if os.file_exists(p) { fnc(p) } } return } pub fn signal(signum int, handler voidptr) { C.signal(signum, handler) } fn C.fork() int fn C.wait() int pub fn fork() int { mut pid := -1 $if !windows { pid = C.fork() } $if windows { panic('os.fork not supported in windows') // TODO } return pid } pub fn wait() int { mut pid := -1 $if !windows { pid = C.wait(0) } $if !windows { panic('os.wait not supported in windows') // TODO } return pid } pub fn file_last_mod_unix(path string) int { attr := C.stat{} //# struct stat attr; C.stat(path.str, &attr) //# stat(path.str, &attr); return attr.st_mtime //# return attr.st_mtime ; } pub fn log(s string) { println('os.log: ' + s) } pub fn flush_stdout() { C.fflush(stdout) } pub fn print_backtrace() { /* # void *buffer[100]; nptrs := 0 # nptrs = backtrace(buffer, 100); # printf("%d!!\n", nptrs); # backtrace_symbols_fd(buffer, nptrs, STDOUT_FILENO) ; */ } pub fn mkdir_all(path string) { mut p := if path.starts_with(os.path_separator) { os.path_separator } else { '' } for subdir in path.split(os.path_separator) { p += subdir + os.path_separator if !os.dir_exists(p) { os.mkdir(p) or { panic(err) } } } } pub fn join(base string, dirs ...string) string { println('use filepath.join') return filepath.join(base, dirs) } // tmpdir returns the path to a folder, that is suitable for storing temporary files pub fn tmpdir() string { mut path := os.getenv('TMPDIR') $if linux { if path == '' { path = '/tmp' } } $if mac { /* if path == '' { // TODO untested path = C.NSTemporaryDirectory() } */ if path == '' { path = '/tmp' } } $if windows { if path == '' { // TODO see Qt's implementation? // https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdir.html#tempPath // https://github.com/qt/qtbase/blob/e164d61ca8263fc4b46fdd916e1ea77c7dd2b735/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemengine_win.cpp#L1275 path = os.getenv('TEMP') if path == '' { path = os.getenv('TMP') } if path == '' { path = 'C:/tmp' } } } return path } pub fn chmod(path string, mode int) { C.chmod(path.str, mode) }