// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module math // NOTE // When adding a new function, please make sure it's in the right place. // All functions are sorted alphabetically, separated by wrapped functions vs // backend specific functions. // If using System/Backend dependent functions, put them in their respective // .c.v or .js.v or other files // Below are functions that are not wrappers for built-in system functions, but // native V functions. They are still sorted alphabetically // Faster approximate sin() and cos() implemented from lolremez pub fn aprox_sin(a f64) f64 { a0 := 1.91059300966915117e-31 a1 := 1.00086760103908896 a2 := -1.21276126894734565e-2 a3 := -1.38078780785773762e-1 a4 := -2.67353392911981221e-2 a5 := 2.08026600266304389e-2 a6 := -3.03996055049204407e-3 a7 := 1.38235642404333740e-4 return a0 + a * (a1 + a * (a2 + a * (a3 + a * (a4 + a * (a5 + a * (a6 + a * a7)))))) } pub fn aprox_cos(a f64) f64 { a0 := 9.9995999154986614e-1 a1 := 1.2548995793001028e-3 a2 := -5.0648546280678015e-1 a3 := 1.2942246466519995e-2 a4 := 2.8668384702547972e-2 a5 := 7.3726485210586547e-3 a6 := -3.8510875386947414e-3 a7 := 4.7196604604366623e-4 a8 := -1.8776444013090451e-5 return a0 + a * (a1 + a * (a2 + a * (a3 + a * (a4 + a * (a5 + a * (a6 + a * (a7 + a * a8))))))) } // copysign returns a value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y pub fn copysign(x, y f64) f64 { return f64_from_bits((f64_bits(x) & ~sign_mask) | (f64_bits(y) & sign_mask)) } // degrees convert from degrees to radians. pub fn degrees(radians f64) f64 { return radians * (180.0 / pi) } // digits returns an array of the digits of n in the given base. pub fn digits(_n, base int) []int { if base < 2 { panic('digits: Cannot find digits of n with base $base') } mut n := _n mut sign := 1 if n < 0 { sign = -1 n = -n } mut res := []int{} for n != 0 { res << (n % base) * sign n /= base } return res } pub fn fabs(x f64) f64 { if x < 0.0 { return -x } return x } // gcd calculates greatest common (positive) divisor (or zero if a and b are both zero). pub fn gcd(a_, b_ i64) i64 { mut a := a_ mut b := b_ if a < 0 { a = -a } if b < 0 { b = -b } for b != 0 { a %= b if a == 0 { return b } b %= a } return a } // lcm calculates least common (non-negative) multiple. pub fn lcm(a, b i64) i64 { if a == 0 { return a } res := a * (b / gcd(b, a)) if res < 0 { return -res } return res } // max returns the maximum value of the two provided. pub fn max(a, b f64) f64 { if a > b { return a } return b } // min returns the minimum value of the two provided. pub fn min(a, b f64) f64 { if a < b { return a } return b } // radians convert from radians to degrees. pub fn radians(degrees f64) f64 { return degrees * (pi / 180.0) }