module main

import os
import v.doc
import term
import v.ast
import v.scanner
import v.token
import strings
import v.pref

fn slug(title string) string {
	return title.replace(' ', '-')

fn escape(str string) string {
	return str.replace_each(['"', '\\"', '\r\n', '\\n', '\n', '\\n', '\t', '\\t'])

fn get_sym_name(dn doc.DocNode) string {
	sym_name := if dn.parent_name.len > 0 && dn.parent_name != 'void' {
		'($dn.parent_name) $'
	} else {
	return sym_name

fn get_node_id(dn doc.DocNode) string {
	tag := if dn.parent_name.len > 0 && dn.parent_name != 'void' {
	} else {
	return slug(tag)

fn is_module_readme(dn doc.DocNode) bool {
	if dn.comments.len > 0 && dn.content == 'module $' {
		return true
	return false

fn trim_doc_node_description(description string) string {
	mut dn_description := description.replace_each(['\r\n', '\n', '"', '\\"'])
	// 80 is enough to fill one line
	if dn_description.len > 80 {
		dn_description = dn_description[..80]
	if dn_description.contains('\n') {
		dn_description = dn_description.split('\n')[0]
	// if \ is last character, it ends with \" which leads to a JS error
	if dn_description.ends_with('\\') {
		dn_description = dn_description.trim_right('\\')
	return dn_description

fn set_output_type_from_str(format string) OutputType {
	output_type := match format {
		'htm', 'html' { OutputType.html }
		'md', 'markdown' { OutputType.markdown }
		'json' { OutputType.json }
		'stdout' { OutputType.stdout }
		else { OutputType.plaintext }
	return output_type

fn get_ignore_paths(path string) ?[]string {
	ignore_file_path := os.join_path(path, '.vdocignore')
	ignore_content := os.read_file(ignore_file_path) or {
		return error_with_code('ignore file not found.', 1)
	mut res := []string{}
	if ignore_content.trim_space().len > 0 {
		rules := ignore_content.split_into_lines().map(it.trim_space())
		mut final := []string{}
		for rule in rules {
			if rule.contains('*.') || rule.contains('**') {
				println('vdoc: Wildcards in ignore rules are not allowed for now.')
			final << rule
		res =, it.trim_right('/')))
	} else {
		mut dirs := or { return []string{} }
		res =, it)).filter(os.is_dir(it))
	return'/', os.path_separator))

fn is_included(path string, ignore_paths []string) bool {
	if path.len == 0 {
		return true
	for ignore_path in ignore_paths {
		if !path.contains(ignore_path) {
		return false
	return true

fn get_modules_list(path string, ignore_paths2 []string) []string {
	files := or { return []string{} }
	mut ignore_paths := get_ignore_paths(path) or { []string{} }
	ignore_paths << ignore_paths2
	mut dirs := []string{}
	for file in files {
		fpath := os.join_path(path, file)
		if os.is_dir(fpath) && is_included(fpath, ignore_paths) && !os.is_link(path) {
			dirs << get_modules_list(fpath, ignore_paths.filter(it.starts_with(fpath)))
		} else if fpath.ends_with('.v') && !fpath.ends_with('_test.v') {
			if path in dirs {
			dirs << path
	return dirs

fn gen_footer_text(d &doc.Doc, include_timestamp bool) string {
	footer_text := 'Powered by vdoc.'
	if !include_timestamp {
		return footer_text
	generated_time := d.time_generated
	time_str := '$ $generated_time.smonth() $generated_time.year $generated_time.hhmmss()'
	return '$footer_text Generated on: $time_str'

fn color_highlight(code string, tb &ast.Table) string {
	builtin := ['bool', 'string', 'i8', 'i16', 'int', 'i64', 'i128', 'byte', 'u16', 'u32', 'u64',
		'u128', 'rune', 'f32', 'f64', 'int_literal', 'float_literal', 'byteptr', 'voidptr', 'any']
	highlight_code := fn (tok token.Token, typ HighlightTokenTyp) string {
		mut lit := ''
		match typ {
			.unone, .operator, .punctuation {
				lit = tok.kind.str()
			.string {
				use_double_quote := tok.lit.contains("'") && !tok.lit.contains('"')
				unescaped_val := tok.lit.replace('\\\\', '\x01').replace_each(["\\'", "'", '\\"',
				if use_double_quote {
					s := unescaped_val.replace_each(['\x01', '\\\\', '"', '\\"'])
					lit = term.yellow('"$s"')
				} else {
					s := unescaped_val.replace_each(['\x01', '\\\\', "'", "\\'"])
					lit = term.yellow("'$s'")
			.char {
				lit = term.yellow('`$tok.lit`')
			.comment {
				lit = if tok.lit != '' && tok.lit[0] == 1 {
				} else {
			.keyword {
				lit = term.bright_blue(tok.lit)
			.builtin, .symbol {
				lit =
			.function {
				lit = term.cyan(tok.lit)
			.number, .module_ {
				lit = term.bright_blue(tok.lit)
			.boolean {
				lit = term.bright_magenta(tok.lit)
			.none_ {
				lit =
			.prefix {
				lit = term.magenta(tok.lit)
			else {
				lit = tok.lit
		return lit
	mut s := scanner.new_scanner(code, .parse_comments, &pref.Preferences{ is_fmt: true })
	mut prev_prev := token.Token{}
	mut prev := token.Token{}
	mut tok := s.scan()
	mut next_tok := s.scan()
	mut buf := strings.new_builder(200)
	mut i := 0
	for i < code.len {
		if i == tok.pos {
			mut tok_typ := HighlightTokenTyp.unone
			match tok.kind {
				.name {
					if (tok.lit in builtin || tb.known_type(tok.lit))
						&& (next_tok.kind != .lpar || prev.kind !in [.key_fn, .rpar]) {
						tok_typ = .builtin
					} else if
						next_tok.kind in [.lcbr, .rpar, .eof, .comma, .pipe, .name, .rcbr, .assign, .key_pub, .key_mut, .pipe, .comma]
						&& prev.kind in [.name, .amp, .rsbr, .key_type, .assign, .dot, .question, .rpar, .key_struct, .key_enum, .pipe, .key_interface]
						&& ((tok.lit != '' && tok.lit[0].is_capital())
						|| prev_prev.lit in ['C', 'JS']) {
						tok_typ = .symbol
					} else if next_tok.kind == .lpar
						|| (!(tok.lit != '' && tok.lit[0].is_capital()) && next_tok.kind == .lt
						&& next_tok.pos == tok.pos + tok.lit.len) {
						tok_typ = .function
					} else if next_tok.kind == .dot {
						if tok.lit in ['C', 'JS'] {
							tok_typ = .prefix
						} else {
							if tok.lit != '' && tok.lit[0].is_capital() {
								tok_typ = .symbol
							} else {
								tok_typ = .module_
					} else if tok.lit in ['r', 'c'] && next_tok.kind == .string {
						tok_typ = .prefix
					} else {
						tok_typ = .name
				.comment {
					tok_typ = .comment
				.chartoken {
					tok_typ = .char
				.string {
					tok_typ = .string
				.number {
					tok_typ = .number
				.key_true, .key_false {
					tok_typ = .boolean
				.lpar, .lcbr, .rpar, .rcbr, .lsbr, .rsbr, .semicolon, .colon, .comma, .dot,
				.dotdot, .ellipsis {
					tok_typ = .punctuation
				.key_none {
					tok_typ = .none_
				else {
					if token.is_key(tok.lit) || token.is_decl(tok.kind) {
						tok_typ = .keyword
					} else if tok.kind == .decl_assign || tok.kind.is_assign() || tok.is_unary()
						|| tok.kind.is_relational() || tok.kind.is_infix() || tok.kind.is_postfix() {
						tok_typ = .operator
			buf.write_string(highlight_code(tok, tok_typ))
			if prev_prev.kind == .eof || prev.kind == .eof || next_tok.kind == .eof {
			prev_prev = prev
			prev = tok
			i = tok.pos + tok.len
			tok = next_tok
			next_tok = s.scan()
		} else {
	return buf.str()