// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module ast import ( v.token v.table ) pub type Expr = InfixExpr | IfExpr | StringLiteral | IntegerLiteral | CharLiteral | FloatLiteral | Ident | CallExpr | BoolLiteral | StructInit | ArrayInit | SelectorExpr | PostfixExpr | AssignExpr | PrefixExpr | MethodCallExpr | IndexExpr | RangeExpr | MatchExpr | CastExpr | EnumVal pub type Stmt = VarDecl | GlobalDecl | FnDecl | Return | Module | Import | ExprStmt | ForStmt | StructDecl | ForCStmt | ForInStmt | CompIf | ConstDecl | Attr | BranchStmt | HashStmt | AssignStmt | EnumDecl | TypeDecl // | IncDecStmt k // Stand-alone expression in a statement list. pub struct ExprStmt { pub: expr Expr typ table.Type } pub struct IntegerLiteral { pub: val int } pub struct FloatLiteral { pub: // val f64 val string } pub struct StringLiteral { pub: val string } pub struct CharLiteral { pub: val string } pub struct BoolLiteral { pub: val bool } // `foo.bar` pub struct SelectorExpr { pub: pos token.Position expr Expr field string } // module declaration pub struct Module { pub: name string path string expr Expr } pub struct Field { pub: name string // type_idx int typ table.Type } pub struct ConstDecl { pub: fields []Field exprs []Expr } pub struct StructDecl { pub: pos token.Position name string fields []Field is_pub bool } pub struct StructInit { pub: pos token.Position typ table.Type fields []string exprs []Expr } // import statement pub struct Import { pub: pos token.Position mod string alias string // expr Expr } pub struct Arg { pub: typ table.Type name string } pub struct FnDecl { pub: name string stmts []Stmt typ table.Type args []Arg is_pub bool is_variadic bool receiver Field } pub struct BranchStmt { pub: tok token.Token } pub struct CallExpr { pub: // tok token.Token pos token.Position mut: // func Expr name string args []Expr } pub struct MethodCallExpr { pub: // tok token.Token pos token.Position expr Expr name string args []Expr } pub struct Return { pub: pos token.Position expected_type table.Type // TODO: remove once checker updated exprs []Expr } /* pub enum Expr { Binary(InfixExpr) If(IfExpr) Integer(IntegerExpr) } */ /* pub struct Stmt { pos int //end int } */ pub struct VarDecl { pub: name string expr Expr is_mut bool mut: typ table.Type pos token.Position } pub struct GlobalDecl { pub: name string expr Expr mut: typ table.Type } pub struct StmtBlock { pub: stmts []Stmt } pub struct File { pub: path string mod Module imports []Import stmts []Stmt unresolved []Expr } pub struct IdentVar { pub mut: typ table.Type is_mut bool // name string } type IdentInfo = IdentVar pub enum IdentKind { blank_ident variable constant func } // A single identifier pub struct Ident { pub: name string value string is_c bool tok_kind token.Kind pos token.Position mut: kind IdentKind info IdentInfo } pub fn (i &Ident) var_info() IdentVar { match i.info { IdentVar { return it } else { // return IdentVar{} panic('Ident.var_info(): info is not IdentVar variant') } } } pub struct InfixExpr { pub: // op BinaryOp op token.Kind pos token.Position left Expr left_type table.Type right Expr right_type table.Type } /* // renamed to PrefixExpr pub struct UnaryExpr { pub: // tok_kind token.Kind // op BinaryOp op token.Kind left Expr } */ pub struct PostfixExpr { pub: op token.Kind expr Expr pos token.Position } pub struct PrefixExpr { pub: op token.Kind right Expr } pub struct IndexExpr { pub: // op token.Kind pos token.Position left Expr index Expr // [0], [start..end] etc // typ table.Type } pub struct IfExpr { pub: tok_kind token.Kind cond Expr stmts []Stmt else_stmts []Stmt typ table.Type left Expr // `a` in `a := if ...` pos token.Position } pub struct MatchExpr { pub: tok_kind token.Kind cond Expr blocks []StmtBlock match_exprs []Expr typ table.Type pos token.Position } pub struct CompIf { pub: cond Expr stmts []Stmt else_stmts []Stmt } pub struct ForStmt { pub: cond Expr stmts []Stmt pos token.Position } pub struct ForInStmt { pub: var string cond Expr stmts []Stmt } pub struct ForCStmt { pub: init Stmt // i := 0; cond Expr // i < 10; inc Stmt // i++; stmts []Stmt } pub struct ReturnStmt { tok_kind token.Kind // or pos pos token.Position results []Expr } // #include etc pub struct HashStmt { pub: name string } // filter(), map() pub struct Lambda { pub: name string } pub struct AssignStmt { pub: left []Ident right []Expr op token.Kind } // e.g. `[unsafe_fn]` pub struct Attr { pub: name string } pub struct EnumVal { pub: name string } pub struct EnumDecl { pub: name string is_pub bool vals []string } pub struct TypeDecl{ pub: name string is_pub bool } pub struct AssignExpr { pub: op token.Kind pos token.Position left Expr val Expr } pub struct ArrayInit { pub: pos token.Position exprs []Expr mut: typ table.Type } // s[10..20] pub struct RangeExpr { pub: low Expr high Expr } pub struct CastExpr { pub: typ table.Type expr Expr } // string representaiton of expr pub fn (x Expr) str() string { match x { InfixExpr { return '(${it.left.str()} $it.op.str() ${it.right.str()})' } /* PrefixExpr { return it.left.str() + it.op.str() } */ IntegerLiteral { return it.val.str() } IntegerLiteral { return '"$it.val"' } else { return '' } } } pub fn (node Stmt) str() string { match node { VarDecl { return it.name + ' = ' + it.expr.str() } ExprStmt { return it.expr.str() } FnDecl { return 'fn ${it.name}() { $it.stmts.len stmts }' } else { return '[unhandled stmt str]' } } } /* enum BinaryOp { sum difference product quotient remainder bitwise_and bitwise_or bitwise_xor left_shift right_shift equality inequality less_than less_than_or_equal more_than more_than_or_equal in_check //These are suffixed with `bool` to prevent conflict with the keyword `or` and_bool or_bool } */