// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. module gg import gx import sokol.sapp import sokol.sgl import sokol.gfx import math pub type FNCb = fn (data voidptr) pub type FNEvent = fn (e &Event, data voidptr) pub type FNFail = fn (msg string, data voidptr) pub type FNKeyDown = fn (c KeyCode, m Modifier, data voidptr) pub type FNKeyUp = fn (c KeyCode, m Modifier, data voidptr) pub type FNMove = fn (x f32, y f32, data voidptr) pub type FNClick = fn (x f32, y f32, button MouseButton, data voidptr) pub type FNUnClick = fn (x f32, y f32, button MouseButton, data voidptr) pub type FNChar = fn (c u32, data voidptr) pub struct Config { pub: width int height int use_ortho bool // unused, still here just for backwards compatibility retina bool resizable bool user_data voidptr font_size int create_window bool // window_user_ptr voidptr window_title string borderless_window bool always_on_top bool bg_color gx.Color init_fn FNCb = voidptr(0) frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0) native_frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0) cleanup_fn FNCb = voidptr(0) fail_fn FNFail = voidptr(0) // event_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0) quit_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0) // keydown_fn FNKeyDown = voidptr(0) keyup_fn FNKeyUp = voidptr(0) char_fn FNChar = voidptr(0) // move_fn FNMove = voidptr(0) click_fn FNClick = voidptr(0) unclick_fn FNUnClick = voidptr(0) leave_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0) enter_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0) resized_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0) scroll_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0) // wait_events bool // set this to true for UIs, to save power fullscreen bool scale f32 = 1.0 sample_count int // ved needs this // init_text bool font_path string custom_bold_font_path string ui_mode bool // refreshes only on events to save CPU usage // font bytes for embedding font_bytes_normal []byte font_bytes_bold []byte font_bytes_mono []byte font_bytes_italic []byte native_rendering bool // Cocoa on macOS/iOS, GDI+ on Windows } pub struct PenConfig { color gx.Color line_type PenLineType = .solid thickness int = 1 } pub struct Size { pub: width int height int } fn gg_frame_fn(user_data voidptr) { mut ctx := unsafe { &Context(user_data) } ctx.frame++ if ctx.config.frame_fn == voidptr(0) { return } if ctx.native_rendering { // return } if ctx.ui_mode && !ctx.needs_refresh { // Draw 3 more frames after the "stop refresh" command ctx.ticks++ if ctx.ticks > 3 { return } } ctx.config.frame_fn(ctx.config.user_data) ctx.needs_refresh = false } pub fn (mut ctx Context) refresh_ui() { ctx.needs_refresh = true ctx.ticks = 0 } fn gg_event_fn(ce &C.sapp_event, user_data voidptr) { // e := unsafe { &sapp.Event(ce) } mut e := unsafe { &Event(ce) } mut g := unsafe { &Context(user_data) } if g.ui_mode { g.refresh_ui() } if e.typ == .mouse_down { bitplace := int(e.mouse_button) g.mbtn_mask |= byte(1 << bitplace) g.mouse_buttons = MouseButtons(g.mbtn_mask) } if e.typ == .mouse_up { bitplace := int(e.mouse_button) g.mbtn_mask &= ~(byte(1 << bitplace)) g.mouse_buttons = MouseButtons(g.mbtn_mask) } if e.typ == .mouse_move && e.mouse_button == .invalid { if g.mbtn_mask & 0x01 > 0 { e.mouse_button = .left } if g.mbtn_mask & 0x02 > 0 { e.mouse_button = .right } if g.mbtn_mask & 0x04 > 0 { e.mouse_button = .middle } } g.mouse_pos_x = int(e.mouse_x / g.scale) g.mouse_pos_y = int(e.mouse_y / g.scale) g.mouse_dx = int(e.mouse_dx / g.scale) g.mouse_dy = int(e.mouse_dy / g.scale) g.scroll_x = int(e.scroll_x / g.scale) g.scroll_y = int(e.scroll_y / g.scale) g.key_modifiers = Modifier(e.modifiers) g.key_repeat = e.key_repeat if e.typ in [.key_down, .key_up] { key_idx := int(e.key_code) % key_code_max prev := g.pressed_keys[key_idx] next := e.typ == .key_down g.pressed_keys[key_idx] = next g.pressed_keys_edge[key_idx] = prev != next } if g.config.event_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.event_fn(e, g.config.user_data) } match e.typ { .mouse_move { if g.config.move_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.move_fn(e.mouse_x / g.scale, e.mouse_y / g.scale, g.config.user_data) } } .mouse_down { if g.config.click_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.click_fn(e.mouse_x / g.scale, e.mouse_y / g.scale, e.mouse_button, g.config.user_data) } } .mouse_up { if g.config.unclick_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.unclick_fn(e.mouse_x / g.scale, e.mouse_y / g.scale, e.mouse_button, g.config.user_data) } } .mouse_leave { if g.config.leave_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.leave_fn(e, g.config.user_data) } } .mouse_enter { if g.config.enter_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.enter_fn(e, g.config.user_data) } } .mouse_scroll { if g.config.scroll_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.scroll_fn(e, g.config.user_data) } } .key_down { if g.config.keydown_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.keydown_fn(e.key_code, Modifier(e.modifiers), g.config.user_data) } } .key_up { if g.config.keyup_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.keyup_fn(e.key_code, Modifier(e.modifiers), g.config.user_data) } } .char { if g.config.char_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.char_fn(e.char_code, g.config.user_data) } } .resized { if g.config.resized_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.resized_fn(e, g.config.user_data) } } .quit_requested { if g.config.quit_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.quit_fn(e, g.config.user_data) } } else { // dump(e) } } } fn gg_cleanup_fn(user_data voidptr) { mut g := unsafe { &Context(user_data) } if g.config.cleanup_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.cleanup_fn(g.config.user_data) } } fn gg_fail_fn(msg &char, user_data voidptr) { mut g := unsafe { &Context(user_data) } vmsg := unsafe { tos3(msg) } if g.config.fail_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.fail_fn(vmsg, g.config.user_data) } else { eprintln('gg error: $vmsg') } } pub fn (gg &Context) run() { sapp.run(&gg.window) } // quit closes the context window and exits the event loop for it pub fn (ctx &Context) quit() { sapp.request_quit() // does not require ctx right now, but sokol multi-window might in the future } pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_bg_color(c gx.Color) { ctx.clear_pass = gfx.create_clear_pass(f32(c.r) / 255.0, f32(c.g) / 255.0, f32(c.b) / 255.0, f32(c.a) / 255.0) } [inline] pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_square(x f32, y f32, s f32, c gx.Color) { ctx.draw_rect(x, y, s, s, c) } [inline] pub fn (ctx &Context) set_pixel(x f32, y f32, c gx.Color) { ctx.draw_square(x, y, 1, c) } pub fn (ctx &Context) set_pixels(points []f32, c gx.Color) { assert points.len % 2 == 0 len := points.len / 2 if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) sgl.begin_quads() for i in 0 .. len { x, y := points[i * 2], points[i * 2 + 1] sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f((x + 1) * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f((x + 1) * ctx.scale, (y + 1) * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, (y + 1) * ctx.scale) } sgl.end() } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_triangle(x f32, y f32, x2 f32, y2 f32, x3 f32, y3 f32, c gx.Color) { if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) sgl.begin_quads() sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f(x2 * ctx.scale, y2 * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f(x3 * ctx.scale, y3 * ctx.scale) sgl.end() } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_empty_rect(x f32, y f32, w f32, h f32, c gx.Color) { if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) sgl.begin_line_strip() sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f((x + w) * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f((x + w) * ctx.scale, (y + h) * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, (y + h) * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, (y - 1) * ctx.scale) sgl.end() } [inline] pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_empty_square(x f32, y f32, s f32, c gx.Color) { ctx.draw_empty_rect(x, y, s, s, c) } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_circle(x f32, y f32, r f32, c gx.Color) { ctx.draw_circle_with_segments(x, y, r, 10, c) } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_circle_with_segments(x f32, y f32, r f32, segments int, c gx.Color) { if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) nx := x * ctx.scale ny := y * ctx.scale nr := r * ctx.scale mut theta := f32(0) mut xx := f32(0) mut yy := f32(0) sgl.begin_triangle_strip() for i := 0; i < segments + 1; i++ { theta = 2.0 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / f32(segments) xx = nr * math.cosf(theta) yy = nr * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + nx, yy + ny) sgl.v2f(nx, ny) } sgl.end() } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_arc_line(x f32, y f32, r int, start_angle f32, arc_angle f32, segments int, c gx.Color) { if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) theta := f32(arc_angle / f32(segments)) tan_factor := math.tanf(theta) rad_factor := math.cosf(theta) nx := x * ctx.scale ny := y * ctx.scale mut xx := f32(r * math.cosf(start_angle)) mut yy := f32(r * math.sinf(start_angle)) sgl.begin_line_strip() for i := 0; i < segments + 1; i++ { sgl.v2f(xx + nx, yy + ny) tx := -yy ty := xx xx += tx * tan_factor yy += ty * tan_factor xx *= rad_factor yy *= rad_factor } sgl.end() } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_arc(x f32, y f32, r int, start_angle f32, arc_angle f32, segments int, c gx.Color) { if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) nx := x * ctx.scale ny := y * ctx.scale theta := f32(arc_angle / f32(segments)) tan_factor := math.tanf(theta) rad_factor := math.cosf(theta) mut xx := f32(r * math.cosf(start_angle)) mut yy := f32(r * math.sinf(start_angle)) sgl.begin_triangle_strip() for i := 0; i < segments + 1; i++ { sgl.v2f(xx + nx, yy + ny) sgl.v2f(nx, ny) tx := -yy ty := xx xx += tx * tan_factor yy += ty * tan_factor xx *= rad_factor yy *= rad_factor } sgl.end() } pub fn (gg &Context) begin() { if gg.render_text && gg.font_inited { gg.ft.flush() } sgl.defaults() sgl.matrix_mode_projection() sgl.ortho(0.0, f32(sapp.width()), f32(sapp.height()), 0.0, -1.0, 1.0) } pub fn (gg &Context) end() { gfx.begin_default_pass(gg.clear_pass, sapp.width(), sapp.height()) sgl.draw() gfx.end_pass() gfx.commit() /* if gg.config.wait_events { // println('gg: waiting') wait_events() } */ } // resize the context's Window pub fn (mut ctx Context) resize(width int, height int) { ctx.width = width ctx.height = height } // draw_line draws a line between the points provided pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_line(x f32, y f32, x2 f32, y2 f32, c gx.Color) { $if macos { if ctx.native_rendering { // Make the line more clear on hi dpi screens: draw a rectangle mut width := math.abs(x2 - x) mut height := math.abs(y2 - y) if width == 0 { width = 1 } else if height == 0 { height = 1 } ctx.draw_rect(x, y, f32(width), f32(height), c) return } } if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) sgl.begin_line_strip() sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f(x2 * ctx.scale, y2 * ctx.scale) sgl.end() } // draw_line_with_config draws a line between the points provided with the PenConfig pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_line_with_config(x f32, y f32, x2 f32, y2 f32, config PenConfig) { if config.color.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } if config.thickness <= 0 { return } nx := x * ctx.scale ny := y * ctx.scale nx2 := x2 * ctx.scale ny2 := y2 * ctx.scale dx := nx2 - nx dy := ny2 - ny length := math.sqrtf(math.powf(x2 - x, 2) + math.powf(y2 - y, 2)) theta := f32(math.atan2(dy, dx)) sgl.push_matrix() sgl.translate(nx, ny, 0) sgl.rotate(theta, 0, 0, 1) sgl.translate(-nx, -ny, 0) if config.line_type == .solid { ctx.draw_rect(x, y, length, config.thickness, config.color) } else { size := if config.line_type == .dotted { config.thickness } else { config.thickness * 3 } space := if size == 1 { 2 } else { size } mut available := length mut start_x := x for i := 0; available > 0; i++ { if i % 2 == 0 { ctx.draw_rect(start_x, y, size, config.thickness, config.color) available -= size start_x += size continue } available -= space start_x += space } } sgl.pop_matrix() } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_rounded_rect(x f32, y f32, w f32, h f32, radius f32, color gx.Color) { sgl.c4b(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) sgl.begin_triangle_strip() mut theta := f32(0) mut xx := f32(0) mut yy := f32(0) r := radius * ctx.scale nx := x * ctx.scale ny := y * ctx.scale width := w * ctx.scale height := h * ctx.scale segments := 2 * math.pi * r segdiv := segments / 4 rb := 0 lb := int(rb + segdiv) lt := int(lb + segdiv) rt := int(lt + segdiv) // left top lx := nx + r ly := ny + r for i in lt .. rt { theta = 2 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / segments xx = r * math.cosf(theta) yy = r * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + lx, yy + ly) sgl.v2f(lx, ly) } // right top mut rx := nx + width - r mut ry := ny + r for i in rt .. int(segments) { theta = 2 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / segments xx = r * math.cosf(theta) yy = r * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + rx, yy + ry) sgl.v2f(rx, ry) } // right bottom mut rbx := rx mut rby := ny + height - r for i in rb .. lb { theta = 2 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / segments xx = r * math.cosf(theta) yy = r * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + rbx, yy + rby) sgl.v2f(rbx, rby) } // left bottom mut lbx := lx mut lby := ny + height - r for i in lb .. lt { theta = 2 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / segments xx = r * math.cosf(theta) yy = r * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + lbx, yy + lby) sgl.v2f(lbx, lby) } sgl.v2f(lx + xx, ly) sgl.v2f(lx, ly) sgl.end() sgl.begin_quads() sgl.v2f(lx, ly) sgl.v2f(rx, ry) sgl.v2f(rbx, rby) sgl.v2f(lbx, lby) sgl.end() } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_empty_rounded_rect(x f32, y f32, w f32, h f32, radius f32, border_color gx.Color) { mut theta := f32(0) mut xx := f32(0) mut yy := f32(0) r := radius * ctx.scale nx := x * ctx.scale ny := y * ctx.scale width := w * ctx.scale height := h * ctx.scale segments := 2 * math.pi * r segdiv := segments / 4 rb := 0 lb := int(rb + segdiv) lt := int(lb + segdiv) rt := int(lt + segdiv) sgl.c4b(border_color.r, border_color.g, border_color.b, border_color.a) sgl.begin_line_strip() // left top lx := nx + r ly := ny + r for i in lt .. rt { theta = 2 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / segments xx = r * math.cosf(theta) yy = r * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + lx, yy + ly) } // right top mut rx := nx + width - r mut ry := ny + r for i in rt .. int(segments) { theta = 2 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / segments xx = r * math.cosf(theta) yy = r * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + rx, yy + ry) } // right bottom mut rbx := rx mut rby := ny + height - r for i in rb .. lb { theta = 2 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / segments xx = r * math.cosf(theta) yy = r * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + rbx, yy + rby) } // left bottom mut lbx := lx mut lby := ny + height - r for i in lb .. lt { theta = 2 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / segments xx = r * math.cosf(theta) yy = r * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + lbx, yy + lby) } sgl.v2f(lx + xx, ly) sgl.end() } // draw_convex_poly draws a convex polygon, given an array of points, and a color. // Note that the points must be given in clockwise order. pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_convex_poly(points []f32, c gx.Color) { assert points.len % 2 == 0 len := points.len / 2 assert len >= 3 if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) sgl.begin_triangle_strip() x0 := points[0] y0 := points[1] for i in 1 .. (len / 2 + 1) { sgl.v2f(x0, y0) sgl.v2f(points[i * 4 - 2], points[i * 4 - 1]) sgl.v2f(points[i * 4], points[i * 4 + 1]) } if len % 2 == 0 { sgl.v2f(points[2 * len - 2], points[2 * len - 1]) } sgl.end() } // draw_empty_poly - draws the borders of a polygon, given an array of points, and a color. // Note that the points must be given in clockwise order. pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_empty_poly(points []f32, c gx.Color) { assert points.len % 2 == 0 len := points.len / 2 assert len >= 3 if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) sgl.begin_line_strip() for i in 0 .. len { sgl.v2f(points[2 * i] * ctx.scale, points[2 * i + 1] * ctx.scale) } sgl.v2f(points[0] * ctx.scale, points[1] * ctx.scale) sgl.end() } // window_size returns the `Size` of the active window pub fn window_size() Size { s := dpi_scale() return Size{int(sapp.width() / s), int(sapp.height() / s)} } // window_size_real_pixels returns the `Size` of the active window without scale pub fn window_size_real_pixels() Size { return Size{sapp.width(), sapp.height()} } pub fn dpi_scale() f32 { mut s := sapp.dpi_scale() $if android { s *= android_dpi_scale() } // NB: on older X11, `Xft.dpi` from ~/.Xresources, that sokol uses, // may not be set which leads to sapp.dpi_scale reporting incorrectly 0.0 if s < 0.1 { s = 1. } return s }