module net import io.util import os union AddrData { Unix Ip Ip6 } const ( addr_ip6_any = [16]byte{init: u8(0)} addr_ip_any = [4]byte{init: u8(0)} ) fn new_ip6(port u16, addr [16]byte) Addr { a := Addr{ f: u16(AddrFamily.ip6) addr: AddrData{ Ip6: Ip6{ port: u16(C.htons(port)) } } } unsafe { vmemcpy(&a.addr.Ip6.addr[0], &addr[0], 16) } return a } fn new_ip(port u16, addr [4]byte) Addr { a := Addr{ f: u16(AddrFamily.ip) addr: AddrData{ Ip: Ip{ port: u16(C.htons(port)) } } } unsafe { vmemcpy(&a.addr.Ip.addr[0], &addr[0], 4) } return a } fn temp_unix() ?Addr { // create a temp file to get a filename // close it // remove it // then reuse the filename mut file, filename := util.temp_file() ? file.close() os.rm(filename) ? addrs := resolve_addrs(filename, .unix, .udp) ? return addrs[0] } pub fn (a Addr) family() AddrFamily { return AddrFamily(a.f) } const ( max_ip_len = 24 max_ip6_len = 46 ) fn (a Ip) str() string { buf := [net.max_ip_len]char{} res := &char(C.inet_ntop(.ip, &a.addr, &buf[0], buf.len)) if res == 0 { return '' } saddr := unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(&buf[0]) } port := C.ntohs(a.port) return '$saddr:$port' } fn (a Ip6) str() string { buf := [net.max_ip6_len]char{} res := &char(C.inet_ntop(.ip6, &a.addr, &buf[0], buf.len)) if res == 0 { return '' } saddr := unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(&buf[0]) } port := C.ntohs(a.port) return '[$saddr]:$port' } const aoffset = __offsetof(Addr, addr) fn (a Addr) len() u32 { match { .ip { return sizeof(Ip) + net.aoffset } .ip6 { return sizeof(Ip6) + net.aoffset } .unix { return sizeof(Unix) + net.aoffset } else { panic('Unknown address family') } } } pub fn resolve_addrs(addr string, family AddrFamily, @type SocketType) ?[]Addr { match family { .ip, .ip6, .unspec { return resolve_ipaddrs(addr, family, @type) } .unix { resolved := Unix{} if addr.len > max_unix_path { return error('net: resolve_addrs Unix socket address is too long') } // Copy the unix path into the address struct unsafe { C.memcpy(&resolved.path, addr.str, addr.len) } return [ Addr{ f: u16(AddrFamily.unix) addr: AddrData{ Unix: resolved } }, ] } } } pub fn resolve_addrs_fuzzy(addr string, @type SocketType) ?[]Addr { if addr.len == 0 { return none } // Use a small heuristic to figure out what address family this is // (out of the ones that we support) if addr.contains(':') { // Colon is a reserved character in unix paths // so this must be an ip address return resolve_addrs(addr, .unspec, @type) } return resolve_addrs(addr, .unix, @type) } pub fn resolve_ipaddrs(addr string, family AddrFamily, typ SocketType) ?[]Addr { address, port := split_address(addr) ? if addr[0] == `:` { match family { .ip6 { return [new_ip6(port, net.addr_ip6_any)] } .ip, .unspec { return [new_ip(port, net.addr_ip_any)] } else {} } } mut hints := C.addrinfo{ // ai_family: int(family) // ai_socktype: int(typ) // ai_flags: C.AI_PASSIVE } unsafe { vmemset(&hints, 0, int(sizeof(hints))) } hints.ai_family = int(family) hints.ai_socktype = int(typ) hints.ai_flags = C.AI_PASSIVE results := &C.addrinfo(0) sport := '$port' // This might look silly but is recommended by MSDN $if windows { socket_error(0 - C.getaddrinfo(&char(address.str), &char(sport.str), &hints, &results)) ? } $else { x := C.getaddrinfo(&char(address.str), &char(sport.str), &hints, &results) wrap_error(x) ? } defer { C.freeaddrinfo(results) } // Now that we have our linked list of addresses // convert them into an array mut addresses := []Addr{} for result := results; !isnil(result); result = result.ai_next { match AddrFamily(result.ai_family) { .ip { new_addr := Addr{ addr: AddrData{ Ip: Ip{} } } unsafe { C.memcpy(&new_addr, result.ai_addr, result.ai_addrlen) } addresses << new_addr } .ip6 { new_addr := Addr{ addr: AddrData{ Ip6: Ip6{} } } unsafe { C.memcpy(&new_addr, result.ai_addr, result.ai_addrlen) } addresses << new_addr } else { panic('Unexpected address family $result.ai_family') } } } return addresses } fn (a Addr) str() string { match AddrFamily(a.f) { .ip { unsafe { return a.addr.Ip.str() } } .ip6 { unsafe { return a.addr.Ip6.str() } } .unix { unsafe { return tos_clone(a.addr.Unix.path[0..max_unix_path].data) } } .unspec { return '<.unspec>' } } } pub fn addr_from_socket_handle(handle int) Addr { addr := Addr{ addr: AddrData{ Ip6: Ip6{} } } size := sizeof(addr) C.getsockname(handle, voidptr(&addr), &size) return addr }