// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module util import os import time import v.pref import v.vmod import v.util.recompilation // math.bits is needed by strconv.ftoa pub const ( builtin_module_parts = ['math.bits', 'strconv', 'strconv.ftoa', 'strings', 'builtin'] bundle_modules = ['clipboard', 'fontstash', 'gg', 'gx', 'sokol', 'szip', 'ui'] ) pub const ( external_module_dependencies_for_tool = { 'vdoc': ['markdown'] } ) const ( const_tabs = [ '', '\t', '\t\t', '\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t', ] ) pub fn tabs(n int) string { return if n < util.const_tabs.len { util.const_tabs[n] } else { '\t'.repeat(n) } } // pub fn set_vroot_folder(vroot_path string) { // Preparation for the compiler module: // VEXE env variable is needed so that compiler.vexe_path() // can return it later to whoever needs it: vname := if os.user_os() == 'windows' { 'v.exe' } else { 'v' } os.setenv('VEXE', os.real_path(os.join_path_single(vroot_path, vname)), true) os.setenv('VCHILD', 'true', true) } pub fn resolve_vmodroot(str string, dir string) ?string { mut mcache := vmod.get_cache() vmod_file_location := mcache.get_by_folder(dir) if vmod_file_location.vmod_file.len == 0 { // There was no actual v.mod file found. return error('To use @VMODROOT, you need to have a "v.mod" file in $dir, or in one of its parent folders.') } vmod_path := vmod_file_location.vmod_folder return str.replace('@VMODROOT', os.real_path(vmod_path)) } // resolve_env_value replaces all occurrences of `$env('ENV_VAR_NAME')` // in `str` with the value of the env variable `$ENV_VAR_NAME`. pub fn resolve_env_value(str string, check_for_presence bool) ?string { env_ident := "\$env('" at := str.index(env_ident) or { return error('no "$env_ident' + '...\')" could be found in "$str".') } mut ch := byte(`.`) mut env_lit := '' for i := at + env_ident.len; i < str.len && ch != `)`; i++ { ch = byte(str[i]) if ch.is_letter() || ch.is_digit() || ch == `_` { env_lit += ch.ascii_str() } else { if !(ch == `'` || ch == `)`) { if ch == `$` { return error('cannot use string interpolation in compile time \$env() expression') } return error('invalid environment variable name in "$str", invalid character "$ch.ascii_str()"') } } } if env_lit == '' { return error('supply an env variable name like HOME, PATH or USER') } mut env_value := '' if check_for_presence { env_value = os.environ()[env_lit] or { return error('the environment variable "$env_lit" does not exist.') } if env_value == '' { return error('the environment variable "$env_lit" is empty.') } } else { env_value = os.getenv(env_lit) } rep := str.replace_once(env_ident + env_lit + "'" + ')', env_value) if rep.contains(env_ident) { return resolve_env_value(rep, check_for_presence) } return rep } // launch_tool - starts a V tool in a separate process, passing it the `args`. // All V tools are located in the cmd/tools folder, in files or folders prefixed by // the letter `v`, followed by the tool name, i.e. `cmd/tools/vdoc/` or `cmd/tools/vpm.v`. // The folder variant is suitable for larger and more complex tools, like `v doc`, because // it provides you the ability to split their source in separate .v files, organized by topic, // as well as have resources like static css/text/js files, that the tools can use. // launch_tool uses a timestamp based detection mechanism, so that after `v self`, each tool // will be recompiled too, before it is used, which guarantees that it would be up to date with // V itself. That mechanism can be disabled by package managers by creating/touching a small // `cmd/tools/.disable_autorecompilation` file, OR by changing the timestamps of all executables // in cmd/tools to be < 1024 seconds (in unix time). [noreturn] pub fn launch_tool(is_verbose bool, tool_name string, args []string) { vexe := pref.vexe_path() vroot := os.dir(vexe) set_vroot_folder(vroot) tool_args := args_quote_paths(args) tools_folder := os.join_path(vroot, 'cmd', 'tools') tool_basename := os.real_path(os.join_path_single(tools_folder, tool_name)) mut tool_exe := '' mut tool_source := '' if os.is_dir(tool_basename) { tool_exe = path_of_executable(os.join_path_single(tool_basename, os.file_name(tool_name))) tool_source = tool_basename } else { tool_exe = path_of_executable(tool_basename) tool_source = tool_basename + '.v' } if is_verbose { println('launch_tool vexe : $vroot') println('launch_tool vroot : $vroot') println('launch_tool tool_source : $tool_source') println('launch_tool tool_exe : $tool_exe') println('launch_tool tool_args : $tool_args') } disabling_file := recompilation.disabling_file(vroot) is_recompilation_disabled := os.exists(disabling_file) should_compile := !is_recompilation_disabled && should_recompile_tool(vexe, tool_source, tool_name, tool_exe) if is_verbose { println('launch_tool should_compile: $should_compile') } if should_compile { emodules := util.external_module_dependencies_for_tool[tool_name] for emodule in emodules { check_module_is_installed(emodule, is_verbose) or { panic(err) } } mut compilation_command := '"$vexe" -skip-unused ' if tool_name in ['vself', 'vup', 'vdoctor', 'vsymlink'] { // These tools will be called by users in cases where there // is high chance of there being a problem somewhere. Thus // it is better to always compile them with -g, so that in // case these tools do crash/panic, their backtraces will have // .v line numbers, to ease diagnostic in #bugs and issues. compilation_command += ' -g ' } compilation_command += '"$tool_source"' if is_verbose { println('Compiling $tool_name with: "$compilation_command"') } tool_compilation := os.execute_or_exit(compilation_command) if tool_compilation.exit_code != 0 { eprintln('cannot compile `$tool_source`: \n$tool_compilation.output') exit(1) } } $if windows { exit(os.system('"$tool_exe" $tool_args')) } $else $if js { // no way to implement os.execvp in JS backend exit(os.system('$tool_exe $tool_args')) } $else { os.execvp(tool_exe, args) or { panic(err) } } exit(2) } // NB: should_recompile_tool/4 compares unix timestamps that have 1 second resolution // That means that a tool can get recompiled twice, if called in short succession. // TODO: use a nanosecond mtime timestamp, if available. pub fn should_recompile_tool(vexe string, tool_source string, tool_name string, tool_exe string) bool { if os.is_dir(tool_source) { source_files := os.walk_ext(tool_source, '.v') mut newest_sfile := '' mut newest_sfile_mtime := i64(0) for sfile in source_files { mtime := os.file_last_mod_unix(sfile) if mtime > newest_sfile_mtime { newest_sfile_mtime = mtime newest_sfile = sfile } } single_file_recompile := should_recompile_tool(vexe, newest_sfile, tool_name, tool_exe) // eprintln('>>> should_recompile_tool: tool_source: $tool_source | $single_file_recompile | $newest_sfile') return single_file_recompile } // TODO Caching should be done on the `vlib/v` level. mut should_compile := false if !os.exists(tool_exe) { should_compile = true } else { mtime_vexe := os.file_last_mod_unix(vexe) mtime_tool_exe := os.file_last_mod_unix(tool_exe) mtime_tool_source := os.file_last_mod_unix(tool_source) if mtime_tool_exe <= mtime_vexe { // v was recompiled, maybe after v up ... // rebuild the tool too just in case should_compile = true if tool_name == 'vself' || tool_name == 'vup' { // The purpose of vself/up is to update and recompile v itself. // After the first 'v self' execution, v will be modified, so // then a second 'v self' will detect, that v is newer than the // vself executable, and try to recompile vself/up again, which // will slow down the next v recompilation needlessly. should_compile = false } } if mtime_tool_exe <= mtime_tool_source { // the user changed the source code of the tool, or git updated it: should_compile = true } // GNU Guix and possibly other environments, have bit for bit reproducibility in mind, // including filesystem attributes like modification times, so they set the modification // times of executables to a small number like 0, 1 etc. In this case, we should not // recompile even if other heuristics say that we should. Users in such environments, // have to explicitly do: `v cmd/tools/vfmt.v`, and/or install v from source, and not // use the system packaged one, if they desire to develop v itself. if mtime_vexe < 1024 && mtime_tool_exe < 1024 { should_compile = false } } return should_compile } fn tool_source2name_and_exe(tool_source string) (string, string) { sfolder := os.dir(tool_source) tool_name := os.base(tool_source).replace('.v', '') tool_exe := os.join_path_single(sfolder, path_of_executable(tool_name)) return tool_name, tool_exe } pub fn quote_path(s string) string { mut qs := s if qs.contains('&') { qs = qs.replace('&', '\\&') } if qs.contains(' ') { return '"$qs"' } return qs } pub fn args_quote_paths(args []string) string { mut res := []string{} for a in args { res << quote_path(a) } return res.join(' ') } pub fn path_of_executable(path string) string { $if windows { return path + '.exe' } return path } [heap] struct SourceCache { mut: sources map[string]string } [unsafe] pub fn cached_read_source_file(path string) ?string { mut static cache := &SourceCache(0) if isnil(cache) { cache = &SourceCache{} } if path.len == 0 { unsafe { cache.sources.free() } unsafe { free(cache) } cache = &SourceCache(0) return error('memory source file cache cleared') } // eprintln('>> cached_read_source_file path: $path') if res := cache.sources[path] { // eprintln('>> cached') return res } // eprintln('>> not cached | cache.sources.len: $cache.sources.len') raw_text := os.read_file(path) or { return error('failed to open $path') } res := skip_bom(raw_text) cache.sources[path] = res return res } pub fn replace_op(s string) string { return match s { '+' { '_plus' } '-' { '_minus' } '*' { '_mult' } '/' { '_div' } '%' { '_mod' } '<' { '_lt' } '>' { '_gt' } '==' { '_eq' } else { '' } } } pub fn join_env_vflags_and_os_args() []string { vosargs := os.getenv('VOSARGS') if vosargs != '' { return non_empty(vosargs.split(' ')) } mut args := []string{} vflags := os.getenv('VFLAGS') if vflags != '' { args << os.args[0] args << vflags.split(' ') if os.args.len > 1 { args << os.args[1..] } return non_empty(args) } return os.args } fn non_empty(arg []string) []string { return arg.filter(it != '') } pub fn check_module_is_installed(modulename string, is_verbose bool) ?bool { mpath := os.join_path_single(os.vmodules_dir(), modulename) mod_v_file := os.join_path_single(mpath, 'v.mod') murl := 'https://github.com/vlang/$modulename' if is_verbose { eprintln('check_module_is_installed: mpath: $mpath') eprintln('check_module_is_installed: mod_v_file: $mod_v_file') eprintln('check_module_is_installed: murl: $murl') } if os.exists(mod_v_file) { vexe := pref.vexe_path() update_cmd := '"$vexe" update "$modulename"' if is_verbose { eprintln('check_module_is_installed: updating with $update_cmd ...') } update_res := os.execute(update_cmd) if update_res.exit_code < 0 { return error('can not start $update_cmd, error: $update_res.output') } if update_res.exit_code != 0 { eprintln('Warning: `$modulename` exists, but is not updated. V will continue, since updates can fail due to temporary network problems, and the existing module `$modulename` may still work.') if is_verbose { eprintln('Details:') eprintln(update_res.output) } eprintln('-'.repeat(50)) } return true } if is_verbose { eprintln('check_module_is_installed: cloning from $murl ...') } cloning_res := os.execute('git clone $murl $mpath') if cloning_res.exit_code < 0 { return error_with_code('git is not installed, error: $cloning_res.output', cloning_res.exit_code) } if cloning_res.exit_code != 0 { return error_with_code('cloning failed, details: $cloning_res.output', cloning_res.exit_code) } if !os.exists(mod_v_file) { return error('even after cloning, $mod_v_file is still missing') } if is_verbose { eprintln('check_module_is_installed: done') } return true } pub fn ensure_modules_for_all_tools_are_installed(is_verbose bool) { for tool_name, tool_modules in util.external_module_dependencies_for_tool { if is_verbose { eprintln('Installing modules for tool: $tool_name ...') } for emodule in tool_modules { check_module_is_installed(emodule, is_verbose) or { panic(err) } } } } pub fn strip_mod_name(name string) string { return name.all_after_last('.') } pub fn strip_main_name(name string) string { return name.replace('main.', '') } pub fn no_dots(s string) string { return s.replace('.', '__') } const ( map_prefix = 'map[string]' ) // no_cur_mod - removes cur_mod. prefix from typename, // but *only* when it is at the start, i.e.: // no_cur_mod('vproto.Abdcdef', 'proto') == 'vproto.Abdcdef' // even though proto. is a substring pub fn no_cur_mod(typename string, cur_mod string) string { mut res := typename mod_prefix := cur_mod + '.' has_map_prefix := res.starts_with(util.map_prefix) if has_map_prefix { res = res.replace_once(util.map_prefix, '') } no_symbols := res.trim_left('&[]') should_shorten := no_symbols.starts_with(mod_prefix) if should_shorten { res = res.replace_once(mod_prefix, '') } if has_map_prefix { res = util.map_prefix + res } return res } pub fn prepare_tool_when_needed(source_name string) { vexe := os.getenv('VEXE') vroot := os.dir(vexe) stool := os.join_path(vroot, 'cmd', 'tools', source_name) tool_name, tool_exe := tool_source2name_and_exe(stool) if should_recompile_tool(vexe, stool, tool_name, tool_exe) { time.sleep(1001 * time.millisecond) // TODO: remove this when we can get mtime with a better resolution recompile_file(vexe, stool) } } pub fn recompile_file(vexe string, file string) { cmd := '$vexe $file' $if trace_recompilation ? { println('recompilation command: $cmd') } recompile_result := os.system(cmd) if recompile_result != 0 { eprintln('could not recompile $file') exit(2) } } pub fn get_vtmp_folder() string { mut vtmp := os.getenv('VTMP') if vtmp.len > 0 { return vtmp } uid := os.getuid() vtmp = os.join_path_single(os.temp_dir(), 'v_$uid') if !os.exists(vtmp) || !os.is_dir(vtmp) { os.mkdir_all(vtmp) or { panic(err) } } os.setenv('VTMP', vtmp, true) return vtmp } pub fn should_bundle_module(mod string) bool { return mod in util.bundle_modules || (mod.contains('.') && mod.all_before('.') in util.bundle_modules) } // find_all_v_files - given a list of files/folders, finds all .v/.vsh files // if some of the files/folders on the list does not exist, or a file is not // a .v or .vsh file, returns an error instead. pub fn find_all_v_files(roots []string) ?[]string { mut files := []string{} for file in roots { if os.is_dir(file) { files << os.walk_ext(file, '.v') files << os.walk_ext(file, '.vsh') continue } if !file.ends_with('.v') && !file.ends_with('.vv') && !file.ends_with('.vsh') { return error('v fmt can only be used on .v files.\nOffending file: "$file"') } if !os.exists(file) { return error('"$file" does not exist') } files << file } return files } // free_caches knows about all `util` caches and makes sure that they are freed // if you add another cached unsafe function using static, do not forget to add // a mechanism to clear its cache, and call it here. pub fn free_caches() { unsafe { cached_file2sourcelines('') cached_read_source_file('') or { '' } } } pub fn read_file(file_path string) ?string { return unsafe { cached_read_source_file(file_path) } }