// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module dist

import math
import rand

fn check_probability_range(p f64) {
	if p < 0 || p > 1 {
		panic('$p is not a valid probability value.')

// bernoulli returns true with a probability p. Note that 0 <= p <= 1.
pub fn bernoulli(p f64) bool {
	return rand.f64() <= p

// binomial returns the number of successful trials out of n when the
// probability of success for each trial is p.
pub fn binomial(n int, p f64) int {
	mut count := 0
	for _ in 0 .. n {
		if bernoulli(p) {
	return count

// Configuration struct for the `normal_pair` function. The default value for
// `mu` is 0 and the default value for `sigma` is 1.
pub struct NormalConfigStruct {
	mu    f64 = 0.0
	sigma f64 = 1.0

// normal_pair returns a pair of normally distributed random numbers with the mean mu
// and standard deviation sigma. If not specified, mu is 0 and sigma is 1. Intended usage is
// `x, y := normal_pair(mu: mean, sigma: stdev)`, or `x, y := normal_pair()`.
pub fn normal_pair(config NormalConfigStruct) (f64, f64) {
	if config.sigma <= 0 {
		panic('The standard deviation has to be positive.')
	// This is an implementation of the Marsaglia polar method
	// See: https://doi.org/10.1137%2F1006063
	// Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsaglia_polar_method
	for {
		u := rand.f64_in_range(-1, 1) or { 0.0 }
		v := rand.f64_in_range(-1, 1) or { 0.0 }

		s := u * u + v * v
		if s >= 1 || s == 0 {
		t := math.sqrt(-2 * math.log(s) / s)
		x := config.mu + config.sigma * t * u
		y := config.mu + config.sigma * t * v
		return x, y
	return config.mu, config.mu

// normal returns a normally distributed random number with the mean mu and standard deviation
// sigma. If not specified, mu is 0 and sigma is 1. Intended usage is
// `x := normal(mu: mean, sigma: etdev)` or `x := normal()`.
// **NOTE:** If you are generating a lot of normal variates, use `the normal_pair` function
// instead. This function discards one of the two variates generated by the `normal_pair` function.
pub fn normal(config NormalConfigStruct) f64 {
	x, _ := normal_pair(config)
	return x

// exponential returns an exponentially distributed random number with the rate paremeter
// lambda. It is expected that lambda is positive.
pub fn exponential(lambda f64) f64 {
	if lambda <= 0 {
		panic('The rate (lambda) must be positive.')
	// Use the inverse transform sampling method
	return -math.log(rand.f64()) / lambda