// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. module gg import gx pub type FNCb = fn (data voidptr) pub type FNEvent = fn (e &Event, data voidptr) pub type FNFail = fn (msg string, data voidptr) pub type FNKeyDown = fn (c KeyCode, m Modifier, data voidptr) pub type FNKeyUp = fn (c KeyCode, m Modifier, data voidptr) pub type FNMove = fn (x f32, y f32, data voidptr) pub type FNClick = fn (x f32, y f32, button MouseButton, data voidptr) pub type FNUnClick = fn (x f32, y f32, button MouseButton, data voidptr) pub type FNChar = fn (c u32, data voidptr) pub struct PenConfig { color gx.Color line_type PenLineType = .solid thickness int = 1 } pub struct Size { pub mut: width int height int }