
467 lines
13 KiB

module builder
import os
import v.token
import v.pref
import v.util
import v.ast
import v.vmod
import v.checker
import v.parser
import v.depgraph
import v.markused
pub struct Builder {
compiled_dir string // contains os.real_path() of the dir of the final file beeing compiled, or the dir itself when doing `v .`
module_path string
pref &pref.Preferences
checker &checker.Checker
global_scope &ast.Scope
out_name_c string
out_name_js string
max_nr_errors int = 100
stats_lines int // size of backend generated source code in lines
stats_bytes int // size of backend generated source code in bytes
pub mut:
module_search_paths []string
parsed_files []&ast.File
cached_msvc MsvcResult
table &ast.Table
ccoptions CcompilerOptions
pub fn new_builder(pref &pref.Preferences) Builder {
rdir := os.real_path(pref.path)
compiled_dir := if os.is_dir(rdir) { rdir } else { os.dir(rdir) }
mut table := ast.new_table()
table.is_fmt = false
if pref.use_color == .always {
if pref.use_color == .never {
msvc := find_msvc(pref.m64) or {
if pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' {
// verror('Cannot find MSVC on this OS')
valid: false
util.timing_set_should_print(pref.show_timings || pref.is_verbose)
return Builder{
pref: pref
table: table
checker: checker.new_checker(table, pref)
global_scope: &ast.Scope{
parent: 0
compiled_dir: compiled_dir
max_nr_errors: if pref.error_limit > 0 { pref.error_limit } else { 100 }
cached_msvc: msvc
// max_nr_errors: pref.error_limit ?? 100 TODO potential syntax?
pub fn (mut b Builder) front_stages(v_files []string) ? {
b.parsed_files = parser.parse_files(v_files, b.table, b.pref, b.global_scope)
util.get_timers().show_if_exists('PARSE stmt')
if b.pref.only_check_syntax {
return error('stop_after_parser')
pub fn (mut b Builder) middle_stages() ? {
if b.pref.skip_unused {
markused.mark_used(mut b.table, b.pref, b.parsed_files)
pub fn (mut b Builder) front_and_middle_stages(v_files []string) ? {
b.front_stages(v_files) ?
b.middle_stages() ?
// parse all deps from already parsed files
pub fn (mut b Builder) parse_imports() {
mut done_imports := []string{}
if b.pref.is_vsh {
done_imports << 'os'
// TODO (joe): decide if this is correct solution.
// in the case of building a module, the actual module files
// are passed via cmd line, so they have already been parsed
// by this stage. note that if one files from a module was
// parsed (but not all of them), then this will cause a problem.
// we could add a list of parsed files instead, but I think
// there is a better solution all around, I will revisit this.
// NOTE: there is a very similar occurance with the way
// internal module test's work, and this was the reason there
// were issues with duplicate declarations, so we should sort
// that out in a similar way.
for file in b.parsed_files {
if file.mod.name != 'main' && file.mod.name !in done_imports {
done_imports << file.mod.name
// NB: b.parsed_files is appended in the loop,
// so we can not use the shorter `for in` form.
for i := 0; i < b.parsed_files.len; i++ {
ast_file := b.parsed_files[i]
for imp in ast_file.imports {
mod := imp.mod
if mod == 'builtin' {
error_with_pos('cannot import module "builtin"', ast_file.path, imp.pos)
if mod in done_imports {
import_path := b.find_module_path(mod, ast_file.path) or {
// v.parsers[i].error_with_token_index('cannot import module "$mod" (not found)', v.parsers[i].import_ast.get_import_tok_idx(mod))
// break
error_with_pos('cannot import module "$mod" (not found)', ast_file.path,
v_files := b.v_files_from_dir(import_path)
if v_files.len == 0 {
// v.parsers[i].error_with_token_index('cannot import module "$mod" (no .v files in "$import_path")', v.parsers[i].import_ast.get_import_tok_idx(mod))
error_with_pos('cannot import module "$mod" (no .v files in "$import_path")',
ast_file.path, imp.pos)
// Add all imports referenced by these libs
parsed_files := parser.parse_files(v_files, b.table, b.pref, b.global_scope)
for file in parsed_files {
mut name := file.mod.name
if name == '' {
name = file.mod.short_name
if name != mod {
// v.parsers[pidx].error_with_token_index('bad module definition: ${v.parsers[pidx].file_path} imports module "$mod" but $file is defined as module `$p_mod`', 1
error_with_pos('bad module definition: $ast_file.path imports module "$mod" but $file.path is defined as module `$name`',
ast_file.path, imp.pos)
b.parsed_files << parsed_files
done_imports << mod
if b.pref.print_v_files {
for p in b.parsed_files {
pub fn (mut b Builder) resolve_deps() {
graph := b.import_graph()
deps_resolved := graph.resolve()
if b.pref.is_verbose {
eprintln('------ resolved dependencies graph: ------')
cycles := deps_resolved.display_cycles()
if cycles.len > 1 {
verror('error: import cycle detected between the following modules: \n' + cycles)
mut mods := []string{}
for node in deps_resolved.nodes {
mods << node.name
if b.pref.is_verbose {
eprintln('------ imported modules: ------')
mut reordered_parsed_files := []&ast.File{}
for m in mods {
for pf in b.parsed_files {
if m == pf.mod.name {
reordered_parsed_files << pf
// eprintln('pf.mod.name: $pf.mod.name | pf.path: $pf.path')
b.table.modules = mods
b.parsed_files = reordered_parsed_files
// graph of all imported modules
pub fn (b &Builder) import_graph() &depgraph.DepGraph {
builtins := util.builtin_module_parts.clone()
mut graph := depgraph.new_dep_graph()
for p in b.parsed_files {
// eprintln('p.path: $p.path')
mut deps := []string{}
if p.mod.name !in builtins {
deps << 'builtin'
if b.pref.backend == .c {
// TODO JavaScript backend doesn't handle os for now
if b.pref.is_vsh && p.mod.name != 'os' {
deps << 'os'
for m in p.imports {
if m.mod == p.mod.name {
deps << m.mod
graph.add(p.mod.name, deps)
$if trace_import_graph ? {
return graph
pub fn (b Builder) v_files_from_dir(dir string) []string {
if !os.exists(dir) {
if dir == 'compiler' && os.is_dir('vlib') {
println('looks like you are trying to build V with an old command')
println('use `v -o v cmd/v` instead of `v -o v compiler`')
verror("$dir doesn't exist")
} else if !os.is_dir(dir) {
verror("$dir isn't a directory!")
mut files := os.ls(dir) or { panic(err) }
if b.pref.is_verbose {
println('v_files_from_dir ("$dir")')
return b.pref.should_compile_filtered_files(dir, files)
pub fn (b Builder) log(s string) {
if b.pref.is_verbose {
pub fn (b Builder) info(s string) {
if b.pref.is_verbose {
fn module_path(mod string) string {
// submodule support
return mod.replace('.', os.path_separator)
// TODO: try to merge this & util.module functions to create a
// reliable multi use function. see comments in util/module.v
pub fn (b &Builder) find_module_path(mod string, fpath string) ?string {
// support @VROOT/v.mod relative paths:
mut mcache := vmod.get_cache()
vmod_file_location := mcache.get_by_file(fpath)
mod_path := module_path(mod)
mut module_lookup_paths := []string{}
if vmod_file_location.vmod_file.len != 0
&& vmod_file_location.vmod_folder !in b.module_search_paths {
module_lookup_paths << vmod_file_location.vmod_folder
module_lookup_paths << b.module_search_paths
module_lookup_paths << os.getwd()
// go up through parents looking for modules a folder.
// we need a proper solution that works most of the time. look at vdoc.get_parent_mod
if fpath.contains(os.path_separator + 'modules' + os.path_separator) {
parts := fpath.split(os.path_separator)
for i := parts.len - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
if parts[i] == 'modules' {
module_lookup_paths << parts[0..i + 1].join(os.path_separator)
for search_path in module_lookup_paths {
try_path := os.join_path(search_path, mod_path)
if b.pref.is_verbose {
println(' >> trying to find $mod in $try_path ..')
if os.is_dir(try_path) {
if b.pref.is_verbose {
println(' << found $try_path .')
return try_path
// look up through parents
path_parts := fpath.split(os.path_separator)
for i := path_parts.len - 2; i > 0; i-- {
p1 := path_parts[0..i].join(os.path_separator)
try_path := os.join_path(p1, mod_path)
if b.pref.is_verbose {
println(' >> trying to find $mod in $try_path ..')
if os.is_dir(try_path) {
return try_path
smodule_lookup_paths := module_lookup_paths.join(', ')
return error('module "$mod" not found in:\n$smodule_lookup_paths')
fn (b &Builder) show_total_warns_and_errors_stats() {
if b.checker.nr_errors == 0 && b.checker.nr_warnings == 0 && b.checker.nr_notices == 0 {
if b.pref.is_stats {
estring := util.bold(b.checker.nr_errors.str())
wstring := util.bold(b.checker.nr_warnings.str())
nstring := util.bold(b.checker.nr_notices.str())
println('checker summary: $estring V errors, $wstring V warnings, $nstring V notices')
fn (b &Builder) print_warnings_and_errors() {
defer {
if b.pref.output_mode == .silent {
if b.checker.nr_errors > 0 {
if b.pref.is_verbose && b.checker.nr_warnings > 1 {
println('$b.checker.nr_warnings warnings')
if b.pref.is_verbose && b.checker.nr_notices > 1 {
println('$b.checker.nr_notices notices')
if b.checker.nr_notices > 0 && !b.pref.skip_warnings {
for i, err in b.checker.notices {
kind := if b.pref.is_verbose {
'$err.reporter notice #$b.checker.nr_notices:'
} else {
ferror := util.formatted_error(kind, err.message, err.file_path, err.pos)
if err.details.len > 0 {
eprintln('Details: $err.details')
if i > b.max_nr_errors {
if b.checker.nr_warnings > 0 && !b.pref.skip_warnings {
for i, err in b.checker.warnings {
kind := if b.pref.is_verbose {
'$err.reporter warning #$b.checker.nr_warnings:'
} else {
ferror := util.formatted_error(kind, err.message, err.file_path, err.pos)
if err.details.len > 0 {
eprintln('Details: $err.details')
// eprintln('')
if i > b.max_nr_errors {
if b.pref.is_verbose && b.checker.nr_errors > 1 {
println('$b.checker.nr_errors errors')
if b.checker.nr_errors > 0 {
for i, err in b.checker.errors {
kind := if b.pref.is_verbose {
'$err.reporter error #$b.checker.nr_errors:'
} else {
ferror := util.formatted_error(kind, err.message, err.file_path, err.pos)
if err.details.len > 0 {
eprintln('Details: $err.details')
// eprintln('')
if i > b.max_nr_errors {
if b.table.redefined_fns.len > 0 {
mut total_conflicts := 0
for fn_name in b.table.redefined_fns {
// Find where this function was already declared
mut redefines := []FunctionRedefinition{}
mut redefine_conflicts := map[string]int{}
for file in b.parsed_files {
for stmt in file.stmts {
if stmt is ast.FnDecl {
if stmt.name == fn_name {
fheader := stmt.stringify(b.table, 'main', map[string]string{})
redefines << FunctionRedefinition{
fpath: file.path
fline: stmt.pos.line_nr
f: stmt
fheader: fheader
if redefines.len > 0 {
eprintln('redefinition of function `$fn_name`')
for redefine in redefines {
eprintln(util.formatted_error('conflicting declaration:', redefine.fheader,
redefine.fpath, redefine.f.pos))
if total_conflicts > 0 {
struct FunctionRedefinition {
fpath string
fline int
fheader string
f ast.FnDecl
fn error_with_pos(s string, fpath string, pos token.Position) {
ferror := util.formatted_error('builder error:', s, fpath, pos)
fn verror(s string) {
util.verror('builder error', s)