
51 lines
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pub interface ReaderWriter {
read(mut buf []u8) ?int // from Reader
write(buf []u8) ?int // from Writer
interface Speaker {
// first
speak() string
// between
foo() string
foo2() string
// last
interface Baz {
// first
speak() string
// comment
// more between
foo() string
foo2() string
// last
interface Bar {
speak() string // after
foo() string
speak2() string // also after
// and between
foo2() string
interface TestsRunner {
fn_passes u64
fn_fails u64
assert_passes u64
assert_fails u64
test_fn_info &TestFnMetaInfo // filled in by generated code, before .fn_start() is called.
start(ntests int) // called before all tests, you can initialise private data here. ntests is the number of test functions in the _test.v file.
finish() // called after all tests are finished, you should free all the private data here.
fn_start() // called at the start of each test_ function
fn_pass() // called at the end of each test_ function, with no failed assertion
fn_error(line_nr int, file string, mod string, fn_name string, errmsg string) // called only for `fn test_xyz() ? { return error('message') }`
fn_fail() // called at the end of each test_ function, with a failed assertion, *or* returning an error
assert_pass(i &AssertMetaInfo) // called for each `assert true`
assert_fail(i &AssertMetaInfo) // called for each `assert false`