
28 lines
526 B

// Sumtype
type FooBar = Bar | Foo
pub type PublicBar = Bar | Foo | FooBar
type Uint = u16 | u32 | u64 | u8 // This should stay on the same line
type Float = f32 | f64
// Alias type
type MyInt = int
pub type Abc = f32
// Fn type decl
type EmptyFn = fn ()
type OneArgFn = fn (i int)
type TwoDiffArgs = fn (i int, s string) bool
type TwoSameArgs = fn (i int, j int) string // And a comment
type VarArgs = fn (s ...string) int
type NOVarArgs = fn (i int, s ...string) f64
type NoNameArgs = fn (int, string, ...string)