
130 lines
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// Test cross assign of array elements
fn test_cross_assign_of_array() {
mut a := [0, 1]
a[0], a[1] = a[1], a[0]
assert a[0] == 1
assert a[1] == 0
mut b1 := [1, 2, 3]
mut b2 := 4
b1[2], b2, b1[0] = b1[0], b1[2], 5
assert b1 == [5, 2, 1]
assert b2 == 3
// Test cross assign of array elements in function
fn foo1(mut arr []int) {
arr[0], arr[1] = arr[1], arr[0]
fn test_cross_assign_of_array_in_fn() {
mut arr := [1,2]
foo1(mut arr)
assert arr[0] == 2
assert arr[1] == 1
// Test cross assign of map values
fn test_cross_assign_of_map() {
mut a := {'one':1, 'two':2}
a['one'], a['two'] = a['two'], a['one']
assert a['one'] == 2
assert a['two'] == 1
// Test cross assign of map values in function
fn foo2(mut a map[string]int) {
a['one'], a['two'] = a['two'], a['one']
fn test_cross_assign_of_map_in_fn() {
mut a := {'one':1, 'two':2}
foo2(mut a)
assert a['one'] == 2
assert a['two'] == 1
// Test cross assign of struct fields
struct Zoo {
a int
b int
fn test_cross_assign_of_struct() {
mut x := Zoo{a:1, b:2}
x.a, x.b = x.b, x.a
assert x.a == 2
assert x.b == 1
// Test cross assign of struct fields in function
struct Foo {
a int
b int
fn foo3(mut f Foo) {
f.a, f.b = f.b, f.a
fn test_cross_assign_of_struct_in_fn() {
mut a := Foo{a:1, b:2}
foo3(mut a)
assert a.a == 2
assert a.b == 1
// Test cross assign of mixed types
fn test_cross_assign_of_mixed_types() {
mut a := [0, 1]
mut m := {'one':1, 'two':2}
mut x := Zoo{a:1, b:2}
a[0], m['one'], x.a, a[1], m['two'], x.b = a[1], m['two'], x.b, a[0], m['one'], x.a
assert a == [1, 0]
assert m['one'] == 2
assert m['two'] == 1
assert x.a == 2
assert x.b == 1
// Test cross assign of mixed types in function
fn foo(mut a []int, mut m map[string]int, mut x Zoo) {
a[0], m['one'], x.a, a[1], m['two'], x.b = a[1], m['two'], x.b, a[0], m['one'], x.a
fn test_cross_assign_of_mixed_types_in_fn() {
mut a := [0, 1]
mut m := {'one':1, 'two':2}
mut x := Zoo{a:1, b:2}
foo(mut a, mut m, mut x)
assert a == [1, 0]
assert m['one'] == 2
assert m['two'] == 1
assert x.a == 2
assert x.b == 1
// Test cross assign of complex types
fn test_cross_assign_of_complex_types() {
mut a := [0, 1]
mut m := {'one':1, 'two':2}
mut x := Zoo{a:1, b:2}
a[0], m['one'], x.a, a[1], m['two'], x.b = a[1]+1, -m['two'], x.b, a[0]*2, m['one']*3, x.a-x.b
assert a == [2, 0]
assert m['one'] == -2
assert m['two'] == 3
assert x.a == 2
assert x.b == -1