
232 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module eval
import v.ast
import v.pref
import v.util
pub fn new_eval(table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) Eval {
return Eval{
table: table
pref: pref
// const/global is `Object`
type Symbol = Object | ast.EmptyStmt | ast.FnDecl
pub struct Eval {
pref &pref.Preferences
pub mut:
table &ast.Table
mods map[string]map[string]Symbol
future_register_consts map[string]map[string]map[string]ast.ConstField // mod:file:name:field
local_vars map[string]Var
local_vars_stack []map[string]Var
scope_idx int // this is increased when e.open_scope() is called, decreased when e.close_scope() (and all variables with that scope level deleted)
returning bool
return_values []Object
cur_mod string
cur_file string
trace_file_paths []string
trace_function_names []string
back_trace []EvalTrace
pub struct EvalTrace {
fn_idx int
file_idx int
line int
pub fn (mut e Eval) eval(mut files []&ast.File) {
e.register_symbols(mut files)
// println(files.map(it.path_base))
e.run_func(e.mods['main']['main'] or { ast.EmptyStmt{} } as ast.FnDecl)
// first arg is reciever (if method)
pub fn (mut e Eval) run_func(func ast.FnDecl, _args ...Object) {
e.back_trace << EvalTrace{func.idx, func.source_file.idx, func.pos.line_nr}
old_mod := e.cur_mod
old_file := e.cur_file
e.cur_mod = func.mod
e.cur_file = func.file
defer {
e.cur_mod = old_mod
e.cur_file = old_file
mut args := _args.clone()
if func.params.len != args.len && !func.is_variadic {
e.error('mismatched parameter length for $func.name: got `$args.len`, expected `$func.params.len`')
if func.name in ['print', 'println', 'eprint', 'eprintln'] {
s := args[0].string() // stringify because println accepts anything as argument
match func.name {
'print' {
'println' {
'eprint' {
'eprintln' {
else {}
} else {
e.local_vars_stack << e.local_vars
e.local_vars = {}
old_scope := e.scope_idx
e.scope_idx = 0
// have to do this because of cgen error
args__ := if func.is_method { args[1..] } else { args }
for i, arg in args__ {
e.local_vars[(func.params[i]).name] = Var{
val: arg
scope_idx: e.scope_idx
if func.is_method {
e.local_vars[func.receiver.name] = Var{
val: args[0]
scope_idx: e.scope_idx
e.returning = false
e.scope_idx = old_scope
e.local_vars = e.local_vars_stack.pop()
pub fn (mut e Eval) register_symbols(mut files []&ast.File) {
for mut file in files {
file.idx = e.trace_file_paths.len
e.trace_file_paths << file.path
mod := file.mod.name
for mut stmt in file.stmts {
if mut stmt is ast.FnDecl {
stmt.idx = e.trace_function_names.len
e.trace_function_names << stmt.name
e.register_symbol_stmts(file.stmts, mod, file.path)
for mod, const_files in e.future_register_consts {
e.cur_mod = mod
for file, fields in const_files {
e.cur_file = file
for _, field in fields {
e.mods[mod][field.name.all_after_last('.')] = e.expr(field.expr, field.typ)
if mod == 'os' && field.name.all_after_last('.') == 'args' {
mut res := Array{}
res.val << e.pref.out_name.all_after_last('/')
for arg in e.pref.run_args {
res.val << arg
e.mods[mod][field.name.all_after_last('.')] = Object(res)
pub fn (mut e Eval) register_symbol_stmts(stmts []ast.Stmt, mod string, file string) {
for stmt in stmts {
e.register_symbol(stmt, mod, file)
pub fn (mut e Eval) register_symbol(stmt ast.Stmt, mod string, file string) {
match stmt {
ast.Module {
// ignore module declarations for now
ast.FnDecl {
// this mess because c error
x := ast.Stmt(stmt)
y := Symbol(x as ast.FnDecl)
e.mods[mod][stmt.name.all_after_last('.')] = y
ast.Import {} // already handled by builder, TODO: get `as` name
ast.StructDecl {} // these are already parsed by the checker into e.table
ast.InterfaceDecl {}
ast.EnumDecl {}
ast.TypeDecl {}
ast.GlobalDecl {}
ast.HashStmt {}
ast.ConstDecl {
// evaluate them later since they may use functions defined after this point
for field in stmt.fields {
e.future_register_consts[mod][file][field.name] = field
ast.ExprStmt {
x := stmt.expr
match x {
ast.IfExpr {
if !x.is_comptime {
e.error('only comptime ifs are allowed in top level')
for i, branch in x.branches {
mut do_if := false
match branch.cond {
ast.Ident {
match (branch.cond as ast.Ident).name {
'windows' {
do_if = e.pref.os == .windows
else {
e.error('unknown compile time if')
do_if = do_if || x.branches.len == i + 1
if do_if {
e.register_symbol_stmts(branch.stmts, mod, file)
else {
e.error('unsupported expression')
else {
e.error('unknown declaration expression statement $x.type_name()')
else {
e.error('unhandled declaration statement $stmt.type_name()')
fn (e Eval) error(msg string) {
eprintln('> V interpeter backtrace:')
for t in e.back_trace {
file_path := e.trace_file_paths[t.file_idx] or { t.file_idx.str() }
fn_name := e.trace_function_names[t.fn_idx] or { t.fn_idx.str() }
eprintln(' $file_path:${t.line + 1}:$fn_name}')
util.verror('interpreter', msg)