
33 lines
713 B

// _likely_(expr) should be compilable, and it should return the expr
fn test_likely_type() {
assert typeof(_likely_(false)).name == 'bool'
assert _likely_(false) == false
assert _likely_(true) == true
fn test_likely() {
if _likely_(2 < 10) {
assert true
eprintln('ok, happens every time')
} else {
eprintln('happens *infrequently*')
assert false
fn test_likely_returns_the_value_of_its_bool_argument() {
i := 123
if _likely_(i < 2) {
assert false
} else {
assert true
// _unlikely_ is the same as _likely_ from the V point of view:
fn test_unlikely_type() {
assert typeof(_unlikely_(false)).name == 'bool'
assert _unlikely_(false) == false
assert _unlikely_(true) == true