
253 lines
8.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module checker
import v.ast
import v.token
pub fn (mut c Checker) interface_decl(mut node ast.InterfaceDecl) {
c.check_valid_pascal_case(node.name, 'interface name', node.pos)
mut decl_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ)
is_js := node.language == .js
if mut decl_sym.info is ast.Interface {
if node.ifaces.len > 0 {
all_ifaces := c.expand_iface_embeds(node, 0, node.ifaces)
// eprintln('> node.name: $node.name | node.ifaces.len: $node.ifaces.len | all_ifaces: $all_ifaces.len')
node.ifaces = all_ifaces
mut emnames := map[string]int{}
mut emnames_ds := map[string]bool{}
mut emnames_ds_info := map[string]bool{}
mut efnames := map[string]int{}
mut efnames_ds_info := map[string]bool{}
for i, m in node.methods {
emnames[m.name] = i
emnames_ds[m.name] = true
emnames_ds_info[m.name] = true
for i, f in node.fields {
efnames[f.name] = i
efnames_ds_info[f.name] = true
for iface in all_ifaces {
isym := c.table.sym(iface.typ)
if isym.kind != .interface_ {
c.error('interface `$node.name` tries to embed `$isym.name`, but `$isym.name` is not an interface, but `$isym.kind`',
isym_info := isym.info as ast.Interface
for f in isym_info.fields {
if !efnames_ds_info[f.name] {
efnames_ds_info[f.name] = true
decl_sym.info.fields << f
for m in isym_info.methods {
if !emnames_ds_info[m.name] {
emnames_ds_info[m.name] = true
decl_sym.info.methods << m.new_method_with_receiver_type(node.typ)
for m in isym.methods {
if !emnames_ds[m.name] {
emnames_ds[m.name] = true
decl_sym.methods << m.new_method_with_receiver_type(node.typ)
if iface_decl := c.table.interfaces[iface.typ] {
for f in iface_decl.fields {
if f.name in efnames {
// already existing method name, check for conflicts
ifield := node.fields[efnames[f.name]]
if field := c.table.find_field_with_embeds(isym, f.name) {
if ifield.typ != field.typ {
exp := c.table.type_to_str(ifield.typ)
got := c.table.type_to_str(field.typ)
c.error('embedded interface `$iface_decl.name` conflicts existing field: `$ifield.name`, expecting type: `$exp`, got type: `$got`',
} else {
efnames[f.name] = node.fields.len
node.fields << f
for m in iface_decl.methods {
if m.name in emnames {
// already existing field name, check for conflicts
imethod := node.methods[emnames[m.name]]
if em_fn := decl_sym.find_method(imethod.name) {
if m_fn := isym.find_method(m.name) {
msg := c.table.is_same_method(m_fn, em_fn)
if msg.len > 0 {
em_sig := c.table.fn_signature(em_fn, skip_receiver: true)
m_sig := c.table.fn_signature(m_fn, skip_receiver: true)
c.error('embedded interface `$iface_decl.name` causes conflict: $msg, for interface method `$em_sig` vs `$m_sig`',
} else {
emnames[m.name] = node.methods.len
mut new_method := m.new_method_with_receiver_type(node.typ)
new_method.pos = iface.pos
node.methods << new_method
for i, method in node.methods {
if node.language == .v {
c.check_valid_snake_case(method.name, 'method name', method.pos)
c.ensure_type_exists(method.return_type, method.return_type_pos) or { return }
if is_js {
mtyp := c.table.sym(method.return_type)
if !mtyp.is_js_compatible() {
c.error('method $method.name returns non JS type', method.pos)
for j, param in method.params {
if j == 0 && is_js {
continue // no need to check first param
c.ensure_type_exists(param.typ, param.pos) or { return }
if param.name in reserved_type_names {
c.error('invalid use of reserved type `$param.name` as a parameter name',
if is_js {
ptyp := c.table.sym(param.typ)
if !ptyp.is_js_compatible() && !(j == method.params.len - 1
&& method.is_variadic) {
c.error('method `$method.name` accepts non JS type as parameter',
for field in node.fields {
field_sym := c.table.sym(field.typ)
if field.name == method.name && field_sym.kind == .function {
c.error('type `$decl_sym.name` has both field and method named `$method.name`',
for j in 0 .. i {
if method.name == node.methods[j].name {
c.error('duplicate method name `$method.name`', method.pos)
for i, field in node.fields {
if node.language == .v {
c.check_valid_snake_case(field.name, 'field name', field.pos)
c.ensure_type_exists(field.typ, field.pos) or { return }
if is_js {
tsym := c.table.sym(field.typ)
if !tsym.is_js_compatible() {
c.error('field `$field.name` uses non JS type', field.pos)
if field.typ == node.typ && node.language != .js {
c.error('recursive interface fields are not allowed because they cannot be initialised',
for j in 0 .. i {
if field.name == node.fields[j].name {
c.error('field name `$field.name` duplicate', field.pos)
fn (mut c Checker) resolve_generic_interface(typ ast.Type, interface_type ast.Type, pos token.Position) ast.Type {
utyp := c.unwrap_generic(typ)
typ_sym := c.table.sym(utyp)
mut inter_sym := c.table.sym(interface_type)
if mut inter_sym.info is ast.Interface {
if inter_sym.info.is_generic {
mut inferred_types := []ast.Type{}
generic_names := inter_sym.info.generic_types.map(c.table.get_type_name(it))
// inferring interface generic types
for gt_name in generic_names {
mut inferred_type := ast.void_type
for ifield in inter_sym.info.fields {
if ifield.typ.has_flag(.generic) && c.table.get_type_name(ifield.typ) == gt_name {
if field := c.table.find_field_with_embeds(typ_sym, ifield.name) {
inferred_type = field.typ
for imethod in inter_sym.info.methods {
method := typ_sym.find_method(imethod.name) or {
typ_sym.find_method_with_generic_parent(imethod.name) or {
c.error('can not find method `$imethod.name` on `$typ_sym.name`, needed for interface: `$inter_sym.name`',
return 0
if imethod.return_type.has_flag(.generic) {
imret_sym := c.table.sym(imethod.return_type)
mret_sym := c.table.sym(method.return_type)
if method.return_type == ast.void_type
&& imethod.return_type != method.return_type {
c.error('interface method `$imethod.name` returns `$imret_sym.name`, but implementation method `$method.name` returns no value',
return 0
if imethod.return_type == ast.void_type
&& imethod.return_type != method.return_type {
c.error('interface method `$imethod.name` returns no value, but implementation method `$method.name` returns `$mret_sym.name`',
return 0
if imret_sym.info is ast.MultiReturn && mret_sym.info is ast.MultiReturn {
for i, mr_typ in imret_sym.info.types {
if mr_typ.has_flag(.generic)
&& c.table.get_type_name(mr_typ) == gt_name {
inferred_type = mret_sym.info.types[i]
} else if c.table.get_type_name(imethod.return_type) == gt_name {
mut ret_typ := method.return_type
if imethod.return_type.has_flag(.optional) {
ret_typ = ret_typ.clear_flag(.optional)
inferred_type = ret_typ
for i, iparam in imethod.params {
param := method.params[i] or { ast.Param{} }
if iparam.typ.has_flag(.generic)
&& c.table.get_type_name(iparam.typ) == gt_name {
inferred_type = param.typ
if inferred_type == ast.void_type {
c.error('could not infer generic type `$gt_name` in interface `$inter_sym.name`',
return interface_type
inferred_types << inferred_type
// add concrete types to method
for imethod in inter_sym.info.methods {
im_fkey := imethod.fkey()
if inferred_types !in c.table.fn_generic_types[im_fkey] {
c.table.fn_generic_types[im_fkey] << inferred_types
inter_sym.info.concrete_types = inferred_types
return c.table.unwrap_generic_type(interface_type, generic_names, inter_sym.info.concrete_types)
return interface_type