
136 lines
3.8 KiB

module sourcemap
import io
import os
import x.json2
const (
source_map_version = 3
type SourceMapJson = map[string]json2.Any
struct SourceMap {
pub mut:
version int [json: version]
file string [json: file]
source_root string [json: source_root]
sources Sets [json: sources]
sources_content map[string]string
names Sets
mappings Mappings
sources_content_inline bool
struct StringWriter {
pub mut:
bytes []byte
pub fn new_sourcemap(file string, source_root string, sources_content_inline bool) SourceMap {
return SourceMap{
version: sourcemap.source_map_version
file: file
source_root: source_root
mappings: new_mappings()
sources_content_inline: sources_content_inline
// Add a single mapping from original source line and column to the generated source's line and column for this source map being created.
pub fn (mut sm SourceMap) add_mapping(source_name string, source_position SourcePositionType, gen_line u32, gen_column u32, name string) {
if source_name.len == 0 {
panic('add_mapping, source_name should not be ""')
sources_ind := sm.sources.add(source_name)
names_ind := if name.len != 0 {
} else {
sm.mappings.add_mapping(gen_line, gen_column, sources_ind, source_position, names_ind)
// Add multiple mappings from the same source
pub fn (mut sm SourceMap) add_mapping_list(source_name string, mapping_list []MappingInput) ? {
if source_name.len == 0 {
panic('add_mapping_list, source_name should not be ""')
sources_ind := sm.sources.add(source_name)
for mapping in mapping_list {
names_ind := if mapping.name.len != 0 {
} else {
sm.mappings.add_mapping(mapping.gen_line, mapping.gen_column, sources_ind, mapping.source_position,
// Set the source content for a source file.
pub fn (mut sm SourceMap) set_source_content(source_name string, source_content string) {
sm.sources_content[source_name] = source_content
fn (mut sm SourceMap) export_mappings(mut writer io.Writer) {
sm.mappings.export_mappings(mut writer) or { panic('export failed') }
fn (mut sm SourceMap) export_mappings_string() string {
mut output := StringWriter{}
sm.mappings.export_mappings(mut output) or { panic('export failed') }
return output.bytes.bytestr()
// create a JSON representing the sourcemap
// Sourcemap Specs http://sourcemaps.info/spec.html
pub fn (mut sm SourceMap) to_json() SourceMapJson {
mut source_map_json := map[string]json2.Any{}
source_map_json['version'] = sm.version
if sm.file != '' {
source_map_json['file'] = json2.Any(sm.file)
if sm.source_root != '' {
source_map_json['sourceRoot'] = json2.Any(sm.source_root)
mut sources_json := []json2.Any{}
mut sources_content_json := []json2.Any{}
for source_file, _ in sm.sources.value {
sources_json << source_file
if source_file in sm.sources_content {
sources_content_json << sm.sources_content[source_file]
} else {
if sm.sources_content_inline {
if source_file_content := os.read_file(source_file) {
sources_content_json << source_file_content
} else {
sources_content_json << json2.null
} else {
sources_content_json << json2.null
source_map_json['sources'] = json2.Any(sources_json)
source_map_json['sourcesContent'] = json2.Any(sources_content_json)
mut names_json := []json2.Any{}
for name, _ in sm.names.value {
names_json << name
source_map_json['names'] = json2.Any(names_json)
source_map_json['mappings'] = sm.export_mappings_string()
return source_map_json
fn (mut w StringWriter) write(buf []byte) ?int {
w.bytes << buf
return buf.len