151 lines
1.8 KiB
151 lines
1.8 KiB
module eval
const empty = Void{}
// Note: i64 is an int_literal, NOT an i64 (same with f64)
type Object = Array
| Float
| Int
| Ptr
| Uint
| Void
| []Object
| bool
| char
| f64
| i64
| rune
| string
| u8
| voidptr
// string is the same as the autogenerated str() methods
pub fn (o Object) string() string {
match o {
u8 {
panic('error: byte should only be used for &byte')
bool {
return o.str()
i64 { // int_literal
return o.str()
f64 { // float_literal
return o.str()
Int {
return o.val.str()
Uint {
return o.val.str()
Float {
return o.val.str()
string {
return o
Void {
return ''
[]Object {
mut res := '('
for i, obj in o {
res += obj.str()
if i + 1 != o.len {
res += ', '
return res + ')'
voidptr {
return o.str()
char {
return int(o).str()
rune {
return o.str()
Array {
mut res := '['
for i, val in o.val {
res += val.string()
if i + 1 != o.val.len {
res += ', '
return res + ']'
Ptr {
return o.val.str()
pub fn (o Object) int_val() i64 {
match o {
Int {
return o.val
Uint {
return i64(o.val)
i64 {
return o
else {
panic('Object.int_val(): not an int')
pub fn (o Object) float_val() f64 {
match o {
Float {
return o.val
f64 {
return o
else {
panic('Object.float_val(): not a float')
struct Void {}
pub struct Int {
pub mut:
val i64
size i8 // 8/16/32/64
pub struct Uint {
pub mut:
val u64
size i8 // 8/16/32/64
pub struct Float {
pub mut:
val f64
size i8 // 8/16/32/64
pub struct Array {
pub mut:
val []Object
pub struct Ptr {
val &Object
// override the autogenerated str, since it does not work
fn (p Ptr) str() string {
return u64(p.val).str()