1097 lines
29 KiB
1097 lines
29 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module parser
import v.ast
import v.token
import v.util
pub fn (mut p Parser) call_expr(language ast.Language, mod string) ast.CallExpr {
first_pos := p.tok.pos()
mut fn_name := if language == .c {
} else if language == .js {
} else if mod.len > 0 {
} else {
if language != .v {
p.check_for_impure_v(language, first_pos)
mut or_kind := ast.OrKind.absent
if fn_name == 'json.decode' {
p.expecting_type = true // Makes name_expr() parse the type `User` in `json.decode(User, txt)`
or_kind = .block
old_expr_mod := p.expr_mod
defer {
p.expr_mod = old_expr_mod
p.expr_mod = ''
mut concrete_types := []ast.Type{}
mut concrete_list_pos := p.tok.pos()
if p.tok.kind == .lt {
// `foo<int>(10)`
p.expr_mod = ''
concrete_types = p.parse_concrete_types()
concrete_list_pos = concrete_list_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos())
args := p.call_args()
last_pos := p.tok.pos()
mut pos := first_pos.extend(last_pos)
mut or_stmts := []ast.Stmt{} // TODO remove unnecessary allocations by just using .absent
mut or_pos := p.tok.pos()
if p.tok.kind == .key_orelse {
// `foo() or {}``
was_inside_or_expr := p.inside_or_expr
p.inside_or_expr = true
name: 'err'
typ: ast.error_type
pos: p.tok.pos()
is_used: true
or_kind = .block
or_stmts = p.parse_block_no_scope(false)
or_pos = or_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos())
p.inside_or_expr = was_inside_or_expr
if p.tok.kind in [.question, .not] {
is_not := p.tok.kind == .not
// `foo()?`
if p.inside_defer {
p.error_with_pos('error propagation not allowed inside `defer` blocks', p.prev_tok.pos())
or_kind = if is_not { .propagate_result } else { .propagate_option }
if fn_name in p.imported_symbols {
fn_name = p.imported_symbols[fn_name]
comments := p.eat_comments(same_line: true)
return ast.CallExpr{
name: fn_name
name_pos: first_pos
args: args
mod: p.mod
pos: pos
language: language
concrete_types: concrete_types
concrete_list_pos: concrete_list_pos
raw_concrete_types: concrete_types
or_block: ast.OrExpr{
stmts: or_stmts
kind: or_kind
pos: or_pos
scope: p.scope
comments: comments
pub fn (mut p Parser) call_args() []ast.CallArg {
mut args := []ast.CallArg{}
start_pos := p.tok.pos()
for p.tok.kind != .rpar {
if p.tok.kind == .eof {
p.error_with_pos('unexpected eof reached, while parsing call argument', start_pos)
return []
is_shared := p.tok.kind == .key_shared
is_atomic := p.tok.kind == .key_atomic
is_mut := p.tok.kind == .key_mut || is_shared || is_atomic
if is_mut {
mut comments := p.eat_comments()
arg_start_pos := p.tok.pos()
mut array_decompose := false
if p.tok.kind == .ellipsis {
array_decompose = true
mut expr := ast.empty_expr()
if p.tok.kind == .name && p.peek_tok.kind == .colon {
// `foo(key:val, key2:val2)`
expr = p.struct_init('void_type', true) // short_syntax:true
} else {
expr = p.expr(0)
if array_decompose {
expr = ast.ArrayDecompose{
expr: expr
pos: p.tok.pos()
if mut expr is ast.StructInit {
expr.pre_comments << comments
comments = []ast.Comment{}
pos := arg_start_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos())
comments << p.eat_comments()
args << ast.CallArg{
is_mut: is_mut
share: ast.sharetype_from_flags(is_shared, is_atomic)
expr: expr
comments: comments
pos: pos
if p.tok.kind != .rpar {
return args
struct ReceiverParsingInfo {
name string
pos token.Pos
typ ast.Type
type_pos token.Pos
is_mut bool
language ast.Language
fn (mut p Parser) fn_decl() ast.FnDecl {
start_pos := p.tok.pos()
mut is_manualfree := p.is_manualfree
mut is_deprecated := false
mut is_direct_arr := false
mut is_keep_alive := false
mut is_exported := false
mut is_unsafe := false
mut is_trusted := false
mut is_noreturn := false
mut is_ctor_new := false
mut is_c2v_variadic := false
mut is_markused := false
mut comments := []ast.Comment{}
for fna in p.attrs {
match fna.name {
'noreturn' {
is_noreturn = true
'manualfree' {
is_manualfree = true
'deprecated' {
is_deprecated = true
'direct_array_access' {
is_direct_arr = true
'keep_args_alive' {
is_keep_alive = true
'export' {
is_exported = true
'wasm_export' {
is_exported = true
'unsafe' {
is_unsafe = true
'trusted' {
is_trusted = true
'c2v_variadic' {
is_c2v_variadic = true
'use_new' {
is_ctor_new = true
'markused' {
is_markused = true
'windows_stdcall' {
p.note_with_pos('the tag [windows_stdcall] has been deprecated, it will be an error after 2022-06-01, use `[callconv: stdcall]` instead',
'_fastcall' {
p.note_with_pos('teh tag [_fastcall] has been deprecated, it will be an error after 2022-06-01, use `[callconv: fastcall]` instead',
'callconv' {
if !fna.has_arg {
p.error_with_pos('callconv attribute is present but its value is missing',
if fna.arg !in ['stdcall', 'fastcall', 'cdecl'] {
p.error_with_pos('unsupported calling convention, supported are stdcall, fastcall and cdecl',
else {}
conditional_ctdefine_idx := p.attrs.find_comptime_define() or { -1 }
is_pub := p.tok.kind == .key_pub
if is_pub {
comments << p.eat_comments()
// C. || JS.
mut language := ast.Language.v
language_tok_pos := p.tok.pos()
if p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit == 'C' {
is_unsafe = !is_trusted
language = .c
} else if p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit == 'JS' {
language = .js
p.fn_language = language
if language != .v {
for fna in p.attrs {
if fna.name == 'export' {
p.error_with_pos('interop function cannot be exported', fna.pos)
if is_keep_alive && language != .c {
p.error_with_pos('attribute [keep_args_alive] is only supported for C functions',
if language != .v {
p.check_for_impure_v(language, language_tok_pos)
// Receiver?
mut rec := ReceiverParsingInfo{
typ: ast.void_type
language: language
mut is_method := false
mut params := []ast.Param{}
if p.tok.kind == .lpar {
is_method = true
p.fn_receiver(mut params, mut rec) or { return ast.FnDecl{
scope: 0
} }
// rec.language was initialized with language variable.
// So language is changed only if rec.language has been changed.
language = rec.language
p.fn_language = language
mut name := ''
name_pos := p.tok.pos()
if p.tok.kind == .name {
// TODO high order fn
name = if language == .js { p.check_js_name() } else { p.check_name() }
if language == .v && !p.pref.translated && !p.is_translated && util.contains_capital(name)
&& !p.builtin_mod {
p.error_with_pos('function names cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead',
return ast.FnDecl{
scope: 0
type_sym := p.table.sym(rec.typ)
if is_method {
mut is_duplicate := type_sym.has_method(name)
// make sure this is a normal method and not an interface method
if type_sym.kind == .interface_ && is_duplicate {
if type_sym.info is ast.Interface {
// if the method is in info then its an interface method
is_duplicate = !type_sym.info.has_method(name)
if is_duplicate {
p.error_with_pos('duplicate method `$name`', name_pos)
return ast.FnDecl{
scope: 0
if !p.pref.is_fmt {
if name in p.imported_symbols {
p.error_with_pos('cannot redefine imported function `$name`', name_pos)
return ast.FnDecl{
scope: 0
} else if p.tok.kind in [.plus, .minus, .mul, .div, .mod, .lt, .eq] && p.peek_tok.kind == .lpar {
name = p.tok.kind.str() // op_to_fn_name()
if rec.typ == ast.void_type {
p.error_with_pos('cannot use operator overloading with normal functions',
} else if p.tok.kind in [.ne, .gt, .ge, .le] && p.peek_tok.kind == .lpar {
p.error_with_pos('cannot overload `!=`, `>`, `<=` and `>=` as they are auto generated from `==` and`<`',
} else {
p.error_with_pos('expecting method name', p.tok.pos())
return ast.FnDecl{
scope: 0
// <T>
_, mut generic_names := p.parse_generic_types()
// generic names can be infer with receiver's generic names
if is_method && rec.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
sym := p.table.sym(rec.typ)
if sym.info is ast.Struct {
rec_generic_names := sym.info.generic_types.map(p.table.sym(it).name)
for gname in rec_generic_names {
if gname !in generic_names {
generic_names << gname
// Args
args2, are_args_type_only, mut is_variadic := p.fn_args()
if is_c2v_variadic {
is_variadic = true
params << args2
if !are_args_type_only {
for param in params {
if p.scope.known_var(param.name) {
p.error_with_pos('redefinition of parameter `$param.name`', param.pos)
return ast.FnDecl{
scope: 0
is_stack_obj := !param.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) && (param.is_mut || param.typ.is_ptr())
name: param.name
typ: param.typ
is_mut: param.is_mut
is_auto_deref: param.is_mut || param.is_auto_rec
is_stack_obj: is_stack_obj
pos: param.pos
is_used: true
is_arg: true
// Return type
mut return_type_pos := p.tok.pos()
mut return_type := ast.void_type
// don't confuse token on the next line: fn decl, [attribute]
same_line := p.tok.line_nr == p.prev_tok.line_nr
if (p.tok.kind.is_start_of_type() && (same_line || p.tok.kind != .lsbr))
|| (same_line && p.tok.kind == .key_fn) {
p.inside_fn_return = true
return_type = p.parse_type()
p.inside_fn_return = false
return_type_pos = return_type_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos())
mut type_sym_method_idx := 0
no_body := p.tok.kind != .lcbr
end_pos := p.prev_tok.pos()
short_fn_name := name
is_main := short_fn_name == 'main' && p.mod == 'main'
is_test := (!is_method && params.len == 0) && p.inside_test_file
&& (short_fn_name.starts_with('test_') || short_fn_name.starts_with('testsuite_'))
file_mode := p.file_backend_mode
// Register
if is_method {
mut type_sym := p.table.sym(rec.typ)
// Do not allow to modify / add methods to types from other modules
// arrays/maps dont belong to a module only their element types do
// we could also check if kind is .array, .array_fixed, .map instead of mod.len
mut is_non_local := type_sym.mod.len > 0 && type_sym.mod != p.mod && type_sym.language == .v
// check maps & arrays, must be defined in same module as the elem type
if !is_non_local && !(p.builtin_mod && p.pref.is_fmt) && type_sym.kind in [.array, .map] {
elem_type_sym := p.table.sym(p.table.value_type(rec.typ))
is_non_local = elem_type_sym.mod.len > 0 && elem_type_sym.mod != p.mod
&& elem_type_sym.language == .v
if is_non_local {
p.error_with_pos('cannot define new methods on non-local type $type_sym.name',
return ast.FnDecl{
scope: 0
type_sym_method_idx = type_sym.register_method(ast.Fn{
name: name
file_mode: file_mode
params: params
return_type: return_type
is_variadic: is_variadic
generic_names: generic_names
is_pub: is_pub
is_deprecated: is_deprecated
is_noreturn: is_noreturn
is_unsafe: is_unsafe
is_main: is_main
is_test: is_test
is_keep_alive: is_keep_alive
is_method: true
receiver_type: rec.typ
attrs: p.attrs
is_conditional: conditional_ctdefine_idx != ast.invalid_type_idx
ctdefine_idx: conditional_ctdefine_idx
no_body: no_body
mod: p.mod
file: p.file_name
pos: start_pos
language: language
} else {
if language == .c {
name = 'C.$name'
} else if language == .js {
name = 'JS.$name'
} else {
name = p.prepend_mod(name)
if !p.pref.translated && language == .v {
if existing := p.table.fns[name] {
if existing.name != '' {
if file_mode == .v && existing.file_mode != .v {
// a definition made in a .c.v file, should have a priority over a .v file definition of the same function
if !p.pref.is_fmt {
name = p.prepend_mod('pure_v_but_overriden_by_${existing.file_mode}_$short_fn_name')
} else {
p.table.redefined_fns << name
name: name
file_mode: file_mode
params: params
return_type: return_type
is_variadic: is_variadic
generic_names: generic_names
is_pub: is_pub
is_deprecated: is_deprecated
is_noreturn: is_noreturn
is_ctor_new: is_ctor_new
is_unsafe: is_unsafe
is_main: is_main
is_test: is_test
is_keep_alive: is_keep_alive
is_method: false
attrs: p.attrs
is_conditional: conditional_ctdefine_idx != ast.invalid_type_idx
ctdefine_idx: conditional_ctdefine_idx
no_body: no_body
mod: p.mod
file: p.file_name
pos: start_pos
language: language
// Body
p.cur_fn_name = name
mut stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
body_start_pos := p.tok.pos()
if p.tok.kind == .lcbr {
if language != .v && language != .js {
p.error_with_pos('interop functions cannot have a body', body_start_pos)
p.inside_fn = true
p.inside_unsafe_fn = is_unsafe
stmts = p.parse_block_no_scope(true)
p.inside_unsafe_fn = false
p.inside_fn = false
if !no_body && are_args_type_only {
p.error_with_pos('functions with type only args can not have bodies', body_start_pos)
return ast.FnDecl{
scope: 0
// if no_body && !name.starts_with('C.') {
// p.error_with_pos('did you mean C.$name instead of $name', start_pos)
// }
fn_decl := ast.FnDecl{
name: name
short_name: short_fn_name
mod: p.mod
stmts: stmts
return_type: return_type
return_type_pos: return_type_pos
params: params
is_noreturn: is_noreturn
is_manualfree: is_manualfree
is_deprecated: is_deprecated
is_exported: is_exported
is_direct_arr: is_direct_arr
is_pub: is_pub
is_variadic: is_variadic
is_main: is_main
is_test: is_test
is_keep_alive: is_keep_alive
is_unsafe: is_unsafe
is_markused: is_markused
attrs: p.attrs
is_conditional: conditional_ctdefine_idx != ast.invalid_type_idx
ctdefine_idx: conditional_ctdefine_idx
receiver: ast.StructField{
name: rec.name
typ: rec.typ
generic_names: generic_names
receiver_pos: rec.pos
is_method: is_method
method_type_pos: rec.type_pos
method_idx: type_sym_method_idx
rec_mut: rec.is_mut
language: language
no_body: no_body
pos: start_pos.extend_with_last_line(end_pos, p.prev_tok.line_nr)
body_pos: body_start_pos
file: p.file_name
is_builtin: p.builtin_mod || p.mod in util.builtin_module_parts
scope: p.scope
label_names: p.label_names
end_comments: p.eat_comments(same_line: true)
comments: comments
if generic_names.len > 0 {
p.label_names = []
return fn_decl
fn (mut p Parser) fn_receiver(mut params []ast.Param, mut rec ReceiverParsingInfo) ? {
p.inside_receiver_param = true
defer {
p.inside_receiver_param = false
lpar_pos := p.tok.pos()
p.next() // (
is_shared := p.tok.kind == .key_shared
is_atomic := p.tok.kind == .key_atomic
rec.is_mut = p.tok.kind == .key_mut || is_shared || is_atomic
if rec.is_mut {
p.next() // `mut`
rec_start_pos := p.tok.pos()
rec.name = p.check_name()
if !rec.is_mut {
rec.is_mut = p.tok.kind == .key_mut
if rec.is_mut {
ptoken2 := p.peek_token(2) // needed to prevent codegen bug, where .pos() expects &Token
p.warn_with_pos('use `(mut f Foo)` instead of `(f mut Foo)`', lpar_pos.extend(ptoken2.pos()))
if p.tok.kind == .key_shared {
ptoken2 := p.peek_token(2) // needed to prevent codegen bug, where .pos() expects &Token
p.error_with_pos('use `(shared f Foo)` instead of `(f shared Foo)`', lpar_pos.extend(ptoken2.pos()))
rec.pos = rec_start_pos.extend(p.tok.pos())
is_amp := p.tok.kind == .amp
if p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit == 'JS' {
rec.language = ast.Language.js
// if rec.is_mut {
// p.check(.key_mut)
// }
// TODO: talk to alex, should mut be parsed with the type like this?
// or should it be a property of the arg, like this ptr/mut becomes indistinguishable
rec.type_pos = p.tok.pos()
rec.typ = p.parse_type_with_mut(rec.is_mut)
if rec.typ.idx() == 0 {
// error is set in parse_type
return error('void receiver type')
rec.type_pos = rec.type_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos())
if is_amp && rec.is_mut {
p.error_with_pos('use `(mut f Foo)` or `(f &Foo)` instead of `(mut f &Foo)`',
return error('invalid `mut f &Foo`')
if is_shared {
rec.typ = rec.typ.set_flag(.shared_f)
if is_atomic {
rec.typ = rec.typ.set_flag(.atomic_f)
// optimize method `automatic use fn (a &big_foo) instead of fn (a big_foo)`
type_sym := p.table.sym(rec.typ)
mut is_auto_rec := false
if type_sym.kind == .struct_ {
info := type_sym.info as ast.Struct
if !rec.is_mut && !rec.typ.is_ptr() && info.fields.len > 8 {
rec.typ = rec.typ.ref()
is_auto_rec = true
if rec.language != .v {
p.check_for_impure_v(rec.language, rec.type_pos)
if is_auto_rec && p.tok.kind != .name {
// Disable the auto-reference conversion for methodlike operators like ==, <=, > etc,
// since their parameters and receivers, *must* always be of the same type.
is_auto_rec = false
rec.typ = rec.typ.deref()
params << ast.Param{
pos: rec_start_pos
name: rec.name
is_mut: rec.is_mut
is_auto_rec: is_auto_rec
typ: rec.typ
type_pos: rec.type_pos
fn (mut p Parser) anon_fn() ast.AnonFn {
pos := p.tok.pos()
if p.pref.is_script && p.tok.kind == .name {
p.error_with_pos('function declarations in script mode should be before all script statements',
return ast.AnonFn{}
old_inside_defer := p.inside_defer
p.inside_defer = false
defer {
p.scope.detached_from_parent = true
inherited_vars := if p.tok.kind == .lsbr { p.closure_vars() } else { []ast.Param{} }
// TODO generics
args, _, is_variadic := p.fn_args()
for arg in args {
if arg.name.len == 0 && p.table.sym(arg.typ).kind != .placeholder {
p.error_with_pos('use `_` to name an unused parameter', arg.pos)
is_stack_obj := !arg.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) && (arg.is_mut || arg.typ.is_ptr())
name: arg.name
typ: arg.typ
is_mut: arg.is_mut
pos: arg.pos
is_used: true
is_arg: true
is_stack_obj: is_stack_obj
mut same_line := p.tok.line_nr == p.prev_tok.line_nr
mut return_type := ast.void_type
mut return_type_pos := p.tok.pos()
// lpar: multiple return types
if same_line {
if (p.tok.kind.is_start_of_type() && (same_line || p.tok.kind != .lsbr))
|| (same_line && p.tok.kind == .key_fn) {
return_type = p.parse_type()
return_type_pos = return_type_pos.extend(p.tok.pos())
} else if p.tok.kind != .lcbr {
p.error_with_pos('expected return type, not $p.tok for anonymous function',
mut stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
no_body := p.tok.kind != .lcbr
same_line = p.tok.line_nr == p.prev_tok.line_nr
if no_body && same_line {
p.error_with_pos('unexpected $p.tok after anonymous function signature, expecting `{`',
mut label_names := []string{}
mut func := ast.Fn{
params: args
is_variadic: is_variadic
return_type: return_type
is_method: false
name := 'anon_fn_${p.unique_prefix}_${p.table.fn_type_signature(func)}_$p.tok.pos'
keep_fn_name := p.cur_fn_name
p.cur_fn_name = name
if p.tok.kind == .lcbr {
tmp := p.label_names
p.label_names = []
stmts = p.parse_block_no_scope(false)
label_names = p.label_names
p.label_names = tmp
p.cur_fn_name = keep_fn_name
func.name = name
idx := p.table.find_or_register_fn_type(p.mod, func, true, false)
typ := ast.new_type(idx)
p.inside_defer = old_inside_defer
// name := p.table.get_type_name(typ)
return ast.AnonFn{
decl: ast.FnDecl{
name: name
short_name: ''
mod: p.mod
stmts: stmts
return_type: return_type
return_type_pos: return_type_pos
params: args
is_variadic: is_variadic
is_method: false
is_anon: true
no_body: no_body
pos: pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos())
file: p.file_name
scope: p.scope
label_names: label_names
inherited_vars: inherited_vars
typ: typ
// part of fn declaration
fn (mut p Parser) fn_args() ([]ast.Param, bool, bool) {
mut args := []ast.Param{}
mut is_variadic := false
// `int, int, string` (no names, just types)
argname := if p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit.len > 0 && p.tok.lit[0].is_capital() {
} else {
is_generic_type := p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit.len == 1 && p.tok.lit[0].is_capital()
types_only := p.tok.kind in [.amp, .ellipsis, .key_fn, .lsbr]
|| (p.peek_tok.kind == .comma && (p.table.known_type(argname) || is_generic_type))
|| p.peek_tok.kind == .dot || p.peek_tok.kind == .rpar
|| (p.tok.kind == .key_mut && (p.peek_token(2).kind == .comma
|| p.peek_token(2).kind == .rpar || (p.peek_tok.kind == .name
&& p.peek_token(2).kind == .dot)))
// TODO copy paste, merge 2 branches
if types_only {
mut arg_no := 1
for p.tok.kind != .rpar {
if p.tok.kind == .eof {
p.error_with_pos('expecting `)`', p.tok.pos())
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
is_shared := p.tok.kind == .key_shared
is_atomic := p.tok.kind == .key_atomic
is_mut := p.tok.kind == .key_mut || is_shared || is_atomic
if is_mut {
if p.tok.kind == .ellipsis {
is_variadic = true
pos := p.tok.pos()
mut arg_type := p.parse_type()
if arg_type == 0 {
// error is added in parse_type
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
if is_mut {
if !arg_type.has_flag(.generic) {
if is_shared {
p.check_fn_shared_arguments(arg_type, pos)
} else if is_atomic {
p.check_fn_atomic_arguments(arg_type, pos)
} else {
p.check_fn_mutable_arguments(arg_type, pos)
} else if is_shared || is_atomic {
p.error_with_pos('generic object cannot be `atomic`or `shared`', pos)
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
// if arg_type.is_ptr() {
// p.error('cannot mut')
// }
// arg_type = arg_type.ref()
arg_type = arg_type.set_nr_muls(1)
if is_shared {
arg_type = arg_type.set_flag(.shared_f)
if is_atomic {
arg_type = arg_type.set_flag(.atomic_f)
if is_variadic {
arg_type = ast.new_type(p.table.find_or_register_array(arg_type)).set_flag(.variadic)
if p.tok.kind == .eof {
p.error_with_pos('expecting `)`', p.prev_tok.pos())
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
if p.tok.kind == .comma {
if is_variadic {
p.error_with_pos('cannot use ...(variadic) with non-final parameter no $arg_no',
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
alanguage := p.table.sym(arg_type).language
if alanguage != .v {
p.check_for_impure_v(alanguage, pos)
args << ast.Param{
pos: pos
name: ''
is_mut: is_mut
typ: arg_type
type_pos: pos
if arg_no > 1024 {
p.error_with_pos('too many args', pos)
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
} else {
for p.tok.kind != .rpar {
if p.tok.kind == .eof {
p.error_with_pos('expecting `)`', p.tok.pos())
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
is_shared := p.tok.kind == .key_shared
is_atomic := p.tok.kind == .key_atomic
mut is_mut := p.tok.kind == .key_mut || is_shared || is_atomic
if is_mut {
mut arg_pos := [p.tok.pos()]
name := p.check_name()
mut arg_names := [name]
if name.len > 0 && p.fn_language == .v && name[0].is_capital() {
p.error_with_pos('parameter name must not begin with upper case letter (`${arg_names[0]}`)',
mut type_pos := [p.tok.pos()]
// `a, b, c int`
for p.tok.kind == .comma {
if !p.pref.is_fmt {
'`fn f(x, y Type)` syntax has been deprecated and will soon be removed. ' +
'Use `fn f(x Type, y Type)` instead. You can run `v fmt -w "$p.scanner.file_path"` to automatically fix your code.')
arg_pos << p.tok.pos()
arg_names << p.check_name()
type_pos << p.tok.pos()
if p.tok.kind == .key_mut {
// TODO remove old syntax
if !p.pref.is_fmt {
p.warn_with_pos('use `mut f Foo` instead of `f mut Foo`', p.tok.pos())
is_mut = true
if p.tok.kind == .key_shared {
p.error_with_pos('use `shared f Foo` instead of `f shared Foo`', p.tok.pos())
if p.tok.kind == .ellipsis {
is_variadic = true
pos := p.tok.pos()
mut typ := p.parse_type()
if typ == 0 {
// error is added in parse_type
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
if is_mut {
if !typ.has_flag(.generic) {
if is_shared {
p.check_fn_shared_arguments(typ, pos)
} else if is_atomic {
p.check_fn_atomic_arguments(typ, pos)
} else {
p.check_fn_mutable_arguments(typ, pos)
} else if is_shared || is_atomic {
p.error_with_pos('generic object cannot be `atomic` or `shared`',
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
typ = typ.set_nr_muls(1)
if is_shared {
typ = typ.set_flag(.shared_f)
if is_atomic {
typ = typ.set_flag(.atomic_f)
if is_variadic {
typ = ast.new_type(p.table.find_or_register_array(typ)).derive(typ).set_flag(.variadic)
for i, arg_name in arg_names {
alanguage := p.table.sym(typ).language
if alanguage != .v {
p.check_for_impure_v(alanguage, type_pos[i])
args << ast.Param{
pos: arg_pos[i]
name: arg_name
is_mut: is_mut
typ: typ
type_pos: type_pos[i]
// if typ.typ.kind == .variadic && p.tok.kind == .comma {
if is_variadic && p.tok.kind == .comma {
p.error_with_pos('cannot use ...(variadic) with non-final parameter $arg_name',
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
if p.tok.kind == .eof {
p.error_with_pos('expecting `)`', p.prev_tok.pos())
return []ast.Param{}, false, false
if p.tok.kind != .rpar {
return args, types_only, is_variadic
fn (mut p Parser) go_expr() ast.GoExpr {
spos := p.tok.pos()
expr := p.expr(0)
call_expr := if expr is ast.CallExpr {
} else {
p.error_with_pos('expression in `go` must be a function call', expr.pos())
scope: p.scope
pos := spos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos())
return ast.GoExpr{
call_expr: call_expr
pos: pos
fn (mut p Parser) closure_vars() []ast.Param {
mut vars := []ast.Param{cap: 5}
for {
is_shared := p.tok.kind == .key_shared
is_atomic := p.tok.kind == .key_atomic
is_mut := p.tok.kind == .key_mut || is_shared || is_atomic
// FIXME is_shared & is_atomic aren't used further
if is_mut {
var_pos := p.tok.pos()
var_name := p.prev_tok.lit
mut var := p.scope.parent.find_var(var_name) or {
p.error_with_pos('undefined ident: `$var_name`', p.prev_tok.pos())
var.is_used = true
if is_mut {
var.is_changed = true
pos: var_pos
is_inherited: true
is_used: false
is_changed: false
is_mut: is_mut
vars << ast.Param{
pos: var_pos
name: var_name
is_mut: is_mut
if p.tok.kind != .comma {
return vars
fn (mut p Parser) check_fn_mutable_arguments(typ ast.Type, pos token.Pos) {
sym := p.table.sym(typ)
if sym.kind in [.array, .array_fixed, .interface_, .map, .placeholder, .struct_, .generic_inst,
.sum_type] {
if typ.is_ptr() || typ.is_pointer() {
if sym.kind == .alias {
atyp := (sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type
p.check_fn_mutable_arguments(atyp, pos)
if p.fn_language == .c {
'mutable arguments are only allowed for arrays, interfaces, maps, pointers, structs or their aliases\n' +
'return values instead: `fn foo(mut n $sym.name) {` => `fn foo(n $sym.name) $sym.name {`',
fn (mut p Parser) check_fn_shared_arguments(typ ast.Type, pos token.Pos) {
sym := p.table.sym(typ)
if sym.kind !in [.array, .struct_, .map, .placeholder] && !typ.is_ptr() {
p.error_with_pos('shared arguments are only allowed for arrays, maps, and structs\n',
fn (mut p Parser) check_fn_atomic_arguments(typ ast.Type, pos token.Pos) {
sym := p.table.sym(typ)
if sym.kind !in [.u32, .int, .u64] {
p.error_with_pos('atomic arguments are only allowed for 32/64 bit integers\n' +
'use shared arguments instead: `fn foo(atomic n $sym.name) {` => `fn foo(shared n $sym.name) {`',
fn have_fn_main(stmts []ast.Stmt) bool {
for stmt in stmts {
if stmt is ast.FnDecl {
if stmt.name == 'main.main' {
return true
return false