197 lines
6.1 KiB
197 lines
6.1 KiB
struct Init {
len int
fn test_array_init() {
b := [1, 2, 3]
mut a := []int{cap: b.len}
a << 1
assert '$a, $a.len, $a.cap' == '[1], 1, 3'
c := Init{len: 3}
mut d := []string{cap: c.len}
d << 'aaa'
d << 'bbb'
assert '$d, $d.len, $d.cap' == "['aaa', 'bbb'], 2, 3"
fn test_nested_array_init() {
mut a := [][]int{}
mut b := [][][]string{cap: 10}
mut c := [][][]string{len: 3, init: [][]string{len: 2}}
// mut c := [][][]string{len: 2, init: [][]string{len: 2, init: []string{len: 2, init: 'hello'}}}
a << [1, 2]
a << [3, 4]
b << [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz']]
b << [['qux']]
assert '$a' == '[[1, 2], [3, 4]]'
assert '$b' == "[[['foo', 'bar'], ['baz']], [['qux']]]"
assert '$c' == '[[[], []], [[], []], [[], []]]'
fn test_array_init_with_default() {
a1 := []int{len: 4, init: 2}
assert '$a1' == '[2, 2, 2, 2]'
a2 := []int{len: 3, init: 12345}
assert '$a2' == '[12345, 12345, 12345]'
b1 := []string{len: 3, init: 'abc'}
assert '$b1' == "['abc', 'abc', 'abc']"
b2 := []string{len: 2, init: '111'}
assert '$b2' == "['111', '111']"
fn test_array_init_with_len_no_default() {
a1 := []int{len: 4}
assert '$a1' == '[0, 0, 0, 0]'
a2 := []string{len: 4}
assert '$a2' == "['', '', '', '']"
a3 := []bool{len: 3}
assert '$a3' == '[false, false, false]'
fn test_array_int_full_options() {
println('Test array of int values')
a := []int{len: 2, cap: 10} // this creates an array with 2 items, initial capacity 10, default value of array type
println('array a: length: ${a.len}, capacity: ${a.cap}, content: $a')
assert a.len == 2
assert a.cap == 10
assert a.cap >= a.len
assert a.str() == "[0, 0]"
b := []int{len: 10, cap: 100, init: 1} // this creates an array with 10 one and initial capacity 100 elements, value given
_ = b.clone() // discard result variable, sample
println('array b: length: ${b.len}, capacity: ${b.cap}, content: $b')
assert b.len == 10
assert b.cap == 100
assert b.cap >= b.len
assert b.str() == "[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]"
mut c := []int{len: 2, cap: 10, init: 1} // this creates an array with 2 one and initial capacity 10 elements, value given
_ = c.clone() // discard result variable, sample
println('array c: length: ${c.len}, capacity: ${c.cap}, content: $c')
assert c.len == 2
assert c.cap == 10
assert c.cap >= c.len
assert c.str() == "[1, 1]"
// add some items to the array, to check limits
c << [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] // add 8 items, from another array
// update one item, to have the right number in the sequence ...
c[1] = 2
println('array c: length: ${c.len}, capacity: ${c.cap}, content now: $c')
assert c.len == 10
assert c.cap == 10
assert c.cap >= c.len
assert c.str() == "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]"
// add some more item after initial capacity, to ensure it's expandable
c << [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
println('array c: length: ${c.len}, capacity: ${c.cap}, content now: $c')
assert c.len == 16
assert c.cap >= c.len
assert c.str() == "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]"
fn test_array_string_full_options() {
println('Test array of string values')
a := []string{len: 2, cap: 10} // this creates an array with 2 items, initial capacity 10, default value of array type
println('array a: length: ${a.len}, capacity: ${a.cap}') // ok
println('array a: length: ${a.len}, capacity: ${a.cap}, content: "$a"')
assert a.len == 2
assert a.cap == 10
assert a.cap >= a.len
assert a.str() == "['', '']"
b := []string{len: 10, cap: 100, init: 'b'} // this creates an array with 10 'b', initial capacity 100 elements, value given
_ = b.clone() // discard result variable, sample
println('array b: length: ${b.len}, capacity: ${b.cap}') // ok
println('array b: length: ${b.len}, capacity: ${b.cap}, content: $b')
assert b.len == 10
assert b.cap == 100
assert b.cap >= b.len
assert b.str() == "['b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']"
mut c := []string{len: 2, cap: 10, init: 'c'} // this creates an array with 2 'c' and initial capacity 10 elements, value given
_ = c.clone() // discard result variable, sample
println('array c: length: ${c.len}, capacity: ${c.cap}, content: $c')
assert c.len == 2
assert c.cap == 10
assert c.cap >= c.len
assert c.str() == "['c', 'c']"
// add some items to the array, to check limits
c << ['c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c'] // add 8 items, from another array
// update some items, to have the right number in the sequence ...
c[0] = 'a'
c[1] = 'b'
println('array c: length: ${c.len}, capacity: ${c.cap}, content now: $c')
assert c.len == 10
assert c.cap == 10
assert c.cap >= c.len
assert c.str() == "['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c']"
// add some more item after initial capacity, to ensure all is good
c << ['11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16']
// c << ['11', nil, '13', '14', '15', '16'] // check later if/how to handle this ...
println('array c: length: ${c.len}, capacity: ${c.cap}, content now: $c')
assert c.len == 16
assert c.cap >= c.len
assert c.str() == "['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16']"
struct MyStruct {
pub mut:
ar []f32
fn test_array_init_in_struct_field() {
m := MyStruct {
ar: []f32{len: 4, init:1.2}
assert m.ar.str() == '[1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2]'
struct Aaa {
pub mut:
a []int
fn test_array_init_cast_type_in_struct_field() {
size := u32(5)
st := &Aaa{
a: []int{len: int(size)}
assert st.a.str() == '[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]'
fn test_multi_dimensional_array_init() {
a := [][]int{len:2, init:[]int{len:4, init:2}}
assert '$a' == '[[2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2]]'
b := [][]string{len:3, init:[]string{len:2, init:'abc'}}
assert '$b' == "[['abc', 'abc'], ['abc', 'abc'], ['abc', 'abc']]"
c := [][]f64{len:2, init:[]f64{len:2, init:2.2}}
assert '$c' == '[[2.2, 2.2], [2.2, 2.2]]'
d := [][]int{len:3, init:[]int{len:2}}
assert '$d' == '[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]'
e := [][]string{len:2, init:[]string{len:3}}
assert '$e' == "[['', '', ''], ['', '', '']]"
f := [][]int{len:3}
assert '$f' == '[[], [], []]'
fn test_array_init_direct_call() {
assert []int{len: 2, init: 0}.len == 2
assert []int{len: 3, init: 1}.map(it*2) == [2,2,2]