
354 lines
8.6 KiB

module ui
import os
import time
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <signal.h>
fn C.tcgetattr()
fn C.tcsetattr()
fn C.ioctl(fd int, request u64, arg voidptr) int
struct C.termios {
c_iflag u32
c_lflag u32
c_cc [32]byte
struct C.winsize {
ws_row u16
ws_col u16
const (
termios_at_startup = get_termios()
fn get_termios() C.termios {
mut t := C.termios{}
C.tcgetattr(C.STDIN_FILENO, &t)
return t
fn get_terminal_size() (u16, u16) {
winsz := C.winsize{}
C.ioctl(0, C.TIOCGWINSZ, &winsz)
return winsz.ws_row, winsz.ws_col
fn restore_terminal_state() {
mut c := ctx_ptr
if c != 0 {
fn (mut ctx Context) termios_setup() {
mut termios := get_termios()
if ctx.cfg.capture_events {
// Set raw input mode by unsetting ICANON and ECHO,
// as well as disable e.g. ctrl+c and ctrl.z
termios.c_iflag &= ~u32(C.IGNBRK | C.BRKINT | C.PARMRK | C.IXON)
termios.c_lflag &= ~u32(C.ICANON | C.ISIG | C.ECHO | C.IEXTEN | C.TOSTOP)
} else {
// Set raw input mode by unsetting ICANON and ECHO
termios.c_lflag &= ~u32(C.ICANON | C.ECHO)
// Prevent stdin from blocking by making its read time 0
termios.c_cc[C.VTIME] = 0
termios.c_cc[C.VMIN] = 0
C.tcsetattr(C.STDIN_FILENO, C.TCSAFLUSH, &termios)
ctx.termios = termios
ctx.window_height, ctx.window_width = get_terminal_size()
// Reset console on exit
os.signal(C.SIGTSTP, restore_terminal_state)
os.signal(C.SIGCONT, fn () {
mut c := ctx_ptr
if c != 0 {
c.window_height, c.window_width = get_terminal_size()
mut event := &Event{
typ: .resized
width: c.window_width
height: c.window_height
for code in ctx.cfg.reset {
os.signal(code, fn() {
mut c := ctx_ptr
if c != 0 {
os.signal(C.SIGWINCH, fn() {
mut c := ctx_ptr
if c != 0 {
c.window_height, c.window_width = get_terminal_size()
mut event := &Event{
typ: .resized
width: c.window_width
height: c.window_height
fn termios_reset() {
C.tcsetattr(C.STDIN_FILENO, C.TCSAFLUSH /* C.TCSANOW ?? */, &termios_at_startup)
// TODO: do multiple sleep/read cycles, rather than one big one
fn (mut ctx Context) termios_loop() {
frame_time := 1_000_000 / ctx.cfg.frame_rate
mut init_called := false
mut sw := time.new_stopwatch(auto_start: false)
mut sleep_len := 0
for {
if !init_called {
init_called = true
// println('SLEEPING: $sleep_len')
if sleep_len > 0 {
if ctx.cfg.event_fn != voidptr(0) {
len := C.read(C.STDIN_FILENO, ctx.read_buf.data, ctx.read_buf.cap - ctx.read_buf.len)
if len > 0 {
e := sw.elapsed().microseconds()
sleep_len = frame_time - int(e)
fn (mut ctx Context) parse_events() {
// Stop this from getting stuck in rare cases where something isn't parsed correctly
mut nr_iters := 0
for ctx.read_buf.len > 0 {
if nr_iters > 100 { ctx.shift(1) }
mut event := &Event(0)
if ctx.read_buf[0] == 0x1b {
e, len := escape_sequence(ctx.read_buf.bytestr())
event = e
} else {
event = single_char(ctx.read_buf.bytestr())
if event != 0 {
nr_iters = 0
fn single_char(buf string) &Event {
ch := buf[0]
mut event := &Event{
typ: .key_down
ascii: ch
code: KeyCode(ch)
utf8: buf
match ch {
// special handling for `ctrl + letter`
// TODO: Fix assoc in V and remove this workaround :/
// 1 ... 26 { event = { event | code: KeyCode(96 | ch), modifiers: ctrl } }
// 65 ... 90 { event = { event | code: KeyCode(32 | ch), modifiers: shift } }
// The bit `or`s here are really just `+`'s, just written in this way for a tiny performance improvement
// 10 == `\n` == enter, don't treat it as ctrl + j
1 ... 9, 11 ... 26 { event = &Event{ typ: event.typ, ascii: event.ascii, utf8: event.utf8, code: KeyCode(96 | ch), modifiers: ctrl } }
65 ... 90 { event = &Event{ typ: event.typ, ascii: event.ascii, utf8: event.utf8, code: KeyCode(32 | ch), modifiers: shift } }
else {}
return event
// Gets an entire, independent escape sequence from the buffer
// Normally, this just means reading until the first letter, but there are some exceptions...
fn escape_end(buf string) int {
mut i := 0
for {
if i + 1 == buf.len { return buf.len }
if buf[i].is_letter() || buf[i] == `~` {
if buf[i] == `O` && i + 2 <= buf.len {
n := buf[i+1]
if (n >= `A` && n <= `D`) || (n >= `P` && n <= `S`) || n == `F` || n == `H` {
return i + 2
return i + 1
// escape hatch to avoid potential issues/crashes, although ideally this should never eval to true
} else if buf[i + 1] == 0x1b { return i + 1 }
// this point should be unreachable
assert false
return 0
fn escape_sequence(buf_ string) (&Event, int) {
end := escape_end(buf_)
single := buf_[..end] // read until the end of the sequence
buf := single[1..] // skip the escape character
if buf.len == 0 {
return &Event{
typ: .key_down
ascii: 27
code: .escape
utf8: single
}, 1
if buf.len == 1 {
c := single_char(buf)
// return { c | modifiers: c.modifiers | alt }, 2
return &Event{
typ: c.typ
ascii: c.ascii
code: c.code
utf8: single
modifiers: c.modifiers | alt
}, 2
// ----------------
// Mouse events
// ----------------
// TODO: rxvt uses different escape sequences for mouse events :/
if buf.len > 2 && buf[1] == `<` {
split := buf[2..].split(';')
if split.len < 3 { return &Event(0), 0 }
typ, x, y := split[0].int(), split[1].int(), split[2].int()
match typ {
0, 2 {
last := buf[buf.len - 1]
button := if typ == 0 { MouseButton.primary } else { MouseButton.secondary }
event := if last == `M` { EventType.mouse_down } else { EventType.mouse_up }
return &Event{ typ: event, x: x, y: y, button: button, utf8: single }, end
32, 34 {
button := if typ == 32 { MouseButton.primary } else { MouseButton.secondary }
return &Event{ typ: .mouse_drag, x: x, y: y, button: button, utf8: single }, end
35 {
return &Event{ typ: .mouse_move, x: x, y: y, utf8: single }, end
64, 65 {
direction := if typ == 64 { Direction.down } else { Direction.up }
return &Event{ typ: .mouse_scroll, x: x, y: y, direction: direction, utf8: single }, end
} else {}
// ----------------------------
// Special key combinations
// ----------------------------
mut code := KeyCode.null
mut modifiers := u32(0)
match buf {
'[A', 'OA' { code = .up }
'[B', 'OB' { code = .down }
'[C', 'OC' { code = .right }
'[D', 'OD' { code = .left }
'[5~', '[[5~' { code = .page_up }
'[6~', '[[6~' { code = .page_down }
'[F', 'OF', '[4~', '[[8~' { code = .end }
'[H', 'OH', '[1~', '[[7~' { code = .home }
'[2~' { code = .insert }
'[3~' { code = .delete }
'OP', '[11~' { code = .f1 }
'OQ', '[12~' { code = .f2 }
'OR', '[13~' { code = .f3 }
'OS', '[14~' { code = .f4 }
'[15~' { code = .f5 }
'[17~' { code = .f6 }
'[18~' { code = .f7 }
'[19~' { code = .f8 }
'[20~' { code = .f9 }
'[21~' { code = .f10 }
'[23~' { code = .f11 }
'[24~' { code = .f12 }
else {}
if buf.len == 5 && buf[0] == `[` && buf[1] == `1` && buf[2] == `;` {
// code = KeyCode(buf[4] + 197)
modifiers = match buf[3] {
`2` { shift }
`3` { alt }
`4` { shift | alt }
`5` { ctrl }
`6` { ctrl | shift }
`7` { ctrl | alt }
`8` { ctrl | alt | shift }
else { modifiers } // probably unreachable? idk, terminal events are strange
code = match buf[4] {
`A` { KeyCode.up }
`B` { KeyCode.down }
`C` { KeyCode.right }
`D` { KeyCode.left }
`F` { KeyCode.end }
`H` { KeyCode.home }
`P` { KeyCode.f1 }
`Q` { KeyCode.f2 }
`R` { KeyCode.f3 }
`S` { KeyCode.f4 }
else { code }
// && buf[3] >= `2` && buf[3] <= `8` && buf[4] >= `A` && buf[4] <= `D`
return &Event{ typ: .key_down, code: code, utf8: single, modifiers: modifiers }, end