
37 lines
569 B

module os2
#include <fcntl.h>
struct File {
fd int
fn C.perror(&char)
fn C.open(&byte, int, int) int
fn C.write(voidptr, &byte, int) int
fn C.close(int) int
pub fn create(path string) ?File {
fd := C.open(path.str, C.O_CREAT | C.O_TRUNC | C.O_WRONLY, o644) // 511
if fd == -1 {
return error('failed to create "$path":')
// os.print_c_errno()
return File{fd}
pub fn (f File) writeln(s string) {
ss := s + '\n'
ret := C.write(f.fd, ss.str, s.len + 1)
if ret == -1 {
C.perror('failed to write')
pub fn (f File) close() {