105 lines
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105 lines
2.7 KiB
// This file tests whether v can generate default string methods for both:
// a) an array of custom structs,
// b) also for the custom struct itself (when the .str() for it is missing).
// NB: this is very simillar to string_interpolation_struct_test.v
// but they should NOT be merged into 1 file. If you merge it with
// string_interpolation_struct_test.v, which tests whether the compiler
// can generate the default method for a struct, then the b) case of
// this test will be done by *that* test, and so the testing will
// be incomplete.
struct Man {
name string
age int
interests []string
fn test_array_of_structs_interpolation() {
people := [
Man{'Superman', 30, ['flying','fighting evil','being nice']},
Man{'Bilbo Baggins', 111, ['exploring', 'hiding']},
s := '$people' // the compiler should generate code for both a) and b)
assert s.contains('Man{')
assert s.contains("name: 'Superman'")
assert s.contains('age: 30')
assert s.contains("'being nice'")
assert s.contains('}, Man{')
assert s.contains("name: 'Bilbo Baggins'")
assert s.contains('age: 111')
assert s.contains("interests: ['exploring', 'hiding']")
assert s.contains('}]')
// println(s)
fn test_array_of_floats_interpolation() {
// f64 array
aa := [1.2, 3.4, 5.67]
assert '$aa' == '[1.2, 3.4, 5.67]'
// f32 array
bb := [f32(1.2), 3.4, 5.67]
assert '$bb' == '[1.2, 3.4, 5.67]'
fn test_array_of_bools_interpolation() {
aa := [true, false, true]
assert '$aa' == '[true, false, true]'
fn test_array_of_ints_interpolation() {
// int
a1 := [11, 22, 33]
assert '$a1' == '[11, 22, 33]'
// u32
a2 := [u32(11), 22, 33]
assert '$a2' == '[11, 22, 33]'
// i16
b1 := [i16(11), 22, 33]
assert '$b1' == '[11, 22, 33]'
// u16
b2 := [u16(11), 22, 33]
assert '$b2' == '[11, 22, 33]'
// i64
c1 := [i64(11), 22, 33]
assert '$c1' == '[11, 22, 33]'
// u64
c2 := [u64(11), 22, 33]
assert '$c2' == '[11, 22, 33]'
fn test_array_of_runes_interpolation() {
aa := [`a`, `b`, `c`]
assert '$aa' == '[`a`, `b`, `c`]'
fn test_array_of_strings_interpolation() {
aa := ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']
assert '$aa' == "['aa', 'bb', 'cc']"
fn test_array_of_map_interpolation() {
mut a := []map[string]int{}
a << {'a': int(1), 'b': 2}
a << {'c': int(3), 'd': 4}
assert '$a' == "[{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'c': 3, 'd': 4}]"
fn test_array_initialization_with_interpolation() {
sysroot := '/usr'
a := [
assert '$a' == "['abcd', '/usr/xyz', 'u/usr/vw', '/rr/usr', 'lmno']"
b := [
assert '$b' == "['a /usr/r', 'ert']"
c := ['xy', 'r$sysroot', '$sysroot/t', '>$sysroot<']
assert '$c' == "['xy', 'r/usr', '/usr/t', '>/usr<']"