
316 lines
5.1 KiB

struct Aa {
val int
nums []int
struct Bb {
a Aa
struct Cu {
b Bb
nums []int
aarr []Aa
num int
struct Lol {
b []string [json:lol]
c string [json:cc]
d int
struct User {
name string
age int
struct Foo {
typ string
struct Empty {
// We need to make sure that this compiles with all the reserved names.
struct ReservedKeywords {
delete int
exit int
unix int
error int
malloc int
calloc int
free int
panic int
auto int
char int
do int
double int
extern int
float int
inline int
long int
register int
restrict int
short int
signed int
typedef int
unsigned int
void int
volatile int
while int
fn test_empty_struct() {
d := &Empty{}
d2 := Empty{}
println(d) // != voidptr(0)
println(d2) // empty struct print
println(sizeof(Empty)) // == 0
fn test_struct_levels() {
mut c := Cu{}
assert c.nums.len == 0
c.nums << 3
assert c.nums.len == 1
assert c.nums[0] == 3
c.nums[0] = 4
assert c.nums[0] == 4
c.b.a.val = 34
assert c.b.a.val == 34
c.b.a.nums = [0].repeat(0)
c.b.a.nums << 0
c.b.a.nums << 2
assert c.b.a.nums.len == 2
assert c.b.a.nums[0] == 0
assert c.b.a.nums[1] == 2
c.b.a.nums[0] = 7
assert c.b.a.nums[0] == 7
c.aarr << Aa{
val: 8
assert c.aarr.len == 1
assert c.aarr[0].val == 8
c.num = 20
assert c.num == 20
c.aarr[0].val = 10
assert c.aarr[0].val == 10
fn test_struct_str() {
u := User{'Bob', 30}
println(u) // make sure the struct is printable
// assert u.str() == '{name:"Bob", age:30}' // QTODO
fn test_at() {
foo := Foo{
typ: 'test'
// type: 'test'
fn test_reserved_keywords() {
// Make sure we can initialize them correctly using full syntax.
rk_holder := ReservedKeywords{0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3}
// Test a few as it'll take too long to test all. If it's initialized
// correctly, other fields are also probably valid.
assert rk_holder.unix == 5
assert rk_holder.while == 3
rk_holder2 := ReservedKeywords{
inline: 9
volatile: 11
// Make sure partial initialization works too.
assert rk_holder2.inline == 9
assert rk_holder2.volatile == 11
assert rk_holder2.while == 0 // Zero value as not specified.
struct User2 {
name string
fn test_mutable_fields() {
mut u := User2{}
u.name = 'Peter'
assert u.name == 'Peter'
struct Def {
a int
b int = 7
fn test_default_vals() {
d := Def{}
assert d.a == 0
assert d.b == 7
d2 := Def{10, 20}
assert d2.a == 10
assert d2.b == 20
fn test_assoc_with_vars() {
def2 := Def{
a: 12
merged := {
def2 |
a: 42
assert merged.a == 42
assert merged.b == 7
const (
const_def = Def{
a: 100
fn test_assoc_with_constants() {
merged := { const_def | a: 42 }
assert merged.a == 42
assert merged.b == 7
again := { const_def | b: 22 }
assert again.a == 100
assert again.b == 22
struct AttrTest {
a int // private immutable (default)
b int // private mutable
c int // (you can list multiple fields with the same access modifier)
d int // public immmutable (readonly)
pub mut:
e int // public, but mutable only in parent module
f int // public and mutable both inside and outside parent module
fn fooo() {
a := AttrTest{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
struct C.fixed {
points [10]C.point
struct C.point {
x int
y int
fn test_fixed_field() {
f := &C.fixed{}
p := f.points[0]
//f.nums[0] = 10
//nums: [10]int
struct Config {
n int
def int = 10
fn foo_config(c Config) {
fn foo2(u User) {
fn test_config() {
n: 10
def: 20
name: 'Peter'
foo2(name: 'Peter')
struct City {
name string
population int
struct Country {
name string
capital City
fn test_levels() {
c := Country{
name: 'UK'
capital: {
name: 'London'
population: 10
// Struct where an inizialized field is after a non-initilized field.
struct StructWithDefaultValues1 {
field_required int
field_optional int = 5
// Struct where an inizialized field is before a non-initilized field.
struct StructWithDefaultValues2 {
field_optional int = 3
field_required int
// Struct where an inizialized field is before several non-initilized fields.
struct StructWithDefaultValues3 {
field_optional int = 2
field_required int
field_required_too int
fn test_struct_with_default_values_init() {
s1 := StructWithDefaultValues1{ field_required: 5 }
s2 := StructWithDefaultValues2{ field_required: 5 }
// Partially initialized
s3 := StructWithDefaultValues3{ field_required: 5 }
assert s1.field_optional == 5
assert s2.field_optional == 3
assert s3.field_optional == 2
fn test_struct_with_default_values_no_init() {
// Don't inititialize
s1 := StructWithDefaultValues1{}
s2 := StructWithDefaultValues2{}
s3 := StructWithDefaultValues3{}
assert s1.field_optional == 5
assert s2.field_optional == 3
assert s3.field_optional == 2