
415 lines
10 KiB

module doc
import os
import time
import v.ast
import v.checker
import v.fmt
import v.parser
import v.pref
import v.scanner
import v.table
import v.util
// intentionally in order as a guide when arranging the docnodes
pub enum SymbolKind {
pub struct Doc {
prefs &pref.Preferences = new_vdoc_preferences()
pub mut:
base_path string
table &table.Table = &table.Table{}
checker checker.Checker = checker.Checker{
table: 0
cur_fn: 0
pref: 0
fmt fmt.Fmt
filename string
pos int
pub_only bool = true
with_comments bool = true
with_pos bool
with_head bool = true
is_vlib bool
time_generated time.Time
head DocNode
contents map[string]DocNode
scoped_contents map[string]DocNode
// for storing the contents of the file.
sources map[string]string
parent_mod_name string
orig_mod_name string
extract_vars bool
pub struct DocPos {
line int
col int
len int
pub struct DocNode {
pub mut:
name string
content string
comment string
pos DocPos = DocPos{-1, -1, 0}
file_path string
kind SymbolKind
deprecated bool
parent_name string
return_type string
children []DocNode
attrs map[string]string
from_scope bool
pub fn new_vdoc_preferences() &pref.Preferences {
// vdoc should be able to parse as much user code as possible
// so its preferences should be permissive:
return &pref.Preferences{
enable_globals: true
pub fn new(input_path string) Doc {
mut d := Doc{
base_path: os.real_path(input_path)
table: table.new_table()
head: DocNode{}
contents: map[string]DocNode{}
sources: map[string]string{}
time_generated: time.now()
d.fmt = fmt.Fmt{
indent: 0
is_debug: false
table: d.table
d.checker = checker.new_checker(d.table, d.prefs)
return d
pub fn (mut d Doc) stmt(stmt ast.Stmt, filename string) ?DocNode {
mut node := DocNode{
name: d.stmt_name(stmt)
content: d.stmt_signature(stmt)
comment: ''
pos: d.convert_pos(filename, stmt.position())
file_path: os.join_path(d.base_path, filename)
if (!node.content.starts_with('pub') && d.pub_only) || stmt is ast.GlobalDecl {
return error('symbol not public')
if node.name.starts_with(d.orig_mod_name + '.') {
node.name = node.name.all_after(d.orig_mod_name + '.')
if node.name.len == 0 && node.comment.len == 0 && node.content.len == 0 {
return error('empty stmt')
match stmt {
ast.ConstDecl {
node.kind = .const_group
node.parent_name = 'Constants'
if d.extract_vars {
for field in stmt.fields {
ret_type := if field.typ == 0 { d.expr_typ_to_string(field.expr) } else { d.type_to_str(field.typ) }
node.children << DocNode{
name: field.name.all_after(d.orig_mod_name + '.')
kind: .constant
pos: d.convert_pos(filename, field.pos)
return_type: ret_type
ast.EnumDecl {
node.kind = .enum_
if d.extract_vars {
for field in stmt.fields {
ret_type := if field.has_expr { d.expr_typ_to_string(field.expr) } else { 'int' }
node.children << DocNode{
name: field.name
kind: .enum_field
parent_name: node.name
pos: d.convert_pos(filename, field.pos)
return_type: ret_type
ast.InterfaceDecl {
node.kind = .interface_
ast.StructDecl {
node.kind = .struct_
if d.extract_vars {
for field in stmt.fields {
ret_type := if field.typ == 0 && field.has_default_expr { d.expr_typ_to_string(field.default_expr) } else { d.type_to_str(field.typ) }
node.children << DocNode{
name: field.name
kind: .struct_field
parent_name: node.name
pos: d.convert_pos(filename, field.pos)
return_type: ret_type
ast.TypeDecl {
node.kind = .typedef
ast.FnDecl {
node.deprecated = stmt.is_deprecated
node.kind = .function
node.return_type = d.type_to_str(stmt.return_type)
if stmt.receiver.typ !in [0, 1] {
method_parent := d.type_to_str(stmt.receiver.typ)
node.kind = .method
node.parent_name = method_parent
if d.extract_vars {
for param in stmt.params {
node.children << DocNode{
name: param.name
kind: .variable
parent_name: node.name
pos: d.convert_pos(filename, param.pos)
attrs: {
'mut': param.is_mut.str()
return_type: d.type_to_str(param.typ)
else {
return error('invalid stmt type to document')
return node
pub fn (mut d Doc) file_ast(file_ast ast.File) map[string]DocNode {
mut contents := map[string]DocNode{}
stmts := file_ast.stmts
d.fmt.file = file_ast
mut last_import_stmt_idx := 0
for sidx, stmt in stmts {
if stmt is ast.Import {
last_import_stmt_idx = sidx
mut prev_comments := []ast.Comment{}
mut imports_section := true
for sidx, stmt in stmts {
// eprintln('stmt typeof: ' + typeof(stmt))
if stmt is ast.ExprStmt {
if stmt.expr is ast.Comment as cmt {
prev_comments << cmt
// TODO: Fetch head comment once
if stmt is ast.Module {
if !d.with_head {
// the previous comments were probably a copyright/license one
module_comment := get_comment_block_right_before(prev_comments)
prev_comments = []
if !d.is_vlib && !module_comment.starts_with('Copyright (c)') {
if module_comment in ['', d.head.comment] {
if d.head.comment != '' {
d.head.comment += '\n'
d.head.comment += module_comment
if last_import_stmt_idx > 0 && sidx == last_import_stmt_idx {
// the accumulated comments were interspersed before/between the imports;
// just add them all to the module comment:
if d.with_head {
import_comments := merge_comments(prev_comments)
if d.head.comment != '' {
d.head.comment += '\n'
d.head.comment += import_comments
prev_comments = []
imports_section = false
if stmt is ast.Import {
mut node := d.stmt(stmt, os.base(file_ast.path)) or {
prev_comments = []
if node.parent_name !in contents {
parent_node_kind := if node.parent_name == 'Constants' { SymbolKind.const_group } else { SymbolKind.typedef }
contents[node.parent_name] = DocNode{
name: node.parent_name
kind: parent_node_kind
if d.with_comments && (prev_comments.len > 0) {
// last_comment := contents[contents.len - 1].comment
// cmt := last_comment + '\n' + get_comment_block_right_before(prev_comments)
mut cmt := get_comment_block_right_before(prev_comments)
len := node.name.len
// fixed-width symbol name at start of comment
if cmt.starts_with(node.name) && cmt.len > len && cmt[len] == ` ` {
cmt = '`${cmt[..len]}`' + cmt[len..]
node.comment = cmt
prev_comments = []
if node.parent_name.len > 0 {
parent_name := node.parent_name
if node.parent_name == 'Constants' {
node.parent_name = ''
contents[parent_name].children << node
} else {
contents[node.name] = node
d.fmt.mod2alias = map[string]string{}
return contents
pub fn (mut d Doc) file_ast_with_pos(file_ast ast.File, pos int) map[string]DocNode {
lscope := file_ast.scope.innermost(pos)
mut contents := map[string]DocNode{}
for name, val in lscope.objects {
if val !is ast.Var {
vr_data := val as ast.Var
l_node := DocNode{
name: name
pos: d.convert_pos(os.base(file_ast.path), vr_data.pos)
file_path: file_ast.path
from_scope: true
kind: .variable
return_type: d.expr_typ_to_string(vr_data.expr)
contents[l_node.name] = l_node
return contents
pub fn (mut d Doc) generate() ? {
// get all files
d.base_path = if os.is_dir(d.base_path) { d.base_path } else { os.real_path(os.dir(d.base_path)) }
d.is_vlib = 'vlib' !in d.base_path
project_files := os.ls(d.base_path) or {
return error_with_code(err, 0)
v_files := d.prefs.should_compile_filtered_files(d.base_path, project_files)
if v_files.len == 0 {
return error_with_code('vdoc: No valid V files were found.', 1)
// parse files
mut comments_mode := scanner.CommentsMode.skip_comments
if d.with_comments {
comments_mode = .toplevel_comments
global_scope := &ast.Scope{
parent: 0
mut file_asts := []ast.File{}
for i, file_path in v_files {
if i == 0 {
d.parent_mod_name = get_parent_mod(d.base_path) or {
filename := os.base(file_path)
d.sources[filename] = util.read_file(file_path) or {
file_asts <<
parser.parse_file(file_path, d.table, comments_mode, d.prefs, global_scope)
return d.file_asts(file_asts)
pub fn (mut d Doc) file_asts(file_asts []ast.File) ? {
mut fname_has_set := false
d.orig_mod_name = file_asts[0].mod.name
for i, file_ast in file_asts {
if d.filename.len > 0 && d.filename in file_ast.path && !fname_has_set {
d.filename = file_ast.path
fname_has_set = true
if d.with_head && i == 0 {
mut module_name := file_ast.mod.name
if module_name != 'main' && d.parent_mod_name.len > 0 {
module_name = d.parent_mod_name + '.' + module_name
d.head = DocNode{
name: module_name
content: 'module $module_name'
kind: .none_
} else if file_ast.mod.name != d.orig_mod_name {
if file_ast.path == d.filename {
d.scoped_contents = d.file_ast_with_pos(file_ast, d.pos)
contents := d.file_ast(file_ast)
for name, node in contents {
if name in d.contents && (d.contents[name].kind != .none_ || node.kind == .none_) {
d.contents[name].children << node.children
d.contents[name] = node
d.time_generated = time.now()
pub fn generate(input_path string, pub_only bool, with_comments bool) ?Doc {
mut doc := new(input_path)
doc.pub_only = pub_only
doc.with_comments = with_comments
doc.generate() ?
return doc
pub fn generate_with_pos(input_path string, filename string, pos int) ?Doc {
mut doc := new(input_path)
doc.pub_only = false
doc.with_comments = true
doc.with_pos = true
doc.filename = filename
doc.pos = pos
doc.generate() ?
return doc