606 lines
18 KiB
606 lines
18 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module pref
// import v.ast // TODO this results in a compiler bug
import os.cmdline
import os
import v.vcache
import rand
pub enum BuildMode {
// `v program.v'
// Build user code only, and add pre-compiled vlib (`cc program.o builtin.o os.o...`)
default_mode // `v -lib ~/v/os`
// build any module (generate os.o + os.vh)
pub enum OutputMode {
pub enum ColorOutput {
pub enum Backend {
c // The (default) C backend
js // The JavaScript backend
x64 // The x64 backend
pub enum CompilerType {
const (
list_of_flags_with_param = ['o', 'd', 'define', 'b', 'backend', 'cc', 'os', 'target-os', 'cf',
'cflags', 'path']
pub struct Preferences {
pub mut:
os OS // the OS to compile for
backend Backend
build_mode BuildMode
output_mode OutputMode = .stdout
// verbosity VerboseLevel
is_verbose bool
// nofmt bool // disable vfmt
is_test bool // `v test string_test.v`
is_script bool // single file mode (`v program.v`), main function can be skipped
is_vsh bool // v script (`file.vsh`) file, the `os` module should be made global
is_livemain bool // main program that contains live/hot code
is_liveshared bool // a shared library, that will be used in a -live main program
is_shared bool // an ordinary shared library, -shared, no matter if it is live or not
is_prof bool // benchmark every function
profile_file string // the profile results will be stored inside profile_file
profile_no_inline bool // when true, [inline] functions would not be profiled
translated bool // `v translate doom.v` are we running V code translated from C? allow globals, ++ expressions, etc
is_prod bool // use "-O2"
obfuscate bool // `v -obf program.v`, renames functions to "f_XXX"
is_repl bool
is_run bool
sanitize bool // use Clang's new "-fsanitize" option
is_debug bool // false by default, turned on by -g or -cg, it tells v to pass -g to the C backend compiler.
is_vlines bool // turned on by -g, false by default (it slows down .tmp.c generation slightly).
show_cc bool // -showcc, print cc command
show_c_output bool // -show-c-output, print all cc output even if the code was compiled correctly
// NB: passing -cg instead of -g will set is_vlines to false and is_debug to true, thus making v generate cleaner C files,
// which are sometimes easier to debug / inspect manually than the .tmp.c files by plain -g (when/if v line number generation breaks).
// use cached modules to speed up compilation.
dump_c_flags string // `-dump-c-flags file.txt` - let V store all C flags, passed to the backend C compiler
// in `file.txt`, one C flag/value per line.
use_cache bool // = true
retry_compilation bool = true // retry the compilation with another C compiler, if tcc fails.
is_stats bool // `v -stats file_test.v` will produce more detailed statistics for the tests that were run
// TODO Convert this into a []string
cflags string // Additional options which will be passed to the C compiler.
// For example, passing -cflags -Os will cause the C compiler to optimize the generated binaries for size.
// You could pass several -cflags XXX arguments. They will be merged with each other.
// You can also quote several options at the same time: -cflags '-Os -fno-inline-small-functions'.
m64 bool // true = generate 64-bit code, defaults to x64
ccompiler string // the name of the C compiler used
ccompiler_type CompilerType // the type of the C compiler used
third_party_option string
building_v bool
autofree bool // `v -manualfree` => false, `v -autofree` => true; false by default for now.
// Disabling `free()` insertion results in better performance in some applications (e.g. compilers)
compress bool
// skip_builtin bool // Skips re-compilation of the builtin module
// to increase compilation time.
// This is on by default, since a vast majority of users do not
// work on the builtin module itself.
// generating_vh bool
enable_globals bool // allow __global for low level code
is_fmt bool
is_vet bool
is_bare bool
no_preludes bool // Prevents V from generating preludes in resulting .c files
custom_prelude string // Contents of custom V prelude that will be prepended before code in resulting .c files
lookup_path []string
output_cross_c bool
prealloc bool
vroot string
out_name_c string // full os.real_path to the generated .tmp.c file; set by builder.
out_name string
display_name string
bundle_id string
path string // Path to file/folder to compile
// -d vfmt and -d another=0 for `$if vfmt { will execute }` and `$if another ? { will NOT get here }`
compile_defines []string // just ['vfmt']
compile_defines_all []string // contains both: ['vfmt','another']
run_args []string // `v run x.v 1 2 3` => `1 2 3`
printfn_list []string // a list of generated function names, whose source should be shown, for debugging
print_v_files bool // when true, just print the list of all parsed .v files then stop.
skip_running bool // when true, do no try to run the produced file (set by b.cc(), when -o x.c or -o x.js)
skip_warnings bool // like C's "-w", forces warnings to be ignored.
warn_impure_v bool // -Wimpure-v, force a warning for JS.fn()/C.fn(), outside of .js.v/.c.v files. TODO: turn to an error by default
warns_are_errors bool // -W, like C's "-Werror", treat *every* warning is an error
fatal_errors bool // unconditionally exit after the first error with exit(1)
reuse_tmpc bool // do not use random names for .tmp.c and .tmp.c.rsp files, and do not remove them
use_color ColorOutput // whether the warnings/errors should use ANSI color escapes.
is_parallel bool
error_limit int
is_vweb bool // skip _ var warning in templates
only_check_syntax bool // when true, just parse the files, then stop, before running checker
experimental bool // enable experimental features
skip_unused bool // skip generating C code for functions, that are not used
show_timings bool // show how much time each compiler stage took
is_ios_simulator bool
is_apk bool // build as Android .apk format
cleanup_files []string // list of temporary *.tmp.c and *.tmp.c.rsp files. Cleaned up on successfull builds.
build_options []string // list of options, that should be passed down to `build-module`, if needed for -usecache
cache_manager vcache.CacheManager
is_help bool // -h, -help or --help was passed
pub fn parse_args(known_external_commands []string, args []string) (&Preferences, string) {
mut res := &Preferences{}
$if x64 {
res.m64 = true // follow V model by default
mut command := ''
mut command_pos := 0
// for i, arg in args {
for i := 0; i < args.len; i++ {
arg := args[i]
current_args := args[i..]
match arg {
'-apk' {
res.is_apk = true
res.build_options << arg
'-show-timings' {
res.show_timings = true
'-check-syntax' {
res.only_check_syntax = true
'-h', '-help', '--help' {
// NB: help is *very important*, just respond to all variations:
res.is_help = true
'-v' {
// `-v` flag is for setting verbosity, but without any args it prints the version, like Clang
if args.len > 1 {
res.is_verbose = true
} else {
command = 'version'
command_pos = i
'-progress' {
// processed by testing tools in cmd/tools/modules/testing/common.v
'-Wimpure-v' {
res.warn_impure_v = true
'-Wfatal-errors' {
res.fatal_errors = true
'-silent' {
res.output_mode = .silent
'-g' {
res.is_debug = true
res.is_vlines = true
res.build_options << arg
'-cg' {
res.is_debug = true
res.is_vlines = false
res.build_options << arg
'-debug-tcc' {
res.ccompiler = 'tcc'
res.build_options << '$arg "$res.ccompiler"'
res.retry_compilation = false
res.show_cc = true
res.show_c_output = true
'-repl' {
res.is_repl = true
'-live' {
res.is_livemain = true
'-sharedlive' {
res.is_liveshared = true
res.is_shared = true
'-shared' {
res.is_shared = true
'--enable-globals', '-enable-globals' {
res.enable_globals = true
'-autofree' {
res.autofree = true
res.build_options << arg
'-manualfree' {
res.autofree = false
res.build_options << arg
'-skip-unused' {
res.skip_unused = true
'-compress' {
res.compress = true
'-freestanding' {
res.is_bare = true
res.build_options << arg
'-no-retry-compilation' {
res.retry_compilation = false
'-no-preludes' {
res.no_preludes = true
res.build_options << arg
'-prof', '-profile' {
res.profile_file = cmdline.option(current_args, arg, '-')
res.is_prof = true
res.build_options << '$arg $res.profile_file'
'-profile-no-inline' {
res.profile_no_inline = true
'-prod' {
res.is_prod = true
res.build_options << arg
'-sanitize' {
res.sanitize = true
res.build_options << arg
'-simulator' {
res.is_ios_simulator = true
'-stats' {
res.is_stats = true
'-obf', '-obfuscate' {
res.obfuscate = true
'-translated' {
res.translated = true
'-color' {
res.use_color = .always
'-m32', '-m64' {
res.m64 = arg[2] == `6`
res.cflags += ' $arg'
'-nocolor' {
res.use_color = .never
'-showcc' {
res.show_cc = true
'-show-c-output' {
res.show_c_output = true
'-dump-c-flags' {
res.dump_c_flags = cmdline.option(current_args, arg, '-')
'-experimental' {
res.experimental = true
'-usecache' {
res.use_cache = true
'-nocache' {
res.use_cache = false
'-prealloc' {
res.prealloc = true
res.build_options << arg
'-parallel' {
res.is_parallel = true
'-x64' {
res.backend = .x64
res.build_options << arg
'-W' {
res.warns_are_errors = true
'-keepc' {
res.reuse_tmpc = true
'-w' {
res.skip_warnings = true
'-print-v-files' {
res.print_v_files = true
'-error-limit' {
res.error_limit = cmdline.option(current_args, '-error-limit', '0').int()
'-os' {
target_os := cmdline.option(current_args, '-os', '')
target_os_kind := os_from_string(target_os) or {
if target_os == 'cross' {
res.output_cross_c = true
eprintln('unknown operating system target `$target_os`')
res.os = target_os_kind
res.build_options << '$arg $target_os'
'-printfn' {
res.printfn_list << cmdline.option(current_args, '-printfn', '').split(',')
'-cflags' {
res.cflags += ' ' + cmdline.option(current_args, '-cflags', '')
res.build_options << '$arg "$res.cflags.trim_space()"'
'-define', '-d' {
if current_args.len > 1 {
define := current_args[1]
parse_define(mut res, define)
'-cc' {
res.ccompiler = cmdline.option(current_args, '-cc', 'cc')
res.build_options << '$arg "$res.ccompiler"'
'-o' {
res.out_name = cmdline.option(current_args, '-o', '')
if res.out_name.ends_with('.js') {
res.backend = .js
if !os.is_abs_path(res.out_name) {
res.out_name = os.join_path(os.getwd(), res.out_name)
'-b' {
sbackend := cmdline.option(current_args, '-b', 'c')
res.build_options << '$arg $sbackend'
b := backend_from_string(sbackend) or { continue }
res.backend = b
'-path' {
path := cmdline.option(current_args, '-path', '')
res.build_options << '$arg "$path"'
res.lookup_path = path.replace('|', os.path_delimiter).split(os.path_delimiter)
'-custom-prelude' {
path := cmdline.option(current_args, '-custom-prelude', '')
res.build_options << '$arg $path'
prelude := os.read_file(path) or {
eprintln('cannot open custom prelude file: $err')
res.custom_prelude = prelude
'-name' {
res.display_name = cmdline.option(current_args, '-name', '')
'-bundle' {
res.bundle_id = cmdline.option(current_args, '-bundle', '')
else {
if command == 'build' && is_source_file(arg) {
eprintln('Use `v $arg` instead.')
if arg[0] == `-` {
if arg[1..] in pref.list_of_flags_with_param {
// skip parameter
} else {
if command == '' {
command = arg
command_pos = i
if command == 'run' {
} else if is_source_file(command) && is_source_file(arg)
&& command !in known_external_commands {
eprintln('Too many targets. Specify just one target: <target.v|target_directory>.')
if arg in ['-V', '-version', '--version'] {
command = 'version'
command_pos = i
if command !in ['', 'build-module'] {
// arguments for e.g. fmt should be checked elsewhere
eprint('Unknown argument `$arg`')
eprintln(if command.len == 0 { '' } else { ' for command `$command`' })
if res.is_debug {
parse_define(mut res, 'debug')
// res.use_cache = true
if command != 'doc' && res.out_name.ends_with('.v') {
eprintln('Cannot save output binary in a .v file.')
if is_source_file(command) {
res.path = command
} else if command == 'run' {
res.is_run = true
if command_pos + 2 > args.len {
eprintln('v run: no v files listed')
res.path = args[command_pos + 1]
res.run_args = args[command_pos + 2..]
if res.path == '-' {
tmp_file_path := rand.ulid()
mut tmp_exe_file_path := res.out_name
mut output_option := ''
if tmp_exe_file_path == '' {
tmp_exe_file_path = '${tmp_file_path}.exe'
output_option = '-o "$tmp_exe_file_path"'
tmp_v_file_path := '${tmp_file_path}.v'
contents := os.get_raw_lines_joined()
os.write_file(tmp_v_file_path, contents) or {
panic('Failed to create temporary file $tmp_v_file_path')
run_options := cmdline.options_before(args, ['run']).join(' ')
command_options := cmdline.options_after(args, ['run'])[1..].join(' ')
vexe := vexe_path()
tmp_cmd := '"$vexe" $output_option $run_options run "$tmp_v_file_path" $command_options'
res.vrun_elog('tmp_cmd: $tmp_cmd')
tmp_result := os.system(tmp_cmd)
res.vrun_elog('exit code: $tmp_result')
if output_option.len != 0 {
res.vrun_elog('remove tmp exe file: $tmp_exe_file_path')
os.rm(tmp_exe_file_path) or {}
res.vrun_elog('remove tmp v file: $tmp_v_file_path')
os.rm(tmp_v_file_path) or { panic(err) }
if !res.path.ends_with('.v') && os.is_executable(res.path) && os.is_file(res.path)
&& os.is_file(res.path + '.v') {
eprintln('It looks like you wanted to run "${res.path}.v", so we went ahead and did that since "$res.path" is an executable.')
res.path += '.v'
if command == 'build-module' {
res.build_mode = .build_module
res.path = args[command_pos + 1]
// keep only the unique res.build_options:
mut m := map[string]string{}
for x in res.build_options {
m[x] = ''
res.build_options = m.keys()
// eprintln('>> res.build_options: $res.build_options')
return res, command
pub fn (pref &Preferences) vrun_elog(s string) {
if pref.is_verbose {
eprintln('> v run -, $s')
fn must_exist(path string) {
if !os.exists(path) {
eprintln('v expects that `$path` exists, but it does not')
fn is_source_file(path string) bool {
return path.ends_with('.v') || os.exists(path)
pub fn backend_from_string(s string) ?Backend {
match s {
'c' { return .c }
'js' { return .js }
'x64' { return .x64 }
else { return error('Unknown backend type $s') }
// Helper function to convert string names to CC enum
pub fn cc_from_string(cc_str string) CompilerType {
if cc_str.len == 0 {
return .gcc
cc := cc_str.replace('\\', '/').split('/').last().all_before('.')
if '++' in cc {
return .cplusplus
if 'tcc' in cc {
return .tinyc
if 'tinyc' in cc {
return .tinyc
if 'clang' in cc {
return .clang
if 'mingw' in cc {
return .mingw
if 'msvc' in cc {
return .msvc
return .gcc
fn parse_define(mut prefs Preferences, define string) {
define_parts := define.split('=')
prefs.build_options << '-d $define'
if define_parts.len == 1 {
prefs.compile_defines << define
prefs.compile_defines_all << define
if define_parts.len == 2 {
prefs.compile_defines_all << define_parts[0]
match define_parts[1] {
'0' {}
'1' {
prefs.compile_defines << define_parts[0]
else {
'V error: Unknown define argument value `${define_parts[1]}` for ${define_parts[0]}.' +
' Expected `0` or `1`.')
println('V error: Unknown define argument: ${define}. Expected at most one `=`.')