
297 lines
7.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module gg
import gx
import os
import sokol
import sokol.sapp
import sokol.sgl
import sokol.gfx
// import time
pub type FNCb = fn (x voidptr)
pub type FNEvent = fn (e, x voidptr)
pub type FNFail = fn (msg string, x voidptr)
pub type FNKeyDown = fn (c sapp.KeyCode, m sapp.Modifier, x voidptr)
pub type FNChar = fn (c u32, x voidptr)
pub struct Config {
width int
height int
use_ortho bool
retina bool
resizable bool
user_data voidptr
font_size int
create_window bool
// window_user_ptr voidptr
window_title string
borderless_window bool
always_on_top bool
bg_color gx.Color
init_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
cleanup_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
fail_fn FNFail = voidptr(0)
event_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
keydown_fn FNKeyDown = voidptr(0) // special case of event_fn
char_fn FNChar = voidptr(0) // special case of event_fn
wait_events bool // set this to true for UIs, to save power
fullscreen bool
scale f32 = 1.0 // vid needs this
// init_text bool
font_path string
pub struct Context {
render_text bool
//img_cache []ImageCache
pub mut:
scale f32 = 1.0 // will get set to 2.0 for retina, will remain 1.0 for normal
width int
height int
clear_pass C.sg_pass_action
window C.sapp_desc
timage_pip C.sgl_pipeline
config Config
ft &FT
font_inited bool
pub struct Size {
width int
height int
fn gg_init_sokol_window(user_data voidptr) {
mut g := &Context(user_data)
desc := C.sg_desc{
mtl_device: sapp.metal_get_device()
mtl_renderpass_descriptor_cb: sapp.metal_get_renderpass_descriptor
mtl_drawable_cb: sapp.metal_get_drawable
d3d11_device: sapp.d3d11_get_device()
d3d11_device_context: sapp.d3d11_get_device_context()
d3d11_render_target_view_cb: sapp.d3d11_get_render_target_view
d3d11_depth_stencil_view_cb: sapp.d3d11_get_depth_stencil_view
sgl_desc := C.sgl_desc_t{}
g.scale = sapp.dpi_scale()
// NB: on older X11, `Xft.dpi` from ~/.Xresources, that sokol uses,
// may not be set which leads to sapp.dpi_scale reporting incorrectly 0.0
if g.scale < 0.1 {
g.scale = 1.0
// is_high_dpi := sapp.high_dpi()
// fb_w := sapp.width()
// fb_h := sapp.height()
// println('g.scale=$g.scale is_high_dpi=$is_high_dpi fb_w=$fb_w fb_h=$fb_h')
// if g.config.init_text {
if g.config.font_path != '' {
// t := time.ticks()
g.ft = new_ft({
font_path: g.config.font_path
scale: sapp.dpi_scale()
}) or {
// println('FT took ${time.ticks()-t} ms')
g.font_inited = true
mut pipdesc := C.sg_pipeline_desc{}
unsafe { C.memset(&pipdesc, 0, sizeof(pipdesc)) }
pipdesc.blend.enabled = true
pipdesc.blend.src_factor_rgb = C.SG_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA
pipdesc.blend.dst_factor_rgb = C.SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
g.timage_pip = sgl.make_pipeline(&pipdesc)
if g.config.init_fn != voidptr(0) {
fn gg_frame_fn(user_data voidptr) {
mut g := &Context(user_data)
if g.config.frame_fn != voidptr(0) {
// TODO: remove this hacky workaround...
// NB: todo_remove_this is needed to workaround a v bug,
// where it thinks that &sapp.Event(x) is a function call,
// instead of a cast, if v has not yet seen &sapp.Event used
// as a parameter type.
fn todo_remove_this(e &sapp.Event) {
fn gg_event_fn(ce &C.sapp_event, user_data voidptr) {
e := &sapp.Event(ce)
mut g := &Context(user_data)
if g.config.event_fn != voidptr(0) {
g.config.event_fn(e, g.config.user_data)
match e.typ {
.key_down {
if g.config.keydown_fn != voidptr(0) {
kdfn := g.config.keydown_fn
kdfn(e.key_code, e.modifiers, g.config.user_data)
.char {
if g.config.char_fn != voidptr(0) {
cfn := g.config.char_fn
cfn(e.char_code, g.config.user_data)
else {}
fn gg_cleanup_fn(user_data voidptr) {
mut g := &Context(user_data)
if g.config.cleanup_fn != voidptr(0) {
fn gg_fail_fn(msg charptr, user_data voidptr) {
mut g := &Context(user_data)
vmsg := tos3(msg)
if g.config.fail_fn != voidptr(0) {
g.config.fail_fn(vmsg, g.config.user_data)
} else {
eprintln('gg error: $vmsg')
pub fn new_context(cfg Config) &Context {
mut g := &Context{
width: cfg.width
height: cfg.height
clear_pass: gfx.create_clear_pass(f32(cfg.bg_color.r) / 255.0, f32(cfg.bg_color.g) / 255.0,
f32(cfg.bg_color.b) / 255.0, 1.0)
config: cfg
render_text: cfg.font_path != ''
ft: 0
// C.printf('new_context() %p\n', cfg.user_data)
window := C.sapp_desc{
user_data: g
init_userdata_cb: gg_init_sokol_window
frame_userdata_cb: gg_frame_fn
event_userdata_cb: gg_event_fn
fail_userdata_cb: gg_fail_fn
cleanup_userdata_cb: gg_cleanup_fn
window_title: cfg.window_title.str
html5_canvas_name: cfg.window_title.str
width: cfg.width
height: cfg.height
high_dpi: true
fullscreen: cfg.fullscreen
if cfg.use_ortho {
} else {
g.window = window
return g
pub fn (gg &Context) run() {
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_rect(x, y, w, h f32, c gx.Color) {
sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, 255)
sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale)
sgl.v2f((x + w) * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale)
sgl.v2f((x + w) * ctx.scale, (y + h) * ctx.scale)
sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, (y + h) * ctx.scale)
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_empty_rect(x, y, w, h f32, c gx.Color) {
sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, 255)
if ctx.scale == 1 {
sgl.v2f(x, y)
sgl.v2f(x + w, y)
sgl.v2f(x + w, y + h)
sgl.v2f(x, y + h)
sgl.v2f(x, y)
} else {
sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale)
sgl.v2f((x + w) * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale)
sgl.v2f((x + w) * ctx.scale, (y + h) * ctx.scale)
sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, (y + h) * ctx.scale)
sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale)
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_circle(x, y, r f32, c gx.Color) {
pub fn (gg &Context) begin() {
if gg.render_text && gg.font_inited {
sgl.ortho(0.0, f32(sapp.width()), f32(sapp.height()), 0.0, -1.0, 1.0)
pub fn (gg &Context) end() {
gfx.begin_default_pass(gg.clear_pass, sapp.width(), sapp.height())
if gg.config.wait_events {
// println('gg: waiting')
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_line(x, y, x2, y2 f32, c gx.Color) {
sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, 255)
sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale)
sgl.v2f(x2 * ctx.scale, y2 * ctx.scale)
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_rounded_rect(x, y, width, height, radius f32, color gx.Color) {
pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_empty_rounded_rect(x, y, width, height, radius f32, border_color gx.Color) {
fn C.WaitMessage()
pub fn wait_events() {
unsafe {
$if macos {
#NSEvent *event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSEventMaskAny
#untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture]
#[NSApp sendEvent:event];
$if windows {