87 lines
2.5 KiB
87 lines
2.5 KiB
module doc
import v.table
import v.parser
import v.ast
import os
// get_parent_mod - return the parent mod name, in dot format.
// It works by climbing up the folder hierarchy, until a folder,
// that either contains main .v files, or a v.mod file is reached.
// For example, given something like /languages/v/vlib/x/websocket/tests/autobahn
// it returns `x.websocket.tests`, because /languages/v/ has v.mod file in it.
// NB: calling this is expensive, so keep the result, instead of recomputing it.
fn get_parent_mod(input_dir string) ?string {
$if windows {
// windows root path is C: or D:
if input_dir.len <= 2 {
return error('root folder reached')
} $else {
if input_dir.len == 0 {
return error('root folder reached')
base_dir := os.dir(input_dir)
input_dir_name := os.file_name(base_dir)
prefs := new_vdoc_preferences()
fentries := os.ls(base_dir) or {
files := fentries.filter(!os.is_dir(it))
if 'v.mod' in files {
// the top level is reached, no point in climbing up further
return ''
v_files := prefs.should_compile_filtered_files(base_dir, files)
if v_files.len == 0 {
parent_mod := get_parent_mod(base_dir) or {
return input_dir_name
if parent_mod.len > 0 {
return parent_mod + '.' + input_dir_name
return error('No V files found.')
tbl := table.new_table()
scope := &ast.Scope{
parent: 0
file_ast := parser.parse_file(v_files[0], tbl, .skip_comments, prefs, scope)
if file_ast.mod.name == 'main' {
return ''
parent_mod := get_parent_mod(base_dir) or {
return input_dir_name
if parent_mod.len > 0 {
return '${parent_mod}.$file_ast.mod.name'
return file_ast.mod.name
pub fn lookup_module_with_path(mod string, base_path string) ?string {
mod_path := mod.replace('.', os.path_separator)
compile_dir := os.real_path(base_path)
modules_dir := os.join_path(compile_dir, 'modules', mod_path)
vlib_path := os.join_path(os.dir(@VEXE), 'vlib', mod_path)
vmodules_path := os.join_path(os.vmodules_dir(), mod_path)
paths := [modules_dir, vlib_path, vmodules_path]
for path in paths {
if !os.exists(path) || os.is_dir_empty(path) {
return path
return error('module "$mod" not found.')
pub fn lookup_module(mod string) ?string {
return lookup_module_with_path(mod, os.dir('.'))
pub fn generate_from_mod(module_name string, pub_only bool, with_comments bool) ?Doc {
mod_path := lookup_module(module_name) ?
return generate(mod_path, pub_only, with_comments)