317 lines
7.0 KiB
317 lines
7.0 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module parser
import os
import v.ast
import v.pref
import v.table
import v.token
import vweb.tmpl
// #flag darwin -I.
const (
supported_platforms = ['windows', 'macos', 'darwin', 'linux', 'freebsd', 'openbsd', 'netbsd',
'dragonfly', 'android', 'js', 'solaris', 'haiku', 'linux_or_macos']
supported_ccompilers = ['tinyc', 'clang', 'mingw', 'msvc', 'gcc']
// // #include, #flag, #v
fn (mut p Parser) hash() ast.HashStmt {
mut pos := p.prev_tok.position()
val := p.tok.lit
kind := val.all_before(' ')
mut main := ''
mut msg := ''
content := val.all_after('$kind ').all_before('//')
if content.contains(' #') {
main = content.all_before(' #').trim_space()
msg = content.all_after(' #').trim_space()
} else {
main = content.trim_space()
msg = ''
// p.trace('a.v', 'kind: ${kind:-10s} | pos: ${pos:-45s} | hash: $val')
return ast.HashStmt{
mod: p.mod
val: val
kind: kind
main: main
msg: msg
pos: pos
fn (mut p Parser) vweb() ast.ComptimeCall {
error_msg := 'only `\$tmpl()` and `\$vweb.html()` comptime functions are supported right now'
if p.peek_tok.kind == .dot {
n := p.check_name() // skip `vweb.html()` TODO
if n != 'vweb' {
n := p.check_name() // (.name)
if n != 'html' && n != 'tmpl' {
is_html := n == 'html'
s := if is_html { '' } else { p.tok.lit }
if !is_html {
// Compile vweb html template to V code, parse that V code and embed the resulting V function
// that returns an html string.
fn_path := p.cur_fn_name.split('_')
tmpl_path := if is_html { '${fn_path.last()}.html' } else { s }
// Looking next to the vweb program
dir := os.dir(p.scanner.file_path)
mut path := os.join_path(dir, fn_path.join('/'))
path += '.html'
if !is_html {
path = tmpl_path
if !os.exists(path) {
// can be in `templates/`
if is_html {
path = os.join_path(dir, 'templates', fn_path.join('/'))
path += '.html'
if !os.exists(path) {
if is_html {
p.error('vweb HTML template "$path" not found')
} else {
p.error('template file "$path" not found')
// println('path is now "$path"')
if p.pref.is_verbose {
println('>>> compiling comptime template file "$path"')
tmp_fn_name := p.cur_fn_name.replace('.', '__')
v_code := tmpl.compile_file(path, tmp_fn_name)
$if print_vweb_template_expansions ? {
lines := v_code.split('\n')
for i, line in lines {
println('$path:${i + 1}: $line')
mut scope := &ast.Scope{
start_pos: 0
parent: p.global_scope
if p.pref.is_verbose {
println('>>> vweb template for $path:')
println('>>> end of vweb template END')
mut file := parse_text(v_code, p.table, p.pref, scope, p.global_scope)
file = {
file |
path: tmpl_path
// copy vars from current fn scope into vweb_tmpl scope
for stmt in file.stmts {
if stmt is ast.FnDecl {
if stmt.name == 'main.vweb_tmpl_$tmp_fn_name' {
mut tmpl_scope := file.scope.innermost(stmt.body_pos.pos)
for _, obj in p.scope.objects {
if obj is ast.Var {
mut v := obj
v.pos = stmt.body_pos
tmpl_scope.register(v.name, v)
// set the controller action var to used
// if it's unused in the template it will warn
v.is_used = true
return ast.ComptimeCall{
is_vweb: true
vweb_tmpl: file
method_name: n
args_var: s
fn (mut p Parser) comp_for() ast.CompFor {
// p.comp_for() handles these special forms:
// $for method in App(methods) {
// $for field in App(fields) {
val_var := p.check_name()
lang := p.parse_language()
typ := p.parse_any_type(lang, false, false)
for_val := p.check_name()
mut kind := ast.CompForKind.methods
if for_val == 'methods' {
p.scope.register(val_var, ast.Var{
name: val_var
typ: p.table.find_type_idx('FunctionData')
} else if for_val == 'fields' {
p.scope.register(val_var, ast.Var{
name: val_var
typ: p.table.find_type_idx('FieldData')
kind = .fields
} else {
p.error('unknown kind `$for_val`, available are: `methods` or `fields`')
spos := p.tok.position()
stmts := p.parse_block()
return ast.CompFor{
val_var: val_var
stmts: stmts
kind: kind
typ: typ
pos: spos.extend(p.tok.position())
// @FN, @STRUCT, @MOD etc. See full list in token.valid_at_tokens
fn (mut p Parser) at() ast.AtExpr {
name := p.tok.lit
kind := match name {
'@FN' { token.AtKind.fn_name }
'@MOD' { token.AtKind.mod_name }
'@STRUCT' { token.AtKind.struct_name }
'@VEXE' { token.AtKind.vexe_path }
'@FILE' { token.AtKind.file_path }
'@LINE' { token.AtKind.line_nr }
'@COLUMN' { token.AtKind.column_nr }
'@VHASH' { token.AtKind.vhash }
'@VMOD_FILE' { token.AtKind.vmod_file }
else { token.AtKind.unknown }
return ast.AtExpr{
name: name
pos: p.tok.position()
kind: kind
// TODO import warning bug
const (
todo_delete_me = pref.OS.linux
fn os_from_string(os string) pref.OS {
match os {
'linux' {
return .linux
'windows' {
return .windows
'ios' {
return .ios
'macos' {
return .macos
'freebsd' {
return .freebsd
'openbsd' {
return .openbsd
'netbsd' {
return .netbsd
'dragonfly' {
return .dragonfly
'js' {
return .js
'solaris' {
return .solaris
'android' {
return .android
'msvc' {
// notice that `-os msvc` became `-cc msvc`
verror('use the flag `-cc msvc` to build using msvc')
'haiku' {
return .haiku
'linux_or_macos' {
return .linux
else {
panic('bad os $os')
// println('bad os $os') // todo panic?
return .linux
// `app.$action()` (`action` is a string)
// `typ` is `App` in this example
// fn (mut p Parser) comptime_method_call(typ table.Type) ast.ComptimeCall {
fn (mut p Parser) comptime_method_call(left ast.Expr) ast.ComptimeCall {
method_name := p.check_name()
mut j := 0
sym := p.table.get_type_symbol(typ)
if sym.kind != .struct_ {
p.error('not a struct')
// info := sym.info as table.Struct
for method in sym.methods {
if method.return_type != table.void_type {
receiver := method.args[0]
if !p.expr_var.ptr {
p.error('`$p.expr_var.name` needs to be a reference')
amp := if receiver.is_mut && !p.expr_var.ptr { '&' } else { '' }
if j > 0 {
p.gen(' else ')
p.genln('if (string_eq($method_name, _STR("$method.name")) ) ' + '${typ.name}_$method.name ($amp $p.expr_var.name);')
mut args_var := ''
if p.tok.kind == .name {
args_var = p.tok.lit
if p.tok.kind == .key_orelse {
// p.genln('else {')
// p.statements()
return ast.ComptimeCall{
left: left
method_name: method_name
args_var: args_var